Category Archives: peace

The New Paradigm

The word paradigm means a general pattern or model, so there is a new pattern, or model, extent in the world today.

The bird of world peace has two wings. It has taken 171 years for prosperity to consolidate into one wing of the bird. We don’t need any more prosperity – there is enough for everyone, right now. What we need is a new system of distribution to share the wealth fairly.

Whilst capitalism was used to build the prosperity, it is now hampering world peace, because the prosperity is not being shared equitably. The fruits of capitalism have been concentrated into the hands of a few who gorge most of the world’s assets and won’t share them with others – much like a naughty child who wants all the Toys and refuses to share them with anyone!

So the other wing – the wing of prosperity (which is more about distribution than creating prosperity) is being built right now. This will give the bird a chance to fly, so that we may see a New Age – the likes of which mankind has never seen before! An age of true Peace and Prosperity for all!

The word “paradigm” is what I call a Buzz-word. It’s meaning leads onto other things. Because there is a new general pattern around, that means the tools we used to control the old pattern are no longer working! We need a new tool, a new method.

The ditches we dug for a rainfall cannot cope with the flood conditions of abundance! So God has gifted us a new tool – a wholistic peace and prosperity tool that allows us – the people – to build our own personal peace and prosperity.

What is the best way to share, to redistribute, the wealth of the world? To simply stop allowing the capitalist bullies to take our toys (assets) off us! We all have enough assets during our lifetimes to redistribute wealth away from the rich back to us, but to date there has been no realistic methods of doing this!

In 1992 God revealed the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network to me, in a two day vision! It then took me 19 years to fully understand the system and what it’s purpose was. At first I thought it was a system to make me wealthy. And then, at the end of the 19 years I realised it was a system to replace capitalism, communism, all the “isms!” to make every one who chooses to be wealthy able to do so!

WPPN (the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network) has 4 basic fundamentals – body, mind, soul and spiritual law. These four factors are changes for the better, to achieve Personal Peace and Prosperity.

You see, God is now working at the cellular level to change the body of the world! He is working with you and I to make us peaceful and prosperous, so the world may become peaceful and prosperous too. God is working local, whilst thinking global! Working on the cellular level to heal the body! WPPN is a permanent solution to the economic problems of the world.

To try to imagine peace without prosperity is an illusion. To try to imagine prosperity without peace is also an illusion! We have all the assets we need on a world basis to solve all the problems in the world, with only 25% of annual arms spending. But the political system won’t release that money for use because the people “are too lazy!” What that really means is the political system is addicted to war and won’t look after the people it is currently “defending” itself against!

So we must deny them (the capitalists/politicians) access to our assets. We can do this through WPPN.

Know 90% of westerners have enough money to become millionaires in 20 to 40 years! What we lack is three things – Knowledge, a Method and Commitment! Now God has released a method that provides the knowledge within it and accelerates the results to minimise the time we need to reach peace and prosperity. He has also made it permanent so that it passes down through the generations!

This method is the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network (WPPN)! After 19 years of study and 23 years of actions I couldn’t ask for anything better!

During these 19 years of study God was with me every step of the way, showing me the secrets I’d need to know to make this system work for others. It’s okay to have a perfect system, but not okay if no one can explain it! All systems/methods, have to be duplicable! It took me 19 years to make WPPN duplicable.

The good news is that you too can use this method to create Personal peace and prosperity in your life. Whilst it took me 19 years to even understand it, I find now that it only takes a member 5 to 10 years to move from hopelessness to personal wealth and prosperity. And that time will reduce as the system spreads!

It always seems impossible until someone does it! Everyone knew you couldn’t break the 4 minute mile until Roger Bannister actually did it! Within 6 weeks another 10 had done it because, suddenly, they knew it was possible! It always comes down to one person being “inspired” to make the change!

I am Blessed to have been picked to be that person who introduces a new world system of Peace and Prosperity, that is the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network!

We will never be at this stage again, where we can be the original builders of a new system! After us all the rest will be followers, not leaders!

Come and Join us and make yourself the captain of your own Boat, the decider of your own destiny, the planner of your own future, the creator of a whole new way of life for yourself, your family and descendents!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam

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