Monthly Archives: March 2015

What it is like to die

You will be sitting, talking to someone and then see their face panicking and think, “I wonder what’s wrong with them?” You will feel very, very relaxed and then gradually float up to the ceiling. From there you will see them worrying/panicking at your lifeless body (which you can see too!)

There will be no panic on your part as you look on in wonder at the scene below you and then come to the conclusion that you are dead. “No worries!”, you’ll just thank your body for it’s wonderful service on earth, then turn around and move forward!

From here on, each persons journey will reflect their life on earth. So if you have lived a life of fear you may feel fear. If you have lived a life of hate you will have a tougher time than the majority.

If you lived an aimless life all the things that were important will be known to you, but it will be too late to do anything about it – because you have left the earthly life forever. The reason for this is we have to account for our actions on earth to get into the new world permanently – no exceptions what so ever!

Very rarely you will be sent back – like I was. This is called “A Near Death Experience” and is a huge blessing on you! It is well worth reading a couple of books on near death experiences. You will notice that the vast majority of NDE-ers have no fear of death any more. Literally a case of “do the thing you fear and your fear will disappear.” The vast majority of souls (us) are not afraid of death itself – it is only the ego that is afraid to let go and enter the door of death! Remember the ego is facing annihilation!

Know that everyone goes to heaven and that there is no such place as Hell. Hell is the feeling of self-condemnation/regret we get when we have to bring our lives on earth into account! Here we find that this account shows us how close we got to God on earth! Our potential may have been to get within an inch of God and yet we only came within a mile of Him on earth! This is the whole reason for coming to earth – to get as close to God as we can!

How close we get to God on earth is how close we start to Him in the next world. We can voluntarily get as close as we can on earth in this life, but we are dependent on God in the next world to get closer. We cannot move ourselves any closer because we have no free will in the next world. The gift of free will is an absolutely huge one here on earth.

Know that free will exists only here on earth and only for human beings! And when we realise that in the next world, then that is the regret/hell we feel at not doing our best here on earth. – we may take 1 million years to get close to God, when we could have done it on earth in less than 100 years! That lost opportunity can never be gotten back! That feeling is hell! Hell is not a place, it is a feeling on our part!

How do you think you will feel when you are faced with such a scenario (and you will be!)

How do you think you will feel if you got to within 2 inches of God? Pretty amazing! 1 inch out of a mile is nothing, for we are not perfect on earth! And we are not judged on what we missed out on, but on what we achieved!

God doesn’t judge us, we have to judge ourselves! Of course this is all done on a much higher level in the next world and the rules are based on Justice, Love, Grace and Mercy.

Spiritual people on earth are asked to bring themselves to account each day, so we eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive daily. This is to build us up, ready for service in both this world and the next!

A spiritual master wants to set you free. A church wants to set you into slavery! And by church I mean all negative aspects of all faiths – Christianity, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam etc.

His Holiness Jesus said, “You will Know the truth, and the truth will set you free!”

Death can take any of us at any time, enjoy your life and don’t get attached to it, for it will be gone in the twinkling of an eye!

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

kindest regards,

reverend master j’iam

reverend master jiam 00080

3 Levels of the universe # 2

In the first chapter we looked at Plane, Type and Status. Today we are going to look at three very important factors of Size, Energy and Weight.

Know that the size factor of each of the three levels (physical, metaphysical and Spiritual) is different.


The physical level – the level we are literally born into – is a very tiny place (although it seems huge to the child!) It is definitely finite in size.


As tiny babies we can reach to the edge of our world (The sides of our cot) with our arms! Know that 60% of the world remain in the physical structure as adults. Remaining in the finite world limits us to our bodies and we are known as “Kinesthestics.” You can always recognise kinaesthetics by their speech patterns. In older folk we hear them say, “You Know” a lot. In the past 20 years the words “you know” have been replaced by the word “like.”

Both “you know” and “like” are replacement words because kinaesthetics work through the body to access thoughts and that is a really slow process, hence the use of, like, replacement words, you know, that they cannot express! To talk to kinaesthetics you have to use the words, “feel, felt, found (and you know to the older people and like to the younger ones)”


The next level up is the metaphysical, which is semi-infinite in scope. Whilst the body thinker is working in the bowels of the ship, the captain is working from the “bridge” where he can see miles out to sea! Know that about 20% of the world live in this level. These people work with sound, which is a lot faster and is the first level of real energy.

People who work with sound are called “Auditories.” know that 100% of singers are auditories! Plus 99.99% of teachers are auditories too!

As I said the world of the captain is a lot bigger and faster – he can see at least 11 miles through binoculars

Know the speed of a kinaesthetic is the speed of the body which is around 20mph whilst the speed of an auditory is the speed of sound, which is 770 mph (1,200 kilometres per hour). It is this difference in speed that allows the brain/ego to make 75% of money for rich people(not that you ever want to be rich!) The faster an object moves the greater it’s momentum capacity.

On the auditory level is where we get spoken powers of command – something teachers are very good at (or obstinate, as the politicians like to call teachers!)

To communicate well to auditories use words like “I Hear what you say”. “Sounds good to me” and “in conclusion.”

The top level is the spiritual level. On this level our outlook is infinite.


This is because the owner of the ship, whilst living on the actual ship itself, is not confined to the ship. At the back of the ship is a heli-pad with a helicopter the owner can just hop into and fly away! Just getting 100 metres above the ship extends his line of vision a long way! And a helicopter can fly up to the clouds, or above the clouds on a miserable day, into the sunshine!

Of course when the ship eventually sinks the owner just gets into the helicopter and flies away to a new world. The captain “goes down with the ship” along with the crew and both are recycled back into the physical world. So the ship, crew and captain are recycled whilst the owner continues to live, because the soul is infinite! And that, in a nutshell, is our life!

If we are living in the ego as the captain, or as the ship, or as a crewman we are doomed to eventual annihilation! Luckily we can transfer positions by becoming the owner (of our own soul.) And we can synergise (unite)all three whilst alive to have a very happy ship indeed! This is possible under spiritual law and is called internal unification – “a house united will always win!

When our owner, the captain and the crew work together (cooperate) a lot more gets achieved. Did you know that the average cooperative business is twice as efficient as a capitalist business? The same goes for an internally cooperative person, as opposed to an internally divided person. But not just twice as efficient, many fold (exponential) more efficient!

Unity is also known as “wholeness.” Wholeness in the Bible is known as Holy. Wholeness is Holy, Holy is wholeness, simple as that.

Wholeness of self is important because it increases our power base whilst “lightening” us up. Have a look at the chart below.


In the above chart we have two new factors – Energy and Weight. Weight can also be called frequency, but for spiritual purposes I prefer to call it weight, simply because it Acts like weight. The less weight we have to carry around, the easier life is!

Imagine you had 100 tons of weight to move from point A to point B and only 1 horse power to achieve it? It wouldn’t be an easy job! This is the energy to weight ratio on the physical level.

But say you have only 10 tons to move and 10 horse power? That is going to be a lot easier! This is the energy to weight ratio on the metaphysical level!

And now look at the spiritual energy to weight ratio – there are zero (0) tons to move with100 horse power! This is the level of EM-powerment because we can move anything we want with our energy!

Let’s just look at the energy column individually.

If we work in the physical world (as 60% of us do) we are very limited in what we can achieve. Mainly performance feats like “world records!”

If we work in the metaphysical world we work on an energy level of 10.


Know that 20% of the world works of this “auditory” level. Of course they can easily achieve 10 times the results, because they are working with a base energy of 10. Some people on this level also work on both the metaphysical and physical levels thus ADDING their two energies together to achieve and energy level of 11!


The next step is the spiritual level. Now there are many different levels in this realm. To begin with we will look at the very lowest level – the visual level. On the visual level 20% of the people are practising. All painters/artists are visuals (Sculptors are kineathetic/visual and others are auditory/visuals (like Len Lye.) 99% of artists are visuals.

Know also that 99% of CEOs are visual. They have to be to see the “Big picture” of a corporation. All spiritual masters are also visuals – “Brother have you seen the light?” Lol!

The CEOs work in an area just below the bottom line of the 100 box giving them perhaps an extra 15 points to total 16. Spiritual masters work in the full box (and above) giving them 111 – the full synergy of body, mind and soul. Anyone who asks and then puts in the work (discipline) can become a master of varying degrees.


For the next step up in energy power we have to change the spiritual in the plane column to Soul so we can differentiate between human energy and spiritual energy.

Know that in the big spiritual picture there are three levels of energy – the Divine, the spiritual and the human energies. Know also that we cannot access the laws of synergisation (spiritual cooperation) until we are whole on the human level (111 energy.)

You will notice how there are often three levels in the wholistic world. This is a consistent pattern. It also Builds – 3, 6, 9, plus 11, 13 and 19.

You will notice that the figures in the energy column are all Additive!

See also how there are three levels on the human level and three levels on the spiritual level.

A lot of people think there is only one level in the spiritual realm, but there are definitely three. One of them we are denied access to (in this world for sure!) This is the top level, which is called, obviously, the Unknowable level. This is the Home of God, Allah, Jehovah, call him what you want – one name is as good as another, as the name is not for Him, but for us!

The unknowable essence works in numbers that start at billions and go up. In fact in this realm it works on exponential counting – which is described Biblically as “folds.”

One fold, is 2 to the power of 1 (2¹) = 2.

Two fold, is 2 to the power of 2 (2²) = 4.

Three fold, is 2 to the power of 3 (2³) = 8 s

four fold, is 2 to the power of 4 (24)= 16

and so fourth.

I was reading a church commentary and the writer was using times and fold interchangeably. He had no concept of the huge difference in numbers!

Thirty times is 60, whilst thirty fold is 1,073,741,824!

Fifty times is 100, whilst fifty fold is 1,125,899,906,842,624.

and one hundred times is 200, whilst hundred fold is 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376

1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 is expressed in words as One nonillion, two hundred and sixty seven octillion, six hundred and fifty septillion, six hundred hexillion, two hundred and twenty eight pentillion, two hundred and twenty nine quadrillion, four hundred and one trillion, four hundred and ninety six billion, seven hundred and three million, two hundred and five thousand, three hundred and seventy six. Quite a large number, I’d say! And a fair bit bigger than 200! Lol!

Sorry to take you down the maths road, but I hope it is interesting to you. The reason I am treading this road is to show you why people don’t normally see these numbers. The reason for this is that all three systems start with the two same numbers – 1 and 2! We are taught addition and multiplication at school at a young age, so whenever we see the sequence 1, 2 we automatically think “is that addition or multiplication?” We don’t even consider the third choice because most of us aren’t even aware that it exists!


So the ignorant author continues on mistaking times for fold/exponential – you can see the amount of the errors, it is huge!

Enough of this diversion, back to the subject

Energy; so there are three levels of energy, the physical(additive), the metaphysical(multiplication) and the spiritual (fold/exponential). Learning the exponential level is important because if we continue to use multiplication principles the results manifest on that level. Which means we are producing at Man’s level rather than at God’s Level! This explains why “for Man these things are impossible, for God all things are possible!” Because God works on the exponential scale. We can only really handle up to 100 fold in our minds, but God is capable of 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1 million, 1 billion, 1 trillion fold and even higher! That is why, “God needs only say Be and it is!”

Compared to the unknowable essence man is an ant compared to the infinite universe!


On the first three steps we worked on the human scale. Once we internally synergise/unite we move up to the higher power levels of God. God’s energy is then usable by us. It is not our energy but we can use it once we become trustworthy. God’s energy flows into our life and this flow is called em-powerment. Em means from without, so it is energy that flows into us for our use in the world (English is a wonderfully precise language!)

Once we become empowered God’s energy is Added to ours! So as human beings we can reach an energy level of 111, but as empowered beings we can reach the first level of God (the water/knowledge level) which totals 1,111! We can then progress onto 11,111 by becoming “of the Fire” by manifesting Godly actions! That brings us to the end of the “spiritual energy” level.

Again we can move up to the “divine energy” level. Here the energy starts at 100,000. so in this realm our energy starts at 111,1111.

Notice how our human energy (111) added up equals 3 (1+1+1=3), whilst our empowered energy (111,111) equals 6. Gods unknowable energy equals 9 and 9 is the actual number of this age!


I’d better finish off here today, so I can get this online and start work on part 3

kindest regards

reverend master J’iam

reverend master jiam 00042B

3 Levels of the universe # 1

A few years ago I was inspired to write a chart down. It was the culmination of 35 years of studies into metaphysics. Now the time has come for me to release this chart to the world (everything has an order!)

The chart works on three levels and interconnects all three by describing the properties of each level. So, including the descriptive header the chart is 4 rows deep. Below is the very left hand column, which is descriptive…

three levels000

There are many (30+) columns of descriptions. The first columns are as follows…

three levels000A

As we go along the rows, each column give a brief explanation of the manifestation of the factors. The second column covers our status/position. So here we can see that the Mind (soul) is the owner of the ship, the ego is the captain of the ship and the body is the actual ship itself! If we are filling these 3 positions correctly we are both balanced and synergised (united)!

three levels001

So the first column (Type) describes the three integral parts of all beings on earth, that of the Soul, the Brain and the Body. So on the top level we have the Soul/mind (did you know that your mind doesn’t reside in your brain? It resides in the eighth chakra which floats above the head and is connected to the brain from there)

The next level down is the brain which is also called the ego.

And the lowest level, the physical, is the body.

Each of these levels are described in the status column as Owner, captain and ship. So you/ your mind are the Owner of the ship and the captain must work for you.

The captain is your servant who cannot make decisions (all decisions come from the soul) and who is liable to run the ship onto the rocks if he takes it out onto the harbour of his own volition. However if you tell him where to go he doesn’t have to make a decision and can carry out the whole trip safely and quickly, no matter where you want to go, exactly to your orders.

The ship is controlled by the captain and you have to let him do this. You also have to make sure he treats the ship and the seamen fairly and tell him off if he doesn’t (and praise him when he does!)

At one stage I spent six months trying to destroy the ego (captain of the ship) and in the end I asked God why I couldn’t do it? “Because I created him to serve you,” God replied, “and he is under my protection! If the ship has no captain, who is going to sail it for you?”

DUH!!! (says I, at my Idiocy) So I had to go to the captain and make peace with him, give him command of the ship, laying out how I expected him to treat the crew and keep the ship in good shape (“ship shape and Bristol fashion!”) This is the process of internal synergisation I talk about elsewhere!

After that life was so, so much easier. I tell the captain where I want to go, he plots the course and gives orders to the crew on what to do, when to do it and where to steer the ship! In the end we all get to our destination safely and happily!

The chart has being laying unrevealed for many years, but now is the time to reveal it, which I will do over the next few months, bit by bit. The chart isn’t worth much without an explanation of each part!

Look for other parts that will come from time to time,

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam

reverend master jiam 00042

What is the difference between riches and wealth?

042 riches and wealth

Today I am sharing a copy of my book called “Class reunion 2025”

Today I am sharing a copy of my book called “Class reunion 2025”

This book is a fictional story that reveals a truth (like acres of diamonds or the richest man in Babylon.)

Note that it reveals the secret of material wealth only – the doing and having aspect only. The BE-ingness is not included at all and our Beingness is the secret of perpetual happiness! Just Be aware of this when reading. Enjoy!

Class Reunion 2025

Where the secret of material riches are revealed.

“Class of 05” announces the sign strung from the rafters of the hall where the twenty year school reunion is being held. There’s a large gathering around a man standing beneath the banner. He’s considered the most successful member of the 2005 graduating class, for he is wealthy and powerful.

Bob lives an enviable lifestyle. He donates large sums to various charities, yet each year sees an increase in his wealth. Strangely, he was not picked as the most likely to succeed in the graduating yearbook – in fact no mention was made of his potential at all. The gathered old boys, curious at his success, were crowding around asking questions.

“How did you do it? Is it luck? Did you inherit your riches? How do you manage to have everything while many of us struggle to make ends meet? You weren’t top of the class; you studied the same subjects, under the same teachers. Why has your life turned out so differently from ours?” The questions washed over him like a Tsunami.

Raising his hand for silence Bob looked around the sea of remembered faces, rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and replied. “Because you’re old school-friends I’ll share the secrets of my success with you tonight. The great news about my success is that you too can do what I’ve done, have the things I have, or even more, if you want.” He pulled up a chair and sat comfortably facing the audience, who moved into a circle around him.

“My friends, it is true that we shared common ground when we were at school. You will find nothing in our schooling that accounts for the differences in our fortunes – rather the answer lies in what happened AFTER leaving. For it was then that my true education began and the differences in our fortunes started. Know that knowledge is of two kinds. The first type is of things known. This is the type we receive in school and it’s commonly called general knowledge. Then there is the learning of unknown or empowering knowledge. This is available only to those who seek it.”

“It’s in this area of hidden knowledge that the principles of wealth creation, and retention, lay. If you are not wealthy it is because you either don’t know, or don’t practice, these wealth principles. Most likely the first. Neither luck or inheritance have a part to play in true wealth creation – it is the application of the wealth principles that creates wealth, and it is these that must be sought after, found and put into practice.”

“School teachers don’t know the wealth principles because they are not general knowledge! Think it out for yourself. If teachers knew how to be wealthy they would be driving around in Rolls Royces or Mercedes! No, the wealth principles lie outside of the schooling system and teachers never leave school to find them!”

“What about Luck, which some say is the source of wealth? I believe that luck is a fickle master that may lead you to unearned riches, then back into poverty with the same ease. Luck makes spendthrifts of many recipients, for there is no value to unearned money. Too soon the money will evaporate leaving only insatiable cravings and unfilled desires.

Others luck makes into misers who starve in the midst of their gold: they wont spend their money for they don’t know how to replace it once it’s gone. How can they? The money came by chance, not design, thus it’s not consciously repeatable. They hide themselves away in fear of robbery that could remove the money so easily gained. How unfortunate and lonely is the life of a miser! There may be some who can take their good fortune and make it multiply for them, still retaining their happy ways. But I have not come across many like this, so far.” A hum of agreement came from the listening group and there was a general nodding of heads.

One of Bob’s classmates spoke out, “So your wealth is not because of luck or inheritance – we now understand this. So please tell us how you came into your great wealth.”

“Certainly,” Bob agreed. “After leaving school it dawned on me one day that there were two paths I could follow. One led to wealth and all the good things in life, the other to small rewards with years of scrimping and struggling. I saw this reflected in the lives of other people in society, on TV, in magazines and in my friends and work-mates. Yet it is the latter path of refined poverty that the majority seem to travel, despite their unhappiness of this lifestyle.”

A member of the audience chipped in, “Money doesn’t solve all your problems!”

“You’re certainly right about that! In fact money only solves the problems that money solves,” replied Bob, “But that’s a heap of problems solved, my friends!” The crowd laughed heartily at this pithy truth.

After the chuckling had faded bob continued, “With money you have CHOICES. You can travel, buy fine artworks, always have the best and donate money to worthy causes. You have a freedom of lifestyle with money as your tool.

I decided that I would rather have money than not, as long as I could find a way that didn’t sacrifice my principles or inner happiness. A thought occurred to me that there must be someone in this world who’d already done what I wanted to do. “If only,” I reasoned, “If only, I could find that person and ask him HOW he did it, then I’d know how to do it too!” Little did I know that this thought had set in motion a chain of events that would lead me to unlimited prosperity! With the benefit of hindsight I know now that there are thousands of such people in the world, but at that stage I was totally ignorant of this fact. These people are living treasures and like all treasures they are not immediately obvious. Rather they are hidden, veiled if you like, and must be sought out. But I had made the first step, which was expressing the desire. I decided to dedicate my efforts to seeking this goal.”

“In the meantime, to keep body and soul together, I found work as a clerk in an accountants office. The pay was low for I was young and inexperienced. I laboured long and hard for, it seemed, very little pay. Even as time raised my income I found myself slipping into a vicious cycle of debt, with my outgoings easily catching up to my net income. I was on the same treadmill as everyone else and my dream seemed to slip further away with each passing day.”

“One day a wealthy client came in – it was the busy season and he wanted a complicated job done in a hurry. The boss promised to have it done in two days and promptly handed it over to me, proving the old saying, “Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself.” Predictably the work wasn’t finished in time and the client was not pleased! But he could see that it wasn’t the fault of the junior, who had been handed a task beyond his means.”

As his anger was faded it occurred to me that here was a man who might have the answers I sought. This thought gave me the courage to say to him, “You’re a wealthy man and I am seeking the secrets of wealth! If I can finish your job before 9 o’clock tomorrow morning, will you teach me the secrets of your wealth?” He looked at me silently for a minute, thinking the challenge over, and replied, “Ambitious words for one so young, and it’s a hard task you set yourself. But such keenness commands my attention so I will accept on the following terms. If you deliver as promised I’ll pay you well and tell you the secrets of my wealth. If you fail, however, you will forfeit both money and secrets. Is it a deal?” He held out his hand to seal the deal and I took it and shook it.

“Start immediately, young man,” he continued, “for you haven’t a minute to spare. Should your energy flag focus on the reward, a secret worth at least three lifetimes money compared to your present income. I will return at nine o’clock sharp tomorrow morning to pick up the work.” Having said this he turned and quickly strode out.”

“Realizing that here, at last, was the answer to my goal to track the source of wealth, I quickly set to work. I pushed myself with a vengeance until my body cried out for relief. How the hours seemed to speed by as I raced against the merciless clock! On and on I worked, through the night until the rising of the sun, followed by the arrival of the first workers. I finished the work with minutes to spare.”

“As promised, on the hour, in he walked. “Well?” he asked. I could only look at him through bloodshot eyes, grin and hand him the finished sheaf of papers. “Well Done! Congratulations!” he exclaimed, after thumbing through to check for correctness.

“You have done extremely well. I have a cheque here to pay for your time and efforts. I suggest you take the day off to sleep before I share the secrets with you, for you will need to be alert. Come to this address at 8 o’clock tonight,” he said, handing me his card, “and we will talk.”

“Going home I crawled into bed and slept like a baby. I awoke trembling with anticipation with all sorts of thoughts running through my head. What exotic secrets would I learn tonight? Visions of philosophers stones and the Midas touch thrilled me. Now the minutes crawled by as I awaited the meeting hour.”

“I set out early on my journey and, arriving at the appointed time, rang the doorbell. The door was opened by a butler and I was ushered into the presence of my benefactor who extended his hand in greeting. “Welcome Bob.” he said, “Your work was most impressive – accurate and profitable too! Take a seat and we will begin”.

“You are young.” he started, “and youth is like lightning, flashing across the sky with its accompanying clap of thunder. Youth has great energy but lacks experience and so, like lightning, its effects are here and gone. The experience of age is more like the night star the sailors set their course by – the light is dimmer but twinkles consistently. So listen very, very carefully to what I am about to tell you, for if you fail to grasp the secret your nights great efforts will be lost. And if you lose it tonight it may be years before experience reveals the truth of what I am saying.”

“He leaned out of his chair and came close, looking me straight in the eyes. In a low voice he said, “The first secret of all wealth, Bob, is this…


Aim to pay yourself 10% gross of ALL your incomes and you will become very wealthy, as I have.” Then he sat there silently, still looking me directly in the eye.

“And?” I asked.

“That’s it. That IS the secret foundation of my great wealth. If you repeat my actions you could have the same and more.”

“But everything I earn is mine to keep!” I blurted.

“Is it indeed?” he asked. “Is everything you earn yours to keep? Let’s take a look at your situation.

“You are indeed most fortunate, in that you pay nothing for food, rent or electricity! You have no costs, living for free and have money coming out of your ears! Is this the truth? If so, you have no need of my wealth secrets as you are well on the path, what with all the money you invest!” That his speech was half mocking and half jest was shown by the twinkle in his eyes. “No, I think you miss the point. Your expenses are money you pay to other people – and once paid it has gone from your pocket forever. Where is your own share? What are you paying to yourself? Will you be like the majority who pay all others first and end up forgetting to pay themselves even a token of their own income? Such folly is truly the straight path to poverty! What foolishness to put others before ourselves when dividing our pay packets! Do they return in kind? NEVER! Yet this is the way most arrange their finances.”

“The first wealth rule is to ALWAYS pay yourself the first 10% of your income. This simple rule is the basis of all personal, permanent physical wealth.”

“Work it out for yourself. If you were to save 10% of your income for ten years how much would you have?”

“One years income”, I replied.

“NO! you would have deposited one years income but you would have accumulated double that amount by receiving COMPOUND INTEREST. You would actually have two years income for one years effort.

Think of your money as an eager employee who works hard for you – twenty four hours a day! The interest you earn becomes another silent employee who joins forces with the original one and then they both continue working to make you more. Thus it continues, with each batch of money duplicating itself, continually growing until the money reaches a size where you have a PERMANENT LIVABLE INCOME coming from the CAPITAL without stopping it’s growth. At this point you can retire from making money and start working solely for love.”

“It is wise to start this process immediately so you can reap the harvest all the sooner. Unlike the farmer, the perfect time to plant our crop is immediately. And while the farmer reaps his crops in one season we must wait for ten years or more to start reaping ours. Do not procrastinate or hesitate, for the longer it is left, the longer you will have to wait for your harvest.”

“Bob, I have revealed to you the foundation of all my wealth. It is a very simple formula so our knowledge on this point is equal. It is only our actions that differ, for I have used my knowledge and you have yet to begin. Whether you will make your fortune or not is entirely in the hands of one man, and one man only. Only YOU can do it! I’ll be here to give you progressive knowledge as you grow, for there are different needs for each step up to self sustaining wealth.”

“I have given you enough for one night, you must now absorb the knowledge. Go home and sleep on it. Good luck, and much persistence Bob.” Then he showed me out of the door, into a brilliantly clear night.”

“As I walked home I went over his words again and again, until I realized that here was the truth I had been seeking! Its very simplicity had hidden it from me. While I had craved for magical formulas and “No-Effort-Get-Rich-Quick-Schemes”, the truth had been hiding right in front of my nose. I’d missed it because it had presented itself in working clothes while I had sought it in ease and glamour. I decided then and there to start putting the wealth principles into practice. I worked up to saving 10% of my income as payment to myself and I continue to do this today. It was hard disciplining myself at first, but after a time I found I could live better on 90% of my income than I had on 100%! The wealth principles are powerful levers!”

“The sense of pride I got from my secret wealth helped me overcome the temptation of spending it. I laughed inwardly when I heard members of the staff, twice my age, complaining about their lack of money and security. I’d saved more than most of the senior office staff very quickly. I won’t pretend it was all plain sailing; there were setbacks and heartaches along the way. There was a time when I lost ALL my savings in a bad investment I took by myself: only afterwards did I consult my mentor! But it was a lesson well learned, for it was burned into my memory and has never again been repeated. And because the wealth habits were now ingrained I was able to restart and catch up very quickly. You can rest assured that I sought my mentors advice more frequently after that.”

“As time passed and my own wealth manifested I found that my counsel was being sought on many business transactions. I was able to multiply my wealth with wise investments of time, goods and money in these opportunities. Thus my fortune grew until I stand here, the wealthy man you see today.”

“I came tonight wanting to share with you the knowledge I gained that day, so I’ve prepared this card with the first three golden rules on it.”

“There’s a card for each of you here. Keep this card in your pocket and read it everyday. Put the principles into practice and you have started down the royal road to financial success. As you need more knowledge you can get it from World Peace and Prosperity network.”

“And so my friends, let’s end this conversation for there is a reunion awaiting us – good times to share and dancing into the night. I know at the next reunion, in ten years time, there will be a lot more wealthy men and women! I hope that you are one of them because.. .


the card

Always pay yourself the first 10% of all incomes

Invest your money into permanent incomes

Make safe investments,

Use wise council,

Avoid usury

kindest regards

reverend master j’iam


class reunion cover 2025 - 2013 master

Hello, My name is reverend master J’iam, servant of God

I haven’t always had this name – it was gifted to me by God in 1990 (or somewhere around there.)

Every name has a meaning. If you don’t know the meaning of your name then I suggest that you look it up on the internet. My original names meant

(1) Faithful servant of Saint Columbus,

(2) Brave warrior and

(3) Red (as in the colour red)

So from the start I was pegged as a servant and as an alpha male. I am not sure how the colour red fitted in.

As I said, around 1990 I was asked to change my name to J’iam. I was even told how to spell it! So I investigated it for three months and then changed my name by deed poll. Along the way I was given another name as a “first name” – Mas. Mas is a Japanese name for a martial arts master.

The reason I asked for a second name is because at the time a lady was in the papers trying to change her name to just “Rosemary” and the government was opposing it as it “Would leave a space in the name part of her passport and driving license!” Ridiculous really, but I didn’t want trouble with the authorities from the get go! Lol!

So I changed my name to mas J’iam, and was very happy!

Not so my “best friend!” When I told him I had changed my name to J’iam, he looked me in the eye and said, “I will never call you that!” and walked out the house and I’ve never seen him again! Lol!

Although it is spelled j’iam it is actually pronounced Hi-am. This is because the letter J goes all the way back to Babylon to the bricklayers who used a HOD to carry bricks up ladders.

Picture of hod here

A Hod is another extra hand and has come down into English as a hard J sound. English is one of the few languages where it in not pronounced as an H sound. I was told that the pronunciation of my new name was Hi-am.

The apostrophe means “of” so J + ‘ means “hand of.”

I am literally means I Am (note the capital A). I Am is the name of the knowable essence of God. Oft times called the Christ Spirit. “I Am, the way, the light and the truth. There is no other way to God except through I Am.”

Jesus went into the desert and fasted for 40 days and nights (5.7 weeks, 5 weeks and 5 days!) He went in as Jesus the Master and came out as Jesus, the Christ, or Jesus, I Am!

The secret of life for most people up to date, is that they have to go too the messenger and through the messenger to I Am, the source. My path was to the Source first and then back to the messengers of God! I was assigned to “The Glory of God”! Fortunately He recognises all the messengers of God and through Him I was able to study the spiritual messages of God from Adam onwards.

I was with “The Glory of God” for 20 years before God himself told me to leave my Beloved Master’s faith! At first I thought it was just an evil thought, but He told me that I had a week to investigate it before taking the Holy Spirit off me! I know that nothing evil could do that. I investigated, but could see no “logical reason” why I would want to leave my Master.

The day came around and I awoke to find myself spiritually dead! The Holy Spirit had been removed from me as promised! It was Awful!!! Within three days I had left my master and the Holy Spirit was retuned to me! That alone was the confirmation I needed! I saw that the transformation was a spiritual one, not a logical one!

My first name, reverend, was given to me when I was 26 years old – 2 years before I was spiritually reborn! It wasn’t activated until around ten years ago, when I again changed my name by deed poll to “rev mas j’iam.”

The story of the revealing of my first name (in 1977) – reverend – is quite interesting. I was a wedding photographer and went to a reception of over 200 people. For some reason (God, no doubt! Lol!) someone said I was a reverend (which, as an atheist, I strongly denied!) and everyone was convinced I was a reverend! Lol! My third and last name was actually given to me first! (“The first to come is the last to get paid!”)

Reverend actually means “servant of the people.” SO my names in order of deed poll are J’iam, master, reverend – servant of God, servant of Man and servant of the people! Servant, servant, servant! Notice how it starts at the top and works down!

I am not a church reverend, but a spiritual reverend. There is a big difference! I have been given the “Tenth Path” to bring people straight to the Holy Spirit. Know that the Holy spirit is as close as we can get to the “Unknown Essence” of God. That is because the holy spirit is the “Known essence” of God! We cannot proceed past this point within our live times.

Let me tell you the meanings of my other two names. They both mean “servant” too! Mas (master) means “servant of Man” (note the capital M.) So right from my first name change my name meant servant, servant. “Servant of God” (J’Iam) and “Servant of Man!”

Man is a spiritual station that indicates both males and females are working on the metaphysical level! There is no sexuality in the station of Man. I have met many a Man who where physically female. It is only on the physical plane that there is the difference between male and female. And this difference is soley to do with reproduction of the species. I never use the words “man and woman”, using instead the neutral scientific terms of male and female.

Males and females are collectively known as “people” which brings me to my third name of “Reverend.” As I said I was given this name at the age of 26 – whilst still an atheist! Lol! I was actually reborn at the age of 28 (in 1979.)

To be reborn straight to the Holy Spirit is known in Christian church terms as a “Royal Rebirth.”

I had a royal rebirth, going straight from atheism to the holy spirit and missing out the various faiths between man and God. Only after rebirth was I assigned a master and a religion! As I said my master is known in English as “The Glory of God.”

In the end I only left the religion of the “Glory of God” because God told me too – I am always divinely guided and protected!

God’s order is not linear, but it is definitely spiritually logical! All my life I have been prepared for the upcoming 20 years – from 2015 to 2035! I was given my 30 year mission in 2006 (which I gladly accepted!) This means I will die again in 2936 (God never gives us a job without providing the tools, in my case time!) Now, the predictions are that world peace and prosperity will be in place by 2035; My job is to introduce world peace and prosperity through individual peace and prosperity! I got this in an epiphany in 1992, in the form of the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network (WPPN). I have been working on this since 1992. In 2006 I was offered WPPN as a thirty year mission, which I gladly accepted!

So that is the story of my name and of most of my life. When the New Age System is complete in 2035 I will have a year to look at God’s handiwork and my service to God. Perhaps I will be honoured, given degrees and knighthoods. Those are simply physical glory things and not my aim in life.

My aim in life is to spread God’s wonderful method of personal empowerment that is WPPN! God knows the answer to world peace and prosperity is on the cellular level – He has to make the peoples of the world healthy (permanently peaceful and prosperous) to make the body healthy!

Man’s way is to put make up on the skin and pretend that the body is healthy! But anyone even glancing at the world today can tell that the kidneys, the guts, the lungs and heart are sick! It’s obvious to anyone who looks even a millimetre deeper deeper than skin deep!

WPPN is very simple, but huge at the same time. It starts by internally uniting us. Unity is a Godly way of working. The first unity (internal synergy) is of body, brain and soul! “A house united will always win!” This is achieved by simply joining WPPN and using a very small portion of your income to Work the Higher Laws Correctly (WHLC.)

Working the Higher Laws Correctly like this is called “Invoking the token.” Working the token is actually working on a cellular/individual level, not a body/world level.

Royal rebirth is a Massive Gift from God that has always existed, but has been hidden from the majority of Mankind until the beginning of this new age (1260/1844.)

Today it is my job to reveal the principle of “Invoking the token” to mankind encapsulated in a system – WPPN. Never before has God revealed straight to the individual an actual Method of becoming spiritually peaceful and prosperous (Plus Loving, Happy, successful etc., etc.)

That is because the time was never right until now. Notice how God created us a material abundance first before Gifting us a way to spiritual abundance! It takes two wings for a bird to fly! Without two wings a bird can only ever flop around in circles on the ground – sound familiar of today’s world? We have material abundance already and man has corrupted it by spending it on arms and tools of destruction and not sharing it with his brothers and sisters..

What we need now is a fair and equitable distribution system. WPPN is God’s distribution system on the cellular level!

The Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network works on three levels – Spiritual, Metaphysical and physical. It starts on the spiritual level and then works down. Why is this? Because the Spiritual level is the highest energy level of all. God always starts on His own level and works down!

Man’s way is to start on the lowest energy level – the physical level – and try to work his way up! The next level up is called the metaphysical level and here an excess of material gains is called riches. To get riches all we have to do is to “Do and Have.”

Doingness is the metaphysical way of working and havingness is the physical state of possessions. What is missing here? Why the spiritual state of “Be- ingness!” To be whole we have to BE, do and Have! Why do we have to Be? Because our Beingnes is our overall Happiness! Simple as that!

Why do you thing the rich man approached His Holiness Jesus? He was seeking his Beingness/Happiness! I am sure Jesus laughed at the irony of him (the rich man) turning away and sighed at the tragedy of him being too attached to material possessions to receive the perfect answer he had been given.

No man-made business has the Beingness part to it in a wholistic form. Wholeness is, of course, a form of God. We are made in the image of God and, therefore, we must manifest wholeness in this new age!

Friends, it is with a glad heart I offer to the world today, a system of personal empowerment – the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network (WPPN). To the spiritually aware I say, read the word “Network” as “synergy”

I have always been a helper, helping people improve their lives. I have many cases of problem solving, using spiritual methods to solve economic and personal problems! That is just the way I was born and God has honed my talents considerably on a personal level and Hugely on the WPPN/spiritual level! Praised be to God! He is God and there is no other God except God! All are his servants and ALL abide by His bidding! (whether we want to or not! Lol!)

I have always been a help to executives to help them solve both their own personal problems and their business problems (but that has always been an uphill battle because all the business problems have been a reflection of their internal/personal problems!) All people are reluctant to look to themselves for a solution to the problems they have caused – it is just the way of humanity, from the bottom to the top, on the physical level!

We are each born into the physical level knowing nothing (sin). We must be educated and guided to the higher levels of metaphysics and, especially, spirituality! To be physically, metaphysically and spiritually whole is known as being a disciple ( a follower of the wholistic method.)

Now, I am a messenger from God, talking from me to You on His behalf! Asking you to change your ways from the physical and metaphysical ways of humanity, to the spiritual ways of God. And offering you a brand new tool to help you achieve this goal – the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network (WPPN)!

Know that the smallest is the same as the biggest. The atom is the same shape as the solar system! Man is made in the image of God! As within, so without! We are never “disconnected” from God, only unaware that He is working in our lives (even as an atheist!) Lol!

I call to every open heart on earth to investigate this new system and come and join us to change the world by changing your internal world for the better.

Amen, amen, amen,

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam

700 celebration at sunset099

Not a get-rich-quick-scheme!

Come with me and I’ll guarantee you a happy, peaceful and prosperous future! Unlike get-rich-quick-schemes I’m going to tell you that it will probably take between 10 and 20 years!

What 10 to 20 years?! Well, do you expect to plant a magic seed tonight and have a vine that grows up into the sky tomorrow morning? Be realistic – anything good takes time to grow!

I see hundreds of people spending big money on “instant gratification.” Even done it myself in the past! Trouble is that their money just gurgles into the pocket of the seller, because they have really bought a pig in a sack (that contains a cat, of no farming value.)

There is a law about gratification – it states, “the longer we wait, the greater the reward!”

Know that 99% of us don’t have enough life time left to achieve lasting wealth! Which means we don’t create any form of legacy. Fortunately for you you have “Stumbled (more likely been guided)” upon this blog and have a chance to bring the time down to 20 years or less! How do we do that?

By using the processes of WPPN (the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network) to create Virtuous Cycles that compound in our lives to give us Happiness first! The get rich merchants forget to mention this. Even if their methods succeed, they invariably take you to a state of riches – where you have money, but no true internal happiness! WPPN always builds our happiness first and the virtuous cycles (that we build at the same time) compound and flow back to us happy people to create the state of WEALTH!

Happiness + Abundance = WEALTH!

Right from the start you have to know where you are headed. If you are aiming at riches you are aiming at a big smelly bog! Lol! If you aim for wealth you are aiming for a wholistic goal of Love, happiness, peace, success and prosperity! We always get what we aim for! If we choose unrealistic goals we get unrealistic(negative) results – loss! If we aim for wholistic, positive goals then that is what we get too – “as we sow, so we reap multiplied!

The main obstacle to 99% of us is two things – Knowledge and a Method. WPPN was revealed to me in a vision in 1992. It took me 19 years to understand it fully. But today we don’t have to understand it fully, just test it to make sure it’s true, understand that it is the truth, do it and it all takes care of itself.

The trouble with accumulating knowledge first and then setting up the system/method, is that we rapidly run out of lifetime! This is why God gave us(mankind) this system!

It is a system for this new age we live in. We already have a material civilisation. But that is only one wing of the bird. The other wing is a divine civilisation that will generate Peace (wipe out war – people tend not to fight when they are happy and prosperous!) and Prosperity (people tend to grow prosperous when they are happy and peaceful!)

I rest my case!

To recap, you have been looking for a system to create real lasting wealth for yourself, your spouse, your children and so forth down through the generations! I say WPPN is the solution to your problems! You cannot just join, you have to test the truth of WPPN first. Once you “See” the truth of WPPN, all other things can be learned over time. Then you join and start studying at your own pace. And over time your consciousness expands and you become happier. Also other spiritual growths happen (like internal unification) and you become a lot happier and detached from the problems that drag you down at the moment.

Then your internal cycles change from negative to positive, one at a time until you don’t have any negative ones left at all. Then the system starts to rapidly increase on the lower levels of money, goods and services. This is the returns of the virtuous cycles in the form of prosperity. WPPN always starts at the top and works down (that’s funny, I’m sure I’ve heard that saying before – “starts at the top and works down!” Lol!)

So I leave it in your hands – it is up to you to investigate this phenomena of WPPN. We are not hard selling it to anyone; if you want it you have to investigate it independently. That is one of the principles of this new age – “independent investigation of the truth!”

you can look at the WPPN website at

or you can email me directly at

or you can simply go to my blogsite at

or to my peacemakers blog at

Remember, if you do nothing 20 years will pass anyway and you’ll still be where you are today!

I look forward to hearing from you

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam

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