Monthly Archives: April 2014

ARRRGH!!! J’iam said the “C” word!!! Indeed, I did – and I ‘ll say many more times yet!

 J’iam said the “C” word!  J’iam said the “C” word!!  J’iam said the “C” word!!!!

indeed i did and I find it really offends people too! Not that it should, but it just does! I say it to them and then I watch them instantly withdraw from me, as far away as they possibly can! But that won’t stop me saying it, because we all need to hear the “C” word. More than that, we all need to DO the “C” word. Not to someone else but to ourselves first and then to others!

So what is the “C” word? It is Commitment! Commitment to self and then commitment to others. But most don’t want to hear the word self-commitment because they are too tied to their illusions (vain imaginings). Women say men are commitment shy but women are just as, if not more, guilty to avoiding self-commitment!  

Both men and women have illusions that stop them advancing in life. I see it time after time – people committing to this “Get-rich-quick” scheme and that one, failing over and over because all these schemes are only surface deep! Money, the accumulation of money, is held up as the capitalist ideal! Just get financial freedom and all your problems will be solved. Well, i’m sorry to tell you this, but money won’t solve all your problems. Money only solves the problems of lack of money! But it doesn’t buy you happiness – happiness has to be earned! 

How can we “EARN” happiness? It is not a tangible thing like a brick, or a sandwich or money. And that is the very reason why we have to commit! Commit to what? Commit to making our own life happy, of course! To make our lives happy we have to find the SOURCE OF HAPPINESS! Where is the source of happiness? In the spiritual kingdom! Ask any wise man and he will tell you the same thing!

Find Nirvanah! Where is Nirvanah? In the spiritual kingdom of course!

Find Bliss! Where is Bliss? In the spiritual kingdom of course!

Find Ecstasy! Where is Ecsatsy found? In the spiritual kingdom of course!

Find Heaven! Where is heaven found? In the spiritual kingdom of course!

All roads lead to Rome they say, but spiritually speaking all permanent happiness can only be found in the spiritual kingdom!

And how do we open the doors of the spiritual kingdom? By asking! And how do we find the courage to ask? By committing to ourselves first and foremost! I know a lot of people will say, “AH, but that’s egotistical!!” but it’s not! Commitment to self is the first thing we have to do to open the doors to the spiritual kingdom. Without self-commitment you will never have the courage to ask to be shown the door to the kingdom, to meet your maker! 

The 11th commandment (Love yourself and others wholly and unconditionally) is about self commitment first and then commitment to others – “As within, so without!” To do so, is not egotistical but spiritual! 

Who do you think God Loves above all others? Why Himself off course. The hierarchy of God’s love goes ..

God loves God        first

God Loves Man       second

Man Loves God       third

Man Loves Man!      fourth

Can you see now why we need to love ourselves first? We need to love ourselves first to fill the bottom and top positions simultaneously! We need to love ourselves firstly as God to God (we are made in the image of God!) and secondly as Man to Man! This is what self-commitment is about! And this is why people are so terrified of self-commitment! People will willingly worship almost anything except God/Love! We are made in the image of God. Therefore people will willingly commit to almost anything other than themselves! These commitments to “other things” are called illusions or vain imaginings!

Only by loving ourselves first can we then commit to ACCEPTING God’s LOVE into our lives and to passing that Love on in the form ofLoving others (Man). If we can’t Love the Man part of ourselves how can we Love the Man part of others? We can’t!

Can you see why self-commitment is the KEY asset that we need to join the spiritual kingdom?

If you can’t see this fact, then ask the universe , “What am I missing here? Please show me in good and Godly circumstances, under the laws of providence, what J’iam is talking about here!

“Ask and thou shall receive (an answer) Knock and the door shall open!” To open spiritual doors we have to use the right words! Open Sesame!! Nope, not the right words. The right words are above in underlined bold letters! Just read them aloud and all will be revealed to you! And when it is, you’ll start using the “C” word too!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn






Vain Imaginings…

Vain Imaginings! What do these two words mean? 

Well, let’s start with dictionary definitions.

Vain, in the sense of the phrase means …

1. ineffectual or unsuccessful; futile: vain hopes; a vain effort; a vain war.
2. without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless: vain pageantry; vain display.
3. Archaic. senseless or foolish.

Imaginings means: ideas, stories, etc. that are thoughts in your mind, that are not true, real – they are illusionary

So it is a combination of Two types of falsenesses; Foolish unrealities, insignificant dreams, Worthless idlings.

As we all know two wrongs don’t make a right! So why am i talking about vain imaginings today? Because the world is caught is a linked string of vain imaginings that is slowly strangling it to death! People imagine themselves to be free, but in reality they are financial slaves to the usurers of the world. If a slave imagines he is free, when in reality he is not, is that reality or vain imaginings? It is simply vain imaginings. And yet the myth of freedom is so strong in people that continue to do the same thing over and over and over again! And always hurting themselves and with each new try hoping for different results!

Many people think they have found God, but in reality they are trapped in cults of religions that worship the messenger, not the One who gave Him the message. So most christians are actually Jesusites, not followers of the holy spirit (Christ, I Am, God). Many Muslims are Mohamedites, not followers of God (I Am, Christ, Allah). Most Jews are actually Mosesites, not followers of the truth God (Jehovah, I Am, Christ – there are many names for God!) And so it goes. Most of the people in religions today are following Vain Imaginings – commonly called cults!

They continue to follow the false teachings of their mothers and fathers because they have never sat down and asked themselves, “am i doing the right thing by God?” If they were to honestly ask themselves this question, the scales would fall from their eyes and they would see reality as it is – a bit like Neo downing the pill in “The Matrix.”

We carry forward, never questioning the teaching of our childhood!  1 Corinthians 13:11 says ” When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Know that nothing changes until something (or someone) changes. You can’t get different results by using the same texhnique over and over and over!


You see, as tiny children we CANNOT THINK or REASON for ourselves, so we just absorb everything we are told, see or hear. We are told many truths and that is good. But we are also told many partial-truths and non-truths and that is not good for us as adults. So we have to go through our thoughts and sort out the untruths and throw them away. Also we have to find our half-truths and complete them. An example? When i was growing up i was told, “Necessity is the mother of invention!” But is that true, half-true or false? Well i know it’s not false by having tested it. Yet I also know that it is only a half-truth because i  asked to be shown the full truth by the source of all knowledge! The answer I received was “Necessity is the mother of invention and the father if crime!” Aha! That explains a lot of human behaviour!

How can we work our lives properly on half-truths? It’s like learning to drive and being told that the car only has two gears – first and reverse! We can get to places with these two gears but only very, very slowly! We only have 70 years on this earth and that passes at a blazing speed!(ask any 70 year old and they will tell you it only takes a month to go from 20 to 70 years old with hindsight – because time is relative!) We think we have a lot of time here on earth, but that is only a vain imagining!

In the physical world we are constantly fed untruths and half-truths. An example is advertising. No one ever NEEDS a big expensive, fancy car. We WANT that big expensive, fancy car because advertisers motivate/feed our greed gland, our vanity gland or our desire gland, so we start “feeling” that we need what we actually only want, and will go to great lengths to purchase that item! The feeling that we need a diamond watch is a vain imagining. The feeling that we need a private executive football box is also a vain imagining. The feeling that we need a Maserati car is a vain imagining too! How can you tell? 


Well, change your circumstances for a second. Imagine you have every toy in the world and you are on your yacht sipping wine when you fall overboard with all your gold chains and fittings. Gold is heavy! They start dragging you under water and you start drowning! What do you call out for? Diamonds, gold, money, Maseratis? No, of course not. You call out for help. Help to get you back into the air, that you are lacking right now!

And what are you prepared to give at that very moment to be rescued? EVERYTHING! Everything you own, your whole life-time of collecting possessions is suddenly worth nothing at all as compared to air – the thing we take for granted every day! To breath is your only need at that very moment! And you would sacrifice everything to get it. That is the value of truth and knowledge in this world. Truth and knowledge is the very air we breathe spiritually!

Know all great truths and knowledge come from the spiritual world. The world of man carries very little truth towards the realities of life. And what are the fundamental realities of physical life? Death and Taxes! But is that the full truth? No, because these are physical things only and have no account of the spiritual things in life – Love and immortality. Death is simply a physical event where the body and brain are annihilated to release the Soul from this temporary earthbound existence. The soul doesn’t die – it is immortal! We are all spiritual beings having an earthly experience! If we don’t grow into our soul as we age we die spiritually malnourished – like hitler and so many others.

So there are at least 4 things that are inevitable in life death, taxes, Love and rebirth(into the spiritual world). Some of us (read some as many!) will miss the opportunity of rebirth on this world and won’t experience it until we die or have a near death experience. Even Hitler was nudged towards rebirth in his rantings called mein kampf. The holy spirit put words and phrases that, had hitler of read them and understood them he would have been reborn as one of the greatest leaders in the history of mankind!

And what stopped him reading the wise words he wrote? His vain imaginings! I have written a small book (it has only 6 A5 pages in it) called the “Wisdom of Hitler”. These are the promptings of the holy spirit, trying to offer him rebirth. To get them I had to wade through the entire mein kampf (a brutal, ugly, disgusting book). Literally, it was like trying to find diamonds in a cess pool! But they were there. God NEVER leaves anyone to their own devices. Everyday we are offered opportunities to be reborn into the holy spirit, the spiritual realities of life! Ask to be shown one of these opportunities and you will be shown it as a demonstration! You can ask for as many demonstrations as you need!

Look at myself. I died, went over to the other side and returned to this life at the age of 21. Yet it wasn’t until i was 28 i called out to connect with Love/God! Why did it take me another seven years? Because of my own vain imaginings! And what God did (and He may be doing it too you or someone you Love) is to let me make my own life so miserable (through my own actions) that the pain of changing was less than the pain of staying the same! When you reach this stage you are literally spiritually drowning and you don’t think of you childish possessions (vain imaginings) and you simply call out for help! Like the Alcoholics Anonymous Associations say, “you can’t do it (change) without outside help!” Another reality in life is CHANGE. Nothing ever stays the same as it was in the physical world! so the five inevitabilities are: death, taxes, change, Love and rebirth (the rebirth takes place either in your life or at the end of your life – so it is inevitable!)

The moment I asked for help, for change, for a meeting with I Am/Christ/God, my life started changing.  Imperceptibly at first and then more and more noticeably as i got towards the “Meeting.” (the change). And then I met my maker and my life changed forever. Not in ways I had conceived (in my further vain imaginings) but in practical, real ways. I was taught to walk the spiritual path with practical feet, to be whole, to be holy(the same thing as whole, but on the spiritual plane.)

I say to you that most of the “rules” that most of the people of the west are living their lives by are simply vain imaginings! 

For the people are wandering in the paths of delusion (vain imaginings) bereft of discernment to see God with their own eyes or hear His Melody with their own ears.”

So what are the realities of life? The realities of life is that we don’t have to live as physical slaves to the “system”. All we have to do is ask to be removed from it – and we will – by meeting with our maker (I Am/Christ/God, call Him what you like. If you are arguing with others on the name of God you are living in a vain imagining! You think God cares what we call Him? What He cares about is that we LOVE HIM!)) and learning the truths of life and detaching yourself from the vain imaginings of the physical world. “But now I Am a Man, I have put aside the childish things of life and have become both mature and as a little child” (i like to laugh and play as well! You may have gathered that to BE as a little child is to have the good qualities of the child (e.g. acceptance of others) not to be childish (immature) in thoughts and actions.)

And that, I think, covers today’s topic. Ask for demonstrations of people spouting out vain imaginings and you will see them right before your very eyes! Ask for a demonstration to reveal the full truth of a half-truth you don’t even know you have and see what a surprise you get! Ask for a demonstration of some nasty person who was offered a connection to Love/God/I Am and the just ignored it! It will surprise you indeed!

And then ask yourself, ” Have I ever done the same thing in my life?” Have I ever followed my vain imaginings instead of the truth? Again you will receive a demonstration and will be surprised by the results! But these demonstrations are all just knowledge on your path to “the Meeting/the Change!”

You can make your choice every day of your life – to turn towards Love/God or to turn away from Love/God! We do this by our actions. Do we lend a hand where we can help or do we simply walk away? Do we react with kindness to someone’s suffering or simply say, “It serves them right!” There is no such as a small act of kindness as all acts of kindness come from a Love base and love is infinite. If we divide infinity, it is still infinite!

The solution to vain imagining is Truth, Knowledge and Certitude. All these three are only available from one source. Are you connected to that source?

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn




A conversation

This is a conversation that took place about an hour ago between me and a friend. (used with permission)

(Me) so what are you doing with your time?

 (friend) not a lot

if you had a choice what would you do?

 make a web site

if you could take a little blue pill that would allow you achieve anything at all, what would your choice be? what website would you make?

 I don’t know.  I’d have to find someone that wants one made up

what website do YOU want to build? what i am really asking is, “what is your BEingness?”

 i don’t know

then ask the universe to reveal it to you in good and Godly circumstances under the laws of providence! Everyone should know what their BEingness is. This is the very KEY to LIFE!

i think its just my circumstances getting me down

Our BEingness is our very reason for existing – to fulfill our Beingness is to LIVE! Forget about your circumstances; if you don’t know what your BEingness is, your current circumstances will eventually disappear only to be replaced by other problems, equally as large and just as distracting!

 that’s why i went out into the garden yesterday, to get rid of some of the s**t that I am under

nothing changes until something changes and the biggest change we can make in our lives is to find our BEingness. That is the rudder of our ship of self! Once we have a rudder we can sail out of the sh**ty creek we are in out into the wide, clean ocean!

 sounds good

you have many talents, but they are not being used to help create a divine civilisation at the moment. Find your BEingness and you will find a way to help make the world a better place – to create a divine civilisation is good!

 i know, i’m hoping that once circumstances change i might be able to get a life of my own

You can’t wait for circumstances to change, because they won’t without outside help. Even if you say, “Higher spirit, i’m bored with the hassles of the world, show me what to do to make this world a better place, using my own unique abilities and talents!” that will change your life forever!

 I’m going to start saying NO to my circumstances

It’s not a matter of waiting for your circumstances to change. The universe is waiting for youto change!

 yes, well i can’t change until they (circumstances) do

your circumstances are just lumps of poo floating in the creek. Get out of the polluted creek into the ocean of love! You can move your ship anytime you want too! You are not dependent on on your circumstances – you are dependent on the universe! Your circumstances are just cobwebs that pretend to be iron ropes. If you believe they are iron ropes, then they are iron ropes and they stop you moving! If, however, you can see that they are just cobwebs, then you can simply brush them aside and move on! Pull up the anchor and move out the creek!

We are spiritual beings with free will. Are you are saying to me that you don’t have free will because of your circumstances? I am stating that you have, and always will have free will – the ability to turn towards Love or to turn away from Love ( that is what free will is!) We always have free will, every second of every hour, of every day, of every year – 360/60/24/365! And all you have to do to tap into the higher power of the universe, to lift yourself out of the physical crap you are now in, is to make a choice RIGHT NOW! You have to decide (make a decision) to commit 100% to yourself and to move yourself into spiritual energy, so you will become empowered! Empowerment means moving  up from an energy base of 1 (the physical plane) to an energy base of 100 (the spiritual plane.)

You are living in an ocean of spiritual energy, like a fish that swims in water but can’t see it, so why not start breathing it, living it, BEing it, right now? How? By simply asking for it to be shown to you! Ask, speak your question aloud and it will be heard and answered!

Friends who are reading this; please say a prayer to open my friends eyes to the supreme power of divine intelligence so they may be freed from the burdens of this physical world and enter the freedom of the Spiritual World!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn




My Amway experience

Many years ago I joined Amway – they were my mentors for a while. Anyway, I used to go to all the seminars, listen to tape of the week, read motivational books and they taught me how to set written goals. Now, setting written goals is one of the primary tools of success, if you did but know it! So I set my goals, writing and rewriting them as i grew and needed new goals.

After eight months i set a goal that couldn’t be achieved in Amway. My diamond superior said to me, “You’re going to have to change that goal, as it isn’t available in Amway!” I suppose that was the logical thing for him to say, as he was a successful Amway person. But I was a spiritually based person and that goal; was part of my spiritual development so I quit Amway! They were most upset as I was about to break 21%. But my goal was more important to me than just Amway. I was grateful for their mentorship but my destiny didn’t lay in the Amway system.

One of the things I was told was that i would hit poverty resistance (although it wasn’t called that), that i would put people into a position where they just couldn’t refuse to join and they would say, “But we like being poor!” I thought “No-one could be that stupid, could they?” And sure enough one day two people (a married couple) stood in front of me and said those very words! My jaw nearly hit the ground! At the time i didn’t realise that what they actually meant was that they preferred to Be in Poverty (Poor is a blessed, empowered state, poverty is a man-made state of lack. Anway was part of my spiritual training grounds for later advances.)

Also I had tried selling to my mother-in-law and had no success at all. Then i went to a seminar with my diamond and was told not to try to sell to her at all and to sell myself on the product – which i went home to do. After a about a month of non-selling to her and selling to myself, i really believed in the product! And one day she came in and saw a bottle of LOC on the back of my sofa and asked me, “What’s that?” I replied, “That’s marvellous stuff!” And she said, “I’ll have a bottle!” Lol! All the principles Amway taught me about selling were true!

But their was still something missing – the Spiritual Laws. They were what I was subconsciously seeking. I had been reborn and was learning about religion and the spiritual water, but what i was lacking was the spiritual fire! This wouldn’t manifest for another 5 years after i left Amway.

By the way, after buying a bottle of LOC my mother-in-law became an Amway distributor under me and remained one for the rest of her life!

But I had a hunger in my heart for spiritual truth and spiritual fire! What is spiritual fire Spiritual water is the knowledge of God and LOVE, but spiritual fire is the application of that knowledge and LOVE – literally God and LOVE in action! Many people are reborn into the spiritual water, but few are reborn into spiritual fire! Most settle into spiritual water and think that they have the whole answer! But they don’t. I know because I have experienced both states – and still do! But the actions of God in my life are far more important than the knowledge of God, although one is built upon the other.


I am seeking 17 people with spiritual fire to help me in my life’s task, which is to introduce a spiritual solution to world and monetary problems by creating peace and prosperity within individuals. I have been given a spiritual system of creating virtuous cycles in peoples lives that I have been testing for the past 22 years. This system is called the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network. Now the time is right to take it out to the wider world. So I am asking for help from God inspired Fire based individuals to help me. If this last sentence jumps out at you and makes your pulse beat faster and your spiritual heart to expand, then you are one of them! Contact me immediately and let me share my mission with you! Come forward and start working for GOD, not just knowing about Him!


Look forward to hearing,

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn




Win/Lose or Win/Win?

We have two choices in life – Win/Lose or Win/Win. We can choose either one – of our own free will, although we are born into the win/lose situation of the physical world!

To choose the Win/Win situation we have to transform ourselves from the physical to the spiritual plane. How do we do this? We can’t – by ourselves! It is impossible for man to transform himself from the win/lose to the Win/Win situation because it is not up to man to make this transformation! Only LOVE can do this! So how do we get to transform? We have to ask to be transformed! So it’s not really hard – except for stubborn, ignorant, know-it-all people! And I do believe i was one of those before I got so down that i had nothing to lose by asking!

So if you are down, down, down to the point of self destruction and want a change in your life, you are reading the right article! All you have to do is ask out aloud for a meeting with Love (I Am – the knowable essence of God). This will be heard even if you say it in a whisper in a raging storm! The universe is all ears and is waiting for you to ask!

You see the connection with Love is 100% voluntary of our part – even though it is our living destiny. We have free will so that the choice is 100% voluntary! We can turn towards Love or turn away from Love – the choice is entirely ours!

So let’s say you have asked and been answered (all askings will be answered!) You change your position in the world by entering the spiritual realm. The main difference is the Win/Win situation instead of the win/lose situation. Karma becomes the spiritual persons friend because we are taught how to use it to advantage instead of just suffering from it in the physical world. In the spiritual world there is a way to stop the negative returns of the law of sowing and reaping that doesn’t exist in the physical world – forgiveness! 

The moment we are “Reborn” (connected to Love) we are forgiven all past negative karma! And from that point on we can bring ourselves to account each day and use the power of self-forgiveness to wipe karmic debt from our lives!

An example of how Win/Win works in the spiritual world. We’ll use a dollar coin as an example. In the physical world everything is based on trading or losing (giving it away or having it taken from us).  So if a man gives you a dollar in the physical world he is probably trying to put you into a position of debt – “you owe me!” 

In the spiritual world everything is based on GIFTING, so instead of saying, “Here, have this $1” we say, “please accept this gift from me” and wait for their reply. If they say, “no” then we put the $1 back in our pocket and look for someone else who will accept our gift. If they say, “yes” then we give them the gift in the knowledge that we both have won! How? By the law of sowing and reaping – ” As you sow (gift), so you shall reap multiplied.” Multiplied, of course, means it will  be retuurned to you in a bigger quantity that you gifted! So gifting is like a form of spiritual banking! The more(times) you gift the greater will be your returns. And what is the return rate? “30, 50 and 100 fold“. There are complicated mathematics at work here but basically it means that for every $1 you gift (in either money, goods or services) you will be returned a minimum of $1.20, $2 or $5! And more as time progresses and the return system compounds!

The law of sowing and reaping promises that “they who have(the use of the higher laws) shall be given more(Win/Win) whilst they that have not shall be taken away from(win/lose or lose/lose!)” If you are one of the haves this is very nice, but if you are one of the have nots it makes life, how shall I say this – awkward, complicated and troublesome!

So the obvious solution is to start gifting. You can do this on the physical plane without actually connecting to Love. And you will get positive results from gifting on the physical plane, but the physical law of win/lose still applies to all your other aspects of life because you haven’t connected to Love itself. To connect with love itself means that you become empowered! In all aspects of your life! You move into a Win/Win situation in every aspect of life!

So there you have it – the two choices of win/lose or Win/Win. The choice is yours, do with it what you will! But are half a dozen words spoken out aloud too much to ask for, if it means that you will move from the physical to the spiritual plane? from the win/lose situation of life to the Win/Win? No! So go ahead and ask! What have you got to loose? Nothing! What have you got to gain? Lots and lots and lots! Especially Love and Empowerment!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;


skype: jiamwppn



Happy Belated Easter!

In New Zealand Easter is a time for holidays, probably the last before winter. This year it was wet and miserable for most of Easter. I travelled to a city called Rotorua which is a thermal city. Almost everything in Rotorua is tourist based, it is the second biggest tourist town in New Zealand, yet the government still don’t classify it as a tourist town and the shops have to close on public holidays! 

Rotorua in a thermal city, which means there are lots of geothermal activities under the ground that break through into the air. There is a strong smell of sulphur in the air; they say that Rotorua is the only city in the world that you can fart in and no one will notice! You can walk down the street in certain areas and see boiling hot water bubbling out of a split between the road and the footpath.

But Rotorua is a manifestation of capitalistic practices too. There are hundreds of people who are homeless. Yet right across the road there is a ten storied building that is kept empty and unused, whilst people are sleeping on the streets! 

The main problem with capitalism is the “I’m alright, Jack!” attitude of the capitalists. They think that because they are successfull, they can let many live like wild animals on the streets of cities. But according to all the Scriptures of the world they are not alright under spiritual law. As long as they live in luxury and other in the same city live in abject poverty they are held accountable in the next world! But of course capitalistic thinking only thinks in terms of the future in how much money they will “enjoy”. 

Know this you capitalists/usurers, your time on earth is limited. Your life will be over in the twinkling of an eye (i know it seems strange, but it only takes about three weeks to get from 20 to 60 with hindsight!) and you will be standing in the next world being asked to explain your doings in this world. And it will be too late to go back and change a single deed! That is the hell in dying – seeing what evil your hands have wrought in this world (and know that doing mothing to help is the same as actively doing the negative deed – if you are not part of the solution then you are a part of the problem!!!). And that is the heaven in dying too- seeing what good your hands have done in this world to help others!

Of course most of us aren’t rich capitalists. And don’t want to be ether! Although we do crave for security! But security is only for a very few in the physical world of opposites. To get security you have to move to a place where it is available for all – the spiritual world of AND!(peace and prosperity are spiritual qualities, not physical qualities.)

People think that the spiritual plane is an airy-fairy place, but it’s not. It has very strict laws that must be followed to gain security! “ Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto (spiritual/whole)life, and few there be that find it.” Matt 7:14. The door is open to all but few find it! Why? Because we are looking for physical solulutions to spiritual problems. It’s a bit like a motorist looking for fuel for his caerr – he drives it into the lake to fill it up! WRONG!!!  The entry to the petrol tank is a small hole and only petrol, not water (although materialist will argue that they are both liqids! True, but good luck with filling you car tank with water!), can be used! The same goes with the fuel for the spiritual world. We have to find the small filler hole in our spiritual car!

So how do we do this? By ASKING! Ask to be shown the small hole and once you’ve seen it, it will be easier to fill you spiritual vehicle with the right fuel – LOVE!

How do we ask? Not by thinking the question. Thinking is a physical process and the answer can’t be found by physical processses! The spiritual question must be based in a spiritual form of communication. Know there are two forms of spiritual communication. Speech (aloud) and writing (on paper). Speech is the first form of vibration, spiritual energy. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. Everytime we speak something out loud it goes out into the universe as  a vibration, to be answered by God. By asking God, ” if He exists and to connect with Him (remember God IS Love)”  we will be heard and answered! “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Norhing airy-fairy about that promise, is there? It is as simple as asking out aloud, directly!

Don’t worry if you feel like a right fool asking. It is something new, that you haven’t done before and, depending how far away you are from the source (of Love) your answer may be subtle or dramatic. Mine was dramatic – but i was far far, far away. I have seen others experience it as easily as putting on a pair of socks or opening a newspaper!

My words were, “God, if you exist, please show me” Those seven words changed my life forever (and I do mean forever!).

Give it a try – what have you got to lose? Only your burdens, woes and empty heart!

happy belated Easter!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn






Digging ditches!

Digging ditches is a job we all put off until it rains. But when is the best time to dig our ditches? In the dry! Why in the dry? Because only in the dry can you dig DEEP ditches. In the wet you are limited by the water that fills the ditches! 

By digging in the dry we can make a ditch 50 feet long and fifty feet wide and fifty feet deep! A ditch becomes a lake! In the wet you’d be lucky to dig three feet deep because the water dissolves the dirt into mud and it is nearly impossible to shovel mud!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! So it is with digging ditches. I suppose if you want to drain water away from a puddle, you are best to wait till rain makes the puddle obvious! But if you want to create wealth then the only option is to dig in the dry. Every time there is a drought the farmer should be out creating new pools to fill! Because the rains will come and all will be well for a while and then they will disappear again! And where will the farmer be? Either protected or in the same trouble again depending on their choice to dig, or not to dig, in the dry!

Money is like water. It flows into and out of our lives. If we consider our lives to be our own farm and money as life giving water shouldn’t we be digging our ditches deep to retain water on our farm? Methinks so!

And like water money has a certain pattern of flowing so there are ways and WAYS to dig ditches! The best way is the WAY way! Lol! The best way is the way that utilises the quality of water/money in the best way possible. Did you know that money is a spiritual invention? Not many do in this material world! But think of money. What is it’s real job? It is a UNIVERSAL medium of exchange. Notice the word universal. Not limited, but universal medium of exchange. It can change money into goods, goods into services and services back into money. OR any other possible arrangements og money, goods and services.

Being universal indicates it is spiritual in nature. Nothing physical is universal at all! very few things in metaphysics are universal. But all things in spirituality are universal! So Money is a spiritual entity. But how many of us use money spiritually? Very few indeed! 

Know the rules of spiritual money use are totally different from the rules of physical money use. In the physical it is about accumulation of money. In the spiritual it is about the distribution of money. That is the main difference – one of direction! Physical is inwards initially and Spiritual is initially outwards, but universally back inwards (all things are involved in all things)!

In the spiritual world it is a matter of correct distribution in the form of gifting. The most important person to gift to is who??? Yourself, first because “as within so without“. We cannot gift to others correctly if we do not gift correctly to ourselves first! And that is the huge difference between physical accounting and spiritual accounting.

In physical accounting we fool ourselves that we are paying ourselves first. But in reality (for most of us) the government always takes it’s bit out first, before we even receive our pay checks. So who really gets paid first in the physical world? The government! Which equals other people, not ourselves. 

In the spiritual world we start accounting for money in different ways. Distinguishing between our physical and spiritual incomes is the first way. We start using the token on our physical incomes to create more spiritual incomes and then start applying the spiritual Pereto Principle to ALL spiritual incomes! 

You can learn spiritual accounting from me, reverend master j’iam.

So if you want to know how to be wealthy for sure (100% guaranteed over 11,000 days) then contact me. Not rich but wealthy. Riches are a physical states of possession gained by doing and having. Wealth is a spiritual state gained by BEing, doing and having! SO our BEingness is the difference between riches and wealth. Sounds simple doesn’t it? And it is simple! But not necessarily easy, because you will have to turn away from the physical world you have been brought up in and turn to the spiritual world’s teaching! And there is the only difficulty in the spiritual world – our attachment to the physical world of our physical mother and father, brothers, sisters, and associates!! 

But if you have an inner urge at this moment to find out more, that is your soul using your intuition, your HUNCH abilities to urge you on. Never destroy a hunch. Follow your intuitions because you will be divinely protected. Learn to distinguish between your thoughts and your intuitions. Intuitions will never say things like, “go out and rob a bank” or “take some drugs to find out what they are like.”  Negative things like these are invariably thoughts.

But things like “Talk to that man over there” or “turn left here” are almost invariably intuitions that lead to good things! If you are experiencing a gut feeling to talk to me to learn more, then just do it! I an easily reached. (if you try to reach me and fail at all attempts then it is not the right thing for you, at this present moment and that is divine protection at work [everything happens in perfect timing]). But give it three tries before giving up!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn


The spiritual world – magic mumbo-jumbo? No, a method of Achieving Great Things!

Many believe that the spiritual worlds are simply a lot of magic mumbo-jumbo words and actions. But they are wrong! No, the spiritual worlds contain a definite set of actionable methods that work every time to produce permanent, proven results. Spiritual methodology leads to  Achieving Great Things!

 You see, spirituality is not just a lot of unrelated mumbo jumbo. Instead it is a scientifically proven(proven means tested) method of achieving definite things – also known as a METHOD. Know that nothing is achievable without a method of achieving it! It makes me laugh to go and sit in on management training seminars that teach the five step  success system, which consists of

1) a desire,

2) A goal,

3) A plan

4) Implementation and

5) Success!

But the trainees will never be able to succeed with their goals because the is one step missing! What METHOD are they going to use to work out a plan? A plan implies a method of working. But there is no method provided in the management course!

And that is the difference between physical and spiritual teachings – a method is always available to the spiritual student!

Being spiritual, we must follow invisible laws (invisible to non-spiritual people!) By following these invisible laws we are able to achieve visible results which the non-spiritual put down to “Luck”. But there is no luck in the spiritual realm because luck implies happenings that occur by chance. In the spiritual world if you do A + B + C + E, then the result will always be F! Always! That is why spiritual law is scientific – because it can be tested to show consistent, repeatable, reliable results

Of course physical people can not see invisible laws, so they assume that spiritual people are working under NO LAWS, the way idiots do. So they have a saying, “the difference between genius and stupidity is only very slight!” Bull! The difference is that one works on higher(invisible) laws whilst the other one works on no rules/laws at all! The blind spot is that physically based people cannot see the invisible higher laws and so deny there existence altogether and assume that we are working under no rules at all!! (Assume means to make an ASS out of U and ME!)


The spiritually based person learns under masters what the laws are and how to test them so they become their own truths. Once a law becomes your truth, you can use it in your life to improve and protect it!


In man’s system of “justice” we can get off any breakings of most of the rules by employing highly skilled liars and manipulators of the system – called lawyers. In the spiritual system the laws are the laws and there is no way around them. You cannot wheedle your way out of karmic debts if a spiritual person makes you accountable! It’s as simple as that. But many “spiritual people” don’t know how to work the higher laws either because their masters are religions with their set ways of achieving power over their believers. That is why very few spiritual people go to church! Churches are actually spiritually dis-empowering for most spiritual people!


Physical law is a man-made system of rules and regulations, and has very little to do with Justice which is a spiritual entity alone. I have used justice on ocassions when all hope of physical justice was exhausted. How did I do this? By using forgiveness properly! Physical people work under the delusion that forgiveness is a hard option on the forgiver and a soft option on the forgiven. COMPLETELY WRONG! Forgiveness is a hard option on the forgiven and a soft option on the forgiver. How do i work this out? Well, we have to go back to the workings of the spiritual world. Know that there are two columns in the spiritual world – Love and Justice. As souls we belong in the Love column. The love column is also known as the GRACE column. We cannot live in the justice column because that belongs to GOD – “Justice is mine sayeth the Lord!” Can’t get any clearer than that can we?


When some one hurts us to a great degree our human emotions tell us to seek revenge. But Spiritual laws tells us to forgive the offender and hand him back to God for Justice. By seeking revenge (resentment) we move from the love column to the justice column and actually block the karmic returns due to the offender (remember we cannot work justice so we simply block it!) By forgiving the offender we move ourselves out of the justice column back to the love column (home!) and then the karmic returns can flow again to the offender. This is how we implement “Instant Karma”. The offender cannot run and hide anywhere in the universe because God always knows where he/she is and can apply justice at any time (“God does as He willeth” and “All are His servants and all abide by His Bidding!”).

If we work the laws then the laws work for us! Just because a law is invisible to the majority of mankind doesn’t mean it doesn’t work! Electricity is invisible except by it’s side effects, as is gravity. We can see an apple fall to the ground, but we cannot see the FORCE that pulled that apple down! We can see a light turn on and off at the switch of a button. But we cannot see the force that is heating uo the wire in the bulb. The light is a visible side effect of the energy that we cannot see! So what I’m saying here is that you can see the workings of the higher (invisible ) laws by observing the side effects of the workings of the laws. So when i forgive my enemy i am achieving two things

(1) moving myself out of the justice column back home to the Love/Grace column and

(2) applying justice to the offender!

Those are the benefits to the forgiver and the punishment to the forgiven!

As I said it takes less than 24 hours for the forgiven to reap what they have sown in the physical realm under the rule of “instant karma”. Also, if the the offender changes their behaviour (repents) they can escape the punishment aspect. I did this with a lady who had been denying her husband access to his son – even though he had a court order allowing access every weekend! Within 18 hours she phoned the husband up asking him to take his son for the coming (long) weekend and access wasn’t a trouble for him from then on. 

Another person i forgave was a man who stole my car and then wheedled his way out of it by knowing a loophole in the law. He was a repeat offender having down this type of thing at least 8 times. I stewed about it for 12 weeks and eventually asked for justice. I was told to write a letter of forgiveness to this man. That took 4 hours! And then i was told to burn it! And i went to bed and slept like a baby! Because I was back in the Love/Grace column! The next morning i go down town and see this man leaning on a street lamp with a black eye, a thick lip, arm in a sling and walking on crutches. I just looked at him and saw that he had reaped what he sown with instant karma. I don’t know if he was beaten or in a car crash. And I didn’t care one way or the other. I knew it was his own fault and that I had nothing to do with it – that it was a matter between him and God (Justice) And guess which one came off the best? Lol!


I have kept that event in mind ever since and used it as a tool in my life. It never fails, ever. So we don’t have to worry about forgiveness being a soft option for the forgiven – it never is. But it definitely is a soft option for ourselves! Which is better – to be in a place where you belong (Love/Grace) or in a place where you don’t belong (Justice)? Our lives are just so much better when we live under Grace/Love! Grace/Love is our true spiritual home!

So how can you learn these invisible laws? Study under masters. What masters? There are thousands of Masters of various degrees in life. Most are dead, but there are some live ones. How can a dead man be my master? All masters write books and if you can read you can use his teachings to learn! This way the master never dies! Simple as that. 


What about live teachers? There are many false teachers about, but you will know them by their deeds, not by their words. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Scientology, for instance, is not a spiritually based system, it is a physical and metaphysical system that introduces people into it by feeding 98% truth on it’s first presentation to seekers. And then it presents 95% truth, then 90% then 85% and so forth until the seekers is enslaved and no truth is presented only rules and regulations to follow. You don’t even have to believe in God to be a scientologist – that is “optional”. How can you work higher law, if you don’t believe in the the One who made those laws? You can’t. 

Yet there are many true masters. True masters won’t mind if you ask them, “can i test you?”. They will say, “Fine, go ahead” and even help you devise a test with which to test them! That is the difference between a Master and an enslaver! No testing is allowed at the enslavers house (otherwise you might find out the truth!)  All masters allow free testing of themselves by seekers, for how else will they know he is true?

Know that I am a master, of quite high standing. I have been given a task to perform to make this world a better place to live in, by permanently uplifting my students in both Peace and Prosperity!

If you want to test my claims simply email to me and talk to me. At the moment i am open to all callers but this will close in the future when i am known and in demand (although if you are sent to me by God, my door is always open!)

Why do masters insist on you testing the truth? Because if you don’t the truth will never belong to you – it will never be first hand Knowledge (you will Know the truth and the truth will set you free!)! It will always be second hand knowledge and you will always be a theorist, not a practitioner of spirituality.

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn




He can’t dance – but he tries hard!

Years ago I went on a six month art course. Part of the course consisted of two half-hour dancing lessons per day. So that is 5 hours per week times 26 weeks = 130 hours of dancing lessons. On my report card the dance section reads: “He tries hard.” That was the kindest thing they could say about my dancing! I was a dancing failure, but still i tried hard!

There are many things that many of us can’t do. Even before the dance lessons i belonged to a folk club where anyone could perform. This club taught me a lot about courtesy in it’s treatment of a tone deaf performer. He was literally tone deaf, and definitely couldn’t sing in key – it was simply beyond him. Yet he sang every week and was always applauded! And I noticed that after a few months his rhythm had improved!  The rhythm has nothing to do with the pitch department in the brain so the singing taught what could be taught in the rhythm department! Every effort produces a result, even if it is in a different area than what were aiming for!

Each of us is born with areas of lack. But God is not malicious and compensates by giving us abilities and “talents” to compensate. So I may not be able to dance but i am an observer of human behaviour. I suppose this is scientifically called anthropology. I have always had this talent and always will, as it is hard-wired into me. These hard wired talents are part of our BEingness.

Also I have the ability to “See” things. I can look at a brick and see a barbeque pit, a wall, a bridge, a building and so forth.  I tend to go from the beginning to the end first and then go back to the beginning to place the second brick. As a child i always read the last pages of a book first to see the end i was aiming for. As I no longer read fiction i don’t have to do that anymore but can pick up any non-fiction or spiritual book and start at any point in it. So I have a very non-linear mind. And that is okay with me as i’ve never know anything else or any other way. It is part of my BEingness!

We are all like this – not the same as me , but having different qualities in different areas. Some of us are lucky to have qualities in demand by man’s world and materialism. And often people like this are financially successful but totally removed from the spiritual realities of people like us (these people are the rich). “Why don’t you just get a job!” they say. You think we don’t try? I am always the last to get hired and the first to get fired because employers look at me an think “what a dork!” because my qualities are invisible to them until they get to know me. It is only when they take a chance and hire me that they discover my qualities (usually takes about a month) and put me in charge of their worse “problem department!” Which of course i fix up and get running profitably. But being the person i am, i like fixing things up but don’t like running non-challenging departments so i usually leave after a year to 18 months.

One of my qualities is problem solving. My two favourite phrases are “Why do we do it that way” and “what if?”

I will admit i am lacking on many social graces. I cannot make idle chit chat. I don’t suffer fools gladly – or at all! I am an alpha male. Yet I try to tread the spiritual path with practical feet.

So what I want you to think about is what are my qualities. and what are my shortfalls and where is there a position that uses both sets of qualities? And how can i use those qualities to promote personal peace and prosperity that will grow into world peace and prosperity? These are three VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS – what, where and how! By asking these questions you will invariably be lead to the ultimate question of WHY? and when you get all four answered you will have found your BEingness in life.

And if you have the courage to follow your BEingness you will become divinely happy and live in the state the churches call heaven -although they will deny it is impossible to achieve on earth, yet persist that hell is easily achievable! If hell is achievable then surely Heaven must be achievable too! I know I live in heaven – not physical heaven, but spiritual heaven! And If I can do it, anyone can! It wasn’t easy, but who said it would be? It is easy to achieve hell on earth by simply doing nothing – like falling into a deep hole,  no effort required! But it is harder to achieve Heaven because it takes effort – but it’s not so hard that it is impossible, far from it! And it is far easier again if you have a mentor. I have been lucky enough to have had many mentors on the top shelf of life.

Know the name for the new age we live in is UNITY. “The earth is but one country, mankind its citizens.” This is why the politicians are subconsciously urged to create bigger and bigger units – the USA, the European Unity, Malaysia, etc All these things are an physical manifestation of unity. But because they are man-made they will not last. Already the EU is starting to fall apart at the seams. America is one of the most spiritually corrupt, violent and unequal countries in the world and Malaysia is run by idiots. But that is the way of mankind. God has revealed another system that will spiritually, metaphysicallt and physically unite you and then the world – and it isn’t like any system currently in place. You can’t even imagine what this system is like as it is perfect (a bank managers words, not mine!)

So I ask you to delve into yourself – not as a critic but as an observer. Treat yourself as if you were another separate person and analyse the good points and the weakness. Observe also the God-given lack of abilities as these are pointers of things not to do with your life. I am a non-dancer, the tone deaf man is a non-singer. What area do you lack in and what areas of life BEingness does this eliminate?

Then look at your qualities and talents. What areas do these open up for you to be successful in? To reach Heaven in? Take stock of yourself, but be honest, gentle, truthful and kind about it! And you will reach a point of insight into your own life where a door will open and you will suddenly KNOW your BEingness! And your life will change with this Knowledge because “you will KNOW the truth and the truth will set you free!”

Isn’t freedom what life is ultimately about? Methinks so!


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn




I Am the way!


Not me personally, but the Holy Spirit (which is called I Am – the Christ spirit.) The above quote is the truth of the matter. There is only one way to God and that is through I Am. Yet there are many messengers from GOD, so which one is right? ALL OF THEM! Because every messengers job is two fold – 1) to bring new social laws to the world and to 2) renew the spiritual energy of the world by renewing the connection to I Am! (which man has destroyed in the previous 700 to 1,000 years).

My name, J’iam.  J’iam literally means the servant of I Am.  J goes back to the bricklayers in Babylon and means an extra hand. Even today bricklayers in many countries use a HOD to carry bricks up building on their shoulders. That is why my name is pronounce Hiam, not jiam.

The apostrophe means of and I Am means I Am of course. So literally my name means “hand of I Am.” This translates to “servant of Love” because I Am is Pure Love and that is what I am – a servant(hand) of I Am. I use a small I in the I Am in my name because other wise people mistake it for an L and I get called MR JLAM! Lol!

Many Christians believe that the me (there is no other way to God save through me) in the above original quote is Jesus. No, it’s not. Jesus was the carrier of I Am whilst he lived . That is why he said, “I and the father (I Am) are one” If you believe that I Am is Jesus(Blessed be His Name) then you are sadly misidentifying Him. Jesus was Jesus until he went into the desert and fasted for 40 days and nights. He came out as Jesus, the Christ (I Am). 

English is a wonderful language but it does have some spiritual short coming. One is I am which refers to me personally and I Am which refers to God’s knowable essence – the Holy Spirit.

Another is man and Man. Man (with a small m) is the English reference to the physical male, whilst Man is the spiritual reference to metaphysical Man. Only a male can be a physical man whilst both male and females can be Man! For this reason I stopped using the word man for male many years ago and now use the words male and female to distinguish people on the physical level and Man to distinguish people(male and female)on the metaphysical level.

I hope the thee posters in this series have enlightened you to my believes. If you want, you can test them by asking for confirmations of them as truth or untruth. The Holy Spirit (I Am) will provide you with confirmations that will reveal the truth or untruth of the words i write. And then you can make up your own mind to accept them or reject them. That is the key to Knowledge (notice the Capital K) in this new age – we are all self-determining. If we are not self-determining then some other person is determining your life for you. Only by BEing self-determining can we let God determine our lives!

We all have free will – the choice of whether to turn towards Love or to turn away from Love (and God IS Love).We have free will to either give it to God(Love) or to others. That is our choice! But first we have to realise what a gift free will is! Only then can we give this most precious of mankind’s gifts on earth, back to it’s creator!

Me, I don’t have free will any more. I gave it back to God when I was reborn 35 years ago. I work under God’s laws, not the laws of man if they clash with God’s laws. Otherwise i render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s. But if it comes down to a conflict between the two types of law – Lower and Higher law – I choose the higher law each time. To date this hasn’t been a problem and I hope it never will be. But I have followed the higher laws of the universe (did you know that there are lower and higher spiritual laws?) for the last 22 years and everything is working out fine as i have created a virtuous cycle for myself through WPPN (The Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network) and outside of that too. 

I hope this little article is enlightening to you,

God bless your life with Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn