Living on margin Part One

Living on margin means living on less than 100% of your income.

Most peoples incomes are all lumped into one bunch. Everything goes into that lump and it is called income

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What goes out of there is called Bills, or more technically “Outgoings.”

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So most people’s informal budgets look like this

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This is called an informal budget

As I said this is an “informal” budget. That is to say it is vaguely outlined into two simple factors of In and Out, but it is not a formal budget, that is to say an “Organised” Budget.

The next step up in budgeting is to start organising your assets, which in the physical world means housing, saving and investments etc. This takes some organising and perhaps 20% of the population may have budgeting to a greater or lesser degree. These people tend to be a lot more financially viable than the rest of mankind, simply because the are organised. Know the difference between a man in poverty and a man in wealth comes down to one word – Organisation!

But there is a vary small percentage of people (perhaps one 10th of one percent) who organise their finances on a different level altogether. These people are “Spiritual” or “wholistic” budgeters. They end up as empowered people!

Their investments always start on the spiritual realm in two ways. Why two ways? Because there are two different types of spiritual investments …

(1) Spiritual/physical investments

(2) physical/Spiritual investments

This is because spiritual investors are working with energy levels of 1 on the physical plane and 100 on the Spiritual plane. So the two types of investments are 1/100 and 100/1 (one to one hundred and one hundred to one). Know that all spiritual processes are wholistic which is why so many fail in the spiritual realm, because they go for one favourite side of their spiritual life and ignore the other “Must Do” side!

The 100/1 investments are called gifting to self, whilst the 1/100 investments are called gifting to others. These are the actions we must take to achieve the processes in our lives – Gifting to self and then gifting to others. It Must be done in this order!

So the two types of spiritual investments are…

100/1 investments = gifting to self

1/100 investments = gifting to others

Both these investments set up what are called “Virtuous Cycles. ” Know that virtuous cycles are the keys to wealth which is simply Happiness plus Abundance.

Happiness plus Abundance = Wealth

Notice how Happiness comes first. Why is this? Because “What profits the man who gains the earth and loses his soul?” What is the point of Being rich and miserable? None at all! Money amplifies what we are. If we are unhappy it amplifies our unhappiness. If we are happy it amplifies our happiness! The only type of happiness that is totally immune to money is Spiritual happiness!

It is no harder to build Spiritual Happiness than it is to build physical happiness, only slower. Remember, physical happiness has an energy base of 1 whilst Spiritual happiness has an energy base of 100.

On the physical route to riches all you have to do is invest money and reap it multiplied. This is called doing and having! But what is missing out of that formula? Beingness! To be Wealthy we have to Be, do and having takes care of itself automatically!

Know we can only achieve true happiness by following our Beingness. Our Beingness is the very purpose that we were born to achieve. Achieve you Beingness and sublime Bliss and Ecstasy is yours! Achieve your Beingness and you literally “Get paid to play!”

So how do we achieve this sublime happiness? Jesus knew the answer very well – by becoming one of the Poor! Jesus said, and I quote “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!” [Matthew 5:3] Is not the kingdom of heaven the ultimate form of happiness? I have found it to be so.

So the path to wealth is a two step process- first we become Poor (poor is a state of Beingness that has nothing to do with the amount you have in this new age). Whilst we are in the state of Poor we learn to work under the laws of providence which state, “Everything you need will be given to you either very cheap or free!” We have to learn how to work the laws of providence because they are the foundations of “The powers of command” which is God’s greatest gift!

In the state of Poor we become free of the worries of the world and invest in virtuous cycles (100/1 and 1/100). It is the returns from those virtuous cycles that propel us into the next state which is called abundance. The law of abundance states. “You can have anything you want but there is a price to pay!” What is the price we have to pay? We have to fulfill our Beingness! And we can only do that by achieving the state of Poor.

Unfortunately the word Poor is bandied around very carelessly by the world, especially the press and TV. To them it is interchangeable with poverty. But poverty and the state of Poor are like chalk and cheese and it is only with study of the state of Poor (notice the capital P) that we come to understand that it is a dynamic spiritual force that leads to the state of Abundance and then on to the state of Wealthy. Wealth is the gifting of the powers of command to you – “As you speak out of your mouth, so it shall Be

The “state” of poverty is actually a state of lack – like darkness is a state of “the lack of light.” Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light – it is as simple as that. So the state of Poor is the first state of light that throws out the darkness of both poverty and riches by illuminating every corner! Did you know that riches are a state of poverty? They are, because they are gained simply by doing and having. Poverty is gained by not doing and not having! Where is the Beingness in either of the two dis-empowered states? It’s not there! Which is why they are states of darkness.

Beingness is an empowered state. The word em-powered means “Power from without” Literally powered by God! The state of Poor is the first state of empowerment. Once we achieve the state of Poor by investing in the two spiritual assets (virtuous cycles) we are literally on our way to abundance.

Once we attain abundance and handle it properly we can achieve a state called Wealth! Wealth is the highest state of all as it is a synergisation of both Poor, Abundance and the Powers of Command, where the sum of the parts is greater than the sum of the whole.

Why am I explaining all these things? Because you can’t just head out on a journey not knowing your destination! If you don’t know what your destination is you are just going for a Sunday drive!

Or as they say in motivation circles, “If you don’t change where you’re heading, you’ll end up where you’re going!” For most people heading out they are heading towards the cliffs!

I repeat, your true destination in life is Wealth, which is achieved by attaining the state of Poor first and then the state of Abundance! This article about living on margin is the beginning of your journey. Without living on margin you’ll never even leave your home driveway!

So back to spiritual investing. When we start we have to allocate some money to two types of gifting. The first, and most important type, is Gifting to yourself. This is not in the least egotistical and is the most Spiritual type of gifting there is! Why is this? Because you are gifting to your own Godhead!

Who does God love above all? Why, God of course! Then He loves Man. And Man loves God and Man loves Man. Those are the 4 types of Spiritual love. As God loves god first and we are made in the image of God then it stands to reason that we must love our own Godhead first. Our own Godhead is called the state of Man (note the capital) So Man must love man. To put it another way we must learn to love our own souls before we can love the souls of others! “As within, so without.”

Which is why we always pay ourselves first. The correct way to pay ourselves is to create a family bank that will last a thousand years. This is because when we die our souls survive (Soul = Beingness) whilst our brains and body are annihilated and spread back over the earth.

As our soul continues to exists and we have to make a “soul” bank, it stands to reason that only a family bank can survive our death (Rebirth into the next world.)

Death is the final destination of us all in this world! The only thing we can take with us into the next world is the Love we create in this world. To become abundant we have to learn to Love money as a spiritual tool. The state of Poor detaches us from money as a “Commodity.” It is the collecting of money as a commodity that leads to the disempowered state of “riches.” What does the rich man take to the next world – very little because he has spent his time on accumulating stagnant money instead of Living Love.

Those of us who accumulate living love on earth take every bit of it with us and if we have built a “Spiritual” family bank, we leave that behind us as an entity to help our spiritual family and the world for many generations to come! I dare say that will be taken into account in our life’s summing up in the next world! Lol! Heaven is Being close to God in this world and the next! Hell is not a place – it is simply being far from God in both worlds.

End of part one. To be continued…

Thanks for reading this, more exciting news to come tomorrow!

reverend J’iam

About reverendjiam

Namaste I am a master metaphysician , an artist and a lover of life and people. I was given a new organisation - the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network - in an epiphany in 1992. I have spent all the time since then struggling to get it started. It was started three years ago and now has 3 members. This year will see us expand to 100 members and then we'll be launched! in the future it will spread world wide and even to our colonies in space! Since writing this I have been promoted to the level of Peacemaker. Apparently there are only seven in this class in the world at the moment. I was promoted when Nelson Mandela died and am amongst greats like John Lennon, Gandhi and The Dalai Lama. Each of us have our own particular task. Mine is to teach Peace (the state of Poor) and Prosperity (the state of Abundance), to lift people up above the negative material state into a state of heavenly BEingness, called Wealth. J'iam

Posted on January 8, 2015, in abundance, Beingness, empowerment, riches, spiritual, wealth and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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