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suicide is painles?(methinks not!)

Suicide is painless ?

Through Early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that
I realize and I can see
That Suicide is Painless
 It brings on many changes
 And I can take or leave it if I please

recently I fell into the hell of hopeless depression  and came very close to 
committing suicide! Only God's  commandment, “thou shalt no kill.” as revealed 
through moses stopped me carrying it out!luckily, a friend of mine called the policea
and they hauled me of to hospital.(thank you richard!)
It i now nearly a fortnight later I am still amazed at how hopeless the deprssion 
made me . I now understand how people who have never been depresed before can be swung away and 
top themelves after half an hour of their first encounter with depresion!. 
I have benn having depressions since I was 18 and don't even remember the first two or 

It took 20 years to get the first suicidal depression and they have started popping up 
more frequently in the past 10 years – I wonder how many more I can go through without
hurting myself/

  my family are talking about putting me in a home for my own safety as I don't 
look after myself very well, not eating properly etc.

iI’d like to stay independent, on the outside of a facility if possible as I am slowly healing from some of my problems (incontinence)(healing quite rapidly actually!)

depression – what is it??? I believe it is a separation of the brain and the soul from each other where the soul can longer influence the brain and leaves it in dispair!(a breaking of the brain soul synergy!) And hopelessness

thank you for reading this short article,

reverend mastr j’iam

A disciple is one who follows the method of the master!

A disciple is one who follows the method of the master!

A Christian disciple follows the methods of Jesus, the Christ!

The personality of Jesus is no replacement for the words of the Christ that He conveyed to us.

Only by following His words and directions, do we become disciples. The word disciple means
“a follower of the METHOD!” Do you think His Holiness Jesus came and went, without leaving a definite Method for us to follow? No, He did not leave us method-less!His words make up the methodology of the Christ!

Why do you think the new testament is called “the Gospel (the good news).”

The word sinner means “Not a follower of the method” if you want to succeed you have to have a method! If you want to succeed spiritually you have to have a spiritual method! We are told that the fruits of sin are (spiritual)death!

Can you imagine wanting to dig a tunnel beneath a river and having no method of doing so. Without a method you cannot make plans and without plans you cannot succeed. Success is “life”, failure is “death” (Biblically speaking!)

Even if you write a goal and make a plan set upon that written goal, until you discover the correct method you cannot succeed!

The central commandment Around which He(Jesus, the Christ) built his “Method” was the eleventh commandment – John 13:34, “A new commandment I give unto you(in addition to the original 10 commandments), That you love one another; as I have loved you” This was given after the last supper and is the central foundation of Jesus’s (the Christ’s) teachings.

Moses gave 10 testaments to the Jews and Christ gave just one to the Christians! 10 + 1 = 11th commandment. Yet very few Christians know the eleventh commandment and even fewer practice it. If I ask you “are you a Christian?” And you say “yes!” and then I ask you,”do you follow the commandment of Jesus?” and you say “No!” then how can you call yourself a Christian?” It’s bit like saying, “I am a follower of the road code” and then setting out on the left or the right according to your whim! Driving on the “wrong side” of the road will lead to death or serious injury(perhaps not at 3 am on a Monday morning, but definitely at 5 pm on a Friday evening!

By my definition a Christian is one who follows the commandment and methods of Christ (I Am) who was upon Jesus for three years. I am is the name of “The Christ.” The Christ is defined in the bible as an impersonal thing – “I can do all things through Christ WHICH (not a personal who!)strengtheneth me!”

It is important to realise that Jesus(the Man) and the Christ are separate parts, that Jesus became “The Christ” after nearly 6 weeks of spiritual “fasting.” Jesus went into the desert and fasted for 40 days and nights(5 weeks and 5 days.) He entered the desert as Jesus the “Good Man” and came out as Jesus, “The Christ.” Know that “The Christ” is also called “I Am”, the holy spirit and after the Christ descending on him, Jesus spoke in three ways about himself – I, as Jesus, the master.

We as Jesus and God together. And as “I Am” as the holy spirit. The holy spirit descended upon Him after his lengthy fast, for the following three years until his mission was finished!

The Christ’s name is “I AM” as expressed in, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by I Am.” [John 14:6] Also in such saying as,

Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I Am(was)”[John 8:58]

and “Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me(I am) will never thirst.” [John 9:5]

and, “While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” [John 9:5]

and, “Jesus said to her, ” I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,” [John 11:25]

you see the secret of eternal life is we have to go to the messenger, through the messenger to the holy spirit (called I am)

Because I had what is called a “royal rebirth,” I went the opposite direction, straight to I am and them back to the messengers!(all of them!) If you are a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew, or whatever, you can ask to have a royal rebirth too! Simply speak it out of your mouth aloud and wait for the answer – if you are really open to it (the truth) it will come. If you are not open to it, the answer will not come to you!

Living on margin or living on the edge!

When it comes to finances our basic choices are living on margin or living on the edge!

Living on the edge

Living on the edge is exactly what it says – living on the edge of financial rule by spending 100 percent of you income. In edge living you are literally on the edge of a financial cliff many hundreds of metres high. You basically hand the control of you income to other people.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found whenever I have handed control of my finances (like credit cards, hire purchase etc.) to other people the end result for me was financial pain! And that is Pain with a capital P!

living on edge 800

If you live on 100% of your income you are heading for a crash at some stage! Why? Because Life Circumstances change! You only need you income to reduce by 1% to be in the financial poo!

If you are living on 101%+ you are bound to have a financial crisis at some stage of your future life!

Living on margin

Living on margin means that you take control of your own finances and treat yourself like a business (you are God’s business!)

Instead of living on the cliff edge you erect a fence in off the edge and use that as a safety barrier for yourself and your family! If you do this then your children are far more likely to follow your lead and avoid the pitfalls of edge living.

living on marginB 800

But avoiding the pitfalls of edge living is only a passive role you play on margin living. You can take the margin and invest it in yourself and your family too! Know the ultimate margin percentage we should aim for is 10% if income. Some people have achieved a 90% margin (Mover Of Men & Mountains – R.G. Le Tourneau)!

I started out many years ago with ½% gifting towards myself. I also started out with ¼% towards Gifting towards other people! By following the two forms of giftings I increased my income, not in cash but in gifted goods and services and reduction in outgoings.

So I started on 50 cents and 5 cents per week in the first month. In the second month I went to $1 and 50 cents. In the third month I increased my gifting to $3 for myself and $1 to other people.

In the forth month it increased to $9 and $3 receptively. Yet I had no increase in income!

Each time my giftings increased it was because I had gotten rid of outside drains on my personal economy.

You know we all bitch and moan about how wasteful the governments are – “they should do this, or that or another. But really we are mostly hypocrites because we don’t do those things in our own governance!

Notice what happened in four months – I moved away from the edge of the cliff and out of the crazy (suicidal) money balance. After the first four months I started to seriously work on margin!

Over a period of time I actually became a financial advisor, working voluntarily as a budget advisor for a free budgeting service. However I noticed that I only brought people up to zero and then dropped them to descend into trouble again. So I asked God what the solution was and was gifted the Dynamic Budgeting System.

You see, the hardest step in the negative Budget is getting from negative five to negative four! This is pretty much universal in the world. Organisations like Alcoholics Anonymous say that we cannot get from negative five to negative four without outside help! And it is true!

However in my time as a budgeter I noticed that there is another barrier that is very difficult to cross as well. And that is the barrier between zero and one! If we don’t get into the positive we simply chance going up or down. So God gave my a system that starts building positive energy whilst we are still in debt to others.

Look at the chart below

credit debt chart

According to the free budgeting service the break even point for our clients was Zero/ Zero!

I don’t know about you, but to me that is a failure! To set the balance at zero/zero is just plain wrong spiritually. It is a totally passive aim. Nothing is ever achieved in our lives with passivity, even on the spiritual level..

Also there is the Great Asset Beginning Barrier to cross. Remember I talked about being unable to cross, from negative six to negative five? The only way to lift above zero is to build some assets, so what the Dynamic Budgeting Service(© reverend J’iam 1993) does is to start building the credit side (assets) immediately!

By the time the client reaches zero debt they have already accumulated assets that push them straight through the “no assets” barrier! Also the their break even point is dropped to negative 10 because we have 10 in assets to balance it! Metaphysically and spiritually this is very important because the law of having states, “They that have shall be given more, they that have not shall be taken away, even what they have!” Can you see the original source of the financial crisis?

See the chart below.

credit debt break even point chartA

Okay, at the yellow zero debt point we move into another stage of personal wealth creation – the wholistic stage of physical, metaphysical and spiritual actions. The WHOLISTIC stage is where spiritual solutions to economic problems comes in!

In the Bible it states, “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” [Mark 3:25 King James Version].

Now that is written in the old “double negative” speak. If we change it to modern single positive speech we have, “A house United will always stand (win)” I was given Wholistic Accounting(© reverend j’iam) in 1988 and have been using it ever since.

That is about as far as I can go today without it getting mind-blowingly complex (for the Wholistic System, whilst fairly simple, is not linear in construction, but multi layered.)

I hope you have managed to get a grasp of the wholistic system to get you Health, Happiness, Peace, Prosperity, Love, Detachment and true freedom under the higher laws of the universe.

I have spent most of my adult life looking into wholistic wealth so that others don’t have too! If you want my help then simply email me.

Today I am sharing a copy of my book called “Class reunion 2025”

Today I am sharing a copy of my book called “Class reunion 2025”

This book is a fictional story that reveals a truth (like acres of diamonds or the richest man in Babylon.)

Note that it reveals the secret of material wealth only – the doing and having aspect only. The BE-ingness is not included at all and our Beingness is the secret of perpetual happiness! Just Be aware of this when reading. Enjoy!

Class Reunion 2025

Where the secret of material riches are revealed.

“Class of 05” announces the sign strung from the rafters of the hall where the twenty year school reunion is being held. There’s a large gathering around a man standing beneath the banner. He’s considered the most successful member of the 2005 graduating class, for he is wealthy and powerful.

Bob lives an enviable lifestyle. He donates large sums to various charities, yet each year sees an increase in his wealth. Strangely, he was not picked as the most likely to succeed in the graduating yearbook – in fact no mention was made of his potential at all. The gathered old boys, curious at his success, were crowding around asking questions.

“How did you do it? Is it luck? Did you inherit your riches? How do you manage to have everything while many of us struggle to make ends meet? You weren’t top of the class; you studied the same subjects, under the same teachers. Why has your life turned out so differently from ours?” The questions washed over him like a Tsunami.

Raising his hand for silence Bob looked around the sea of remembered faces, rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and replied. “Because you’re old school-friends I’ll share the secrets of my success with you tonight. The great news about my success is that you too can do what I’ve done, have the things I have, or even more, if you want.” He pulled up a chair and sat comfortably facing the audience, who moved into a circle around him.

“My friends, it is true that we shared common ground when we were at school. You will find nothing in our schooling that accounts for the differences in our fortunes – rather the answer lies in what happened AFTER leaving. For it was then that my true education began and the differences in our fortunes started. Know that knowledge is of two kinds. The first type is of things known. This is the type we receive in school and it’s commonly called general knowledge. Then there is the learning of unknown or empowering knowledge. This is available only to those who seek it.”

“It’s in this area of hidden knowledge that the principles of wealth creation, and retention, lay. If you are not wealthy it is because you either don’t know, or don’t practice, these wealth principles. Most likely the first. Neither luck or inheritance have a part to play in true wealth creation – it is the application of the wealth principles that creates wealth, and it is these that must be sought after, found and put into practice.”

“School teachers don’t know the wealth principles because they are not general knowledge! Think it out for yourself. If teachers knew how to be wealthy they would be driving around in Rolls Royces or Mercedes! No, the wealth principles lie outside of the schooling system and teachers never leave school to find them!”

“What about Luck, which some say is the source of wealth? I believe that luck is a fickle master that may lead you to unearned riches, then back into poverty with the same ease. Luck makes spendthrifts of many recipients, for there is no value to unearned money. Too soon the money will evaporate leaving only insatiable cravings and unfilled desires.

Others luck makes into misers who starve in the midst of their gold: they wont spend their money for they don’t know how to replace it once it’s gone. How can they? The money came by chance, not design, thus it’s not consciously repeatable. They hide themselves away in fear of robbery that could remove the money so easily gained. How unfortunate and lonely is the life of a miser! There may be some who can take their good fortune and make it multiply for them, still retaining their happy ways. But I have not come across many like this, so far.” A hum of agreement came from the listening group and there was a general nodding of heads.

One of Bob’s classmates spoke out, “So your wealth is not because of luck or inheritance – we now understand this. So please tell us how you came into your great wealth.”

“Certainly,” Bob agreed. “After leaving school it dawned on me one day that there were two paths I could follow. One led to wealth and all the good things in life, the other to small rewards with years of scrimping and struggling. I saw this reflected in the lives of other people in society, on TV, in magazines and in my friends and work-mates. Yet it is the latter path of refined poverty that the majority seem to travel, despite their unhappiness of this lifestyle.”

A member of the audience chipped in, “Money doesn’t solve all your problems!”

“You’re certainly right about that! In fact money only solves the problems that money solves,” replied Bob, “But that’s a heap of problems solved, my friends!” The crowd laughed heartily at this pithy truth.

After the chuckling had faded bob continued, “With money you have CHOICES. You can travel, buy fine artworks, always have the best and donate money to worthy causes. You have a freedom of lifestyle with money as your tool.

I decided that I would rather have money than not, as long as I could find a way that didn’t sacrifice my principles or inner happiness. A thought occurred to me that there must be someone in this world who’d already done what I wanted to do. “If only,” I reasoned, “If only, I could find that person and ask him HOW he did it, then I’d know how to do it too!” Little did I know that this thought had set in motion a chain of events that would lead me to unlimited prosperity! With the benefit of hindsight I know now that there are thousands of such people in the world, but at that stage I was totally ignorant of this fact. These people are living treasures and like all treasures they are not immediately obvious. Rather they are hidden, veiled if you like, and must be sought out. But I had made the first step, which was expressing the desire. I decided to dedicate my efforts to seeking this goal.”

“In the meantime, to keep body and soul together, I found work as a clerk in an accountants office. The pay was low for I was young and inexperienced. I laboured long and hard for, it seemed, very little pay. Even as time raised my income I found myself slipping into a vicious cycle of debt, with my outgoings easily catching up to my net income. I was on the same treadmill as everyone else and my dream seemed to slip further away with each passing day.”

“One day a wealthy client came in – it was the busy season and he wanted a complicated job done in a hurry. The boss promised to have it done in two days and promptly handed it over to me, proving the old saying, “Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself.” Predictably the work wasn’t finished in time and the client was not pleased! But he could see that it wasn’t the fault of the junior, who had been handed a task beyond his means.”

As his anger was faded it occurred to me that here was a man who might have the answers I sought. This thought gave me the courage to say to him, “You’re a wealthy man and I am seeking the secrets of wealth! If I can finish your job before 9 o’clock tomorrow morning, will you teach me the secrets of your wealth?” He looked at me silently for a minute, thinking the challenge over, and replied, “Ambitious words for one so young, and it’s a hard task you set yourself. But such keenness commands my attention so I will accept on the following terms. If you deliver as promised I’ll pay you well and tell you the secrets of my wealth. If you fail, however, you will forfeit both money and secrets. Is it a deal?” He held out his hand to seal the deal and I took it and shook it.

“Start immediately, young man,” he continued, “for you haven’t a minute to spare. Should your energy flag focus on the reward, a secret worth at least three lifetimes money compared to your present income. I will return at nine o’clock sharp tomorrow morning to pick up the work.” Having said this he turned and quickly strode out.”

“Realizing that here, at last, was the answer to my goal to track the source of wealth, I quickly set to work. I pushed myself with a vengeance until my body cried out for relief. How the hours seemed to speed by as I raced against the merciless clock! On and on I worked, through the night until the rising of the sun, followed by the arrival of the first workers. I finished the work with minutes to spare.”

“As promised, on the hour, in he walked. “Well?” he asked. I could only look at him through bloodshot eyes, grin and hand him the finished sheaf of papers. “Well Done! Congratulations!” he exclaimed, after thumbing through to check for correctness.

“You have done extremely well. I have a cheque here to pay for your time and efforts. I suggest you take the day off to sleep before I share the secrets with you, for you will need to be alert. Come to this address at 8 o’clock tonight,” he said, handing me his card, “and we will talk.”

“Going home I crawled into bed and slept like a baby. I awoke trembling with anticipation with all sorts of thoughts running through my head. What exotic secrets would I learn tonight? Visions of philosophers stones and the Midas touch thrilled me. Now the minutes crawled by as I awaited the meeting hour.”

“I set out early on my journey and, arriving at the appointed time, rang the doorbell. The door was opened by a butler and I was ushered into the presence of my benefactor who extended his hand in greeting. “Welcome Bob.” he said, “Your work was most impressive – accurate and profitable too! Take a seat and we will begin”.

“You are young.” he started, “and youth is like lightning, flashing across the sky with its accompanying clap of thunder. Youth has great energy but lacks experience and so, like lightning, its effects are here and gone. The experience of age is more like the night star the sailors set their course by – the light is dimmer but twinkles consistently. So listen very, very carefully to what I am about to tell you, for if you fail to grasp the secret your nights great efforts will be lost. And if you lose it tonight it may be years before experience reveals the truth of what I am saying.”

“He leaned out of his chair and came close, looking me straight in the eyes. In a low voice he said, “The first secret of all wealth, Bob, is this…


Aim to pay yourself 10% gross of ALL your incomes and you will become very wealthy, as I have.” Then he sat there silently, still looking me directly in the eye.

“And?” I asked.

“That’s it. That IS the secret foundation of my great wealth. If you repeat my actions you could have the same and more.”

“But everything I earn is mine to keep!” I blurted.

“Is it indeed?” he asked. “Is everything you earn yours to keep? Let’s take a look at your situation.

“You are indeed most fortunate, in that you pay nothing for food, rent or electricity! You have no costs, living for free and have money coming out of your ears! Is this the truth? If so, you have no need of my wealth secrets as you are well on the path, what with all the money you invest!” That his speech was half mocking and half jest was shown by the twinkle in his eyes. “No, I think you miss the point. Your expenses are money you pay to other people – and once paid it has gone from your pocket forever. Where is your own share? What are you paying to yourself? Will you be like the majority who pay all others first and end up forgetting to pay themselves even a token of their own income? Such folly is truly the straight path to poverty! What foolishness to put others before ourselves when dividing our pay packets! Do they return in kind? NEVER! Yet this is the way most arrange their finances.”

“The first wealth rule is to ALWAYS pay yourself the first 10% of your income. This simple rule is the basis of all personal, permanent physical wealth.”

“Work it out for yourself. If you were to save 10% of your income for ten years how much would you have?”

“One years income”, I replied.

“NO! you would have deposited one years income but you would have accumulated double that amount by receiving COMPOUND INTEREST. You would actually have two years income for one years effort.

Think of your money as an eager employee who works hard for you – twenty four hours a day! The interest you earn becomes another silent employee who joins forces with the original one and then they both continue working to make you more. Thus it continues, with each batch of money duplicating itself, continually growing until the money reaches a size where you have a PERMANENT LIVABLE INCOME coming from the CAPITAL without stopping it’s growth. At this point you can retire from making money and start working solely for love.”

“It is wise to start this process immediately so you can reap the harvest all the sooner. Unlike the farmer, the perfect time to plant our crop is immediately. And while the farmer reaps his crops in one season we must wait for ten years or more to start reaping ours. Do not procrastinate or hesitate, for the longer it is left, the longer you will have to wait for your harvest.”

“Bob, I have revealed to you the foundation of all my wealth. It is a very simple formula so our knowledge on this point is equal. It is only our actions that differ, for I have used my knowledge and you have yet to begin. Whether you will make your fortune or not is entirely in the hands of one man, and one man only. Only YOU can do it! I’ll be here to give you progressive knowledge as you grow, for there are different needs for each step up to self sustaining wealth.”

“I have given you enough for one night, you must now absorb the knowledge. Go home and sleep on it. Good luck, and much persistence Bob.” Then he showed me out of the door, into a brilliantly clear night.”

“As I walked home I went over his words again and again, until I realized that here was the truth I had been seeking! Its very simplicity had hidden it from me. While I had craved for magical formulas and “No-Effort-Get-Rich-Quick-Schemes”, the truth had been hiding right in front of my nose. I’d missed it because it had presented itself in working clothes while I had sought it in ease and glamour. I decided then and there to start putting the wealth principles into practice. I worked up to saving 10% of my income as payment to myself and I continue to do this today. It was hard disciplining myself at first, but after a time I found I could live better on 90% of my income than I had on 100%! The wealth principles are powerful levers!”

“The sense of pride I got from my secret wealth helped me overcome the temptation of spending it. I laughed inwardly when I heard members of the staff, twice my age, complaining about their lack of money and security. I’d saved more than most of the senior office staff very quickly. I won’t pretend it was all plain sailing; there were setbacks and heartaches along the way. There was a time when I lost ALL my savings in a bad investment I took by myself: only afterwards did I consult my mentor! But it was a lesson well learned, for it was burned into my memory and has never again been repeated. And because the wealth habits were now ingrained I was able to restart and catch up very quickly. You can rest assured that I sought my mentors advice more frequently after that.”

“As time passed and my own wealth manifested I found that my counsel was being sought on many business transactions. I was able to multiply my wealth with wise investments of time, goods and money in these opportunities. Thus my fortune grew until I stand here, the wealthy man you see today.”

“I came tonight wanting to share with you the knowledge I gained that day, so I’ve prepared this card with the first three golden rules on it.”

“There’s a card for each of you here. Keep this card in your pocket and read it everyday. Put the principles into practice and you have started down the royal road to financial success. As you need more knowledge you can get it from World Peace and Prosperity network.”

“And so my friends, let’s end this conversation for there is a reunion awaiting us – good times to share and dancing into the night. I know at the next reunion, in ten years time, there will be a lot more wealthy men and women! I hope that you are one of them because.. .


the card

Always pay yourself the first 10% of all incomes

Invest your money into permanent incomes

Make safe investments,

Use wise council,

Avoid usury

kindest regards

reverend master j’iam


class reunion cover 2025 - 2013 master

Rich dad, poor dad?

Rich dad, poor dad? No, the order goes (wholistically) poverty dad, rich dad, Poor dad, Abundant dad and Wealthy Dad!

Robert Kiyosaki wrote a series of books called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.” After many years from the last reading I bought one of his books at a garage sale and reread the first few pages. And realised that the books should be titled Rich Dad, Poverty Dad! Why?

Because the books only cover the physical and metaphysical levels. The physical level is the level of the body and the metaphysical level is the level of the brain. There is a saying that “75% of money is made from the neck up!” And this is true! Why? Because the physical/poverty level works on an energy level of 1, whilst the metaphysical/rich level works on an energy level of 10!

It stands to reason that it is far easier to make money with 10 times the amount of energy, than it is with an energy level of 1!

But what is missing from the Kiyosaki formula? The Spiritual Level of course!

The Spiritual energy level is at 100 and even higher. It is possible to reach a spiritual level of Abundance (Spiritual Wealth) by a totally different means than required for riches.

The trouble with riches is that it contains no spiritual aspects. Yet the spiritual world is where we get lasting happiness from! So once we achieve riches we find a huge gap in our lives (the elephant in the room is the lack of true happiness! Lol!)

As it says in the Bible, “what profits a man if he gains the world and loses his soul?” The soul is our ultimate source of happiness, so it stands to reason to change our goals from getting rich (and being dis-empowered) to getting Happy, Abundant and Empowered!

And this is where the confusion comes in because to get empowered means travelling to the spiritual state of Poor first! And most people can’t tell the difference between the positive, empowered state of Poor and the negative dis-empowered state of poverty!

Know it is only after having achieved our happiness in the state of Poor, that we can move on to become empowered in the state of Abundance!

The rich man who asked Jesus how to reach the state of abundance was confused by this aspect. Jesus told him to GIFT all his money to the poor (You’ll notice it was to Gift, not to give away). The rich man could only see loss in this transaction, but spiritually speaking it was a perfect formula.

If the rich man had of Gifted all his money to the Poor (not those in poverty) he would have become detached from his money and entered the state of Poor himself. The state of Poor means detachment from all things except Love/God.

And having reached this stage all the money he had gifted would have returned to him multiplied, under the laws of sowing and reaping! So he would have simply slid across to Abundance, keeping the happiness he found in the state of Poor!

Spiritually speaking, we have to become spiritually Happy before becoming spiritually Abundant!

Happy first, then Abundant. It is far too hard to create happiness once you have the money! Because money amplifies what we are. If we are unhappy money amplifies our unhappiness! Which is why the rich man approached Jesus – he was fed up with being rich and unhappy!

The spiritual way to wealth gives us a guaranteed way of becoming happy – the state of Poor! Why is this a guaranteed way? Because Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!”

The Kingdom of Heaven is the highest spiritual state of happiness! To start here is to start at the top and work down!

So we go to spiritual wealth via the state of “Poor” and then to the state of “Abundance!” The states of Poor and Abundance are then synergised into a state called “Wealth.”

Wealth is the ultimate state of Spiritual freedom!

Wealth means you are first and foremost HAPPY at all times, regardless of your money, assets etc. Once you have more than you can use for yourself your focus becomes to “Help create a Divine Civilisation!” This detachment is easy to achieve through WPPN (the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network) because we start as we mean to continue from day one! First to build Happiness and then to build Abundance through Virtuous Cycles until we reach the state of Wealth!

WPPN is built on three types of giftings. One of the (intangible) gifts you receive back are changes of your stations. The first change gained from the three gifts is Internal Synergy! Internal synergy changes your disunited body, brain and soul into one united synergy. Because the body works on an energy of 1, the brain on an energy of 10 and the soul on an energy of 100, once they are united (synergised) your energy level moves up to 111. I cannot emphasize the importance of this unification enough.

Suffice it to say. “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand (win).” Which is in the double negatives of the old Adamic cycle speak, so if we change it into the single positives of the New Age we get, “And if a house be united (synergised) within itself, that house will always stand (win)See the power of your internal synergization?

What this is describing is the internal synergy of body, brain and Soul into a single unit. In WPPN this is achieved automatically because the three forms of gifting are immediately started in our own lives upon joining! This is because every member gifts the three basic gifts! Every member starts with internal synergization using money as the tool, as they gift three gifts each month!

Only by being internally synergised can we make synergies with other “Whole” people! An internally synergised person has a numerical value of 1. In any synergy the numbers are added, so, 1 + 1 = 3. Where does the extra energy come from? From the universe/God/Love. This is called EM-powerment. Em means “from without” so empowerment means extra energy from outside of us, extra energy from God/Love! This moves our available energy from 111 to 1,111!(and far more as time passes.)

If a synergised person tries to make a synergy with a non- synergised (unwhole) person then the numbers multiply, so, 1 x ½ = ½! The non-whole person just acts like a lightening rod to the whole persons energies, getting no benefit from the energy themselves and simply draining the whole persons energies into the ground! I have solved two major businesses problems by getting rid of unwhole synergy partners. Once you see the principles and laws involved it becomes very easy to spot.

I used to be a wedding photographer, but had to leave it in the end because the number of people getting married without a synergy became so small that I could “See” who was going to last and who was going to fail. It became too hard for me to take “happy” photographs under those circumstances (60%+ failure rate.)

To get back to our rich dad, poor dad theme. I am a “Wealthy Dad.” This is where you want to go to – to wealth. The tool to create wealth is WPPN (The Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network (synergy)). In WPPN we DO the right things even if we don’t understand what we are initially doing! It is only in the doing that we get the understanding of the steps to wealth.

The steps we need are…

1) Internal synergy

2) External synergies with whole people (other WPPN Members)

3) External synergies with Love/God

4) Wholistic Empowerment

It will take 5 years to really start seeing the results, but as rich dad said, “The time will pass anyway!”

Under empowerment your goals will change from 5 – 10 years to 500 – 1,000 years!

Under WPPN your ego will make peace with your soul and start working towards the same Goals!

Under WPPN you will discover that submission to the will of God through using the Higher Laws of the universe will set you free of the “rules and regulations” of man’s laws.

Under WPPN you will find yourself Being and Doing and letting havingness take care of itself (under Abundance)! Which is a complete reversal of rich dad. Rich dad simply Does and Has. Where is his Beingness (Happiness)?

My friends, I was gifted the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network(synergy) in 1992 and didn’t start it until 19 years later in 2011. Why did it take so long? Because it was a huge gift from God and it took me that long to understand it fully! Every time I turned a corner there was another whole section to get my head around – Lol!

Today there are 4 members – 4! But that is a 400% growth in 4 years. I have set the goal of 19 members this year. Once we achieve the initial synergy of 19 we will have the foundations of thousands, millions and billions in growth.

To join right now you need to be an investigator after truth, sceptical and ready to test the system (I spent 19 years testing it – there was no one to tell me about it at all!) Independent, able to make your own decisions once you have tested it and found it to be true – you won’t need you mum’s permission to join! Basically I am seeking silent heroes who can be true to themselves! If this sounds like you then get in touch with me to investigate the truth of WPPN.

I am offering you the equivalent of a chance to come into Apple at the very start of it’s career. Why didn’t many take that brilliant opportunity? Because it didn’t fit into their then patterns of current thinking! To have taken advantage of that opportunity you would have to be able to “Think outside the Box!”

That is what I am offering you today – an “outside of the box” of current thinking ideas to create wealth for people at the bottom of the ladder! The only way we are going to get our wealth off the 2,000 billionaires in the world is to stop giving them our money! It is as simple as that.

Know every person on earth can become wealthy with just what they have by invoking spiritual tokens, by creating Virtuous Cycles within WPPN. Once you know how to do it you can create a second, a personal, Family bank. You will then have two family banks working for you, your children, your grandchildren and so forth down through the generations, for a thousand years!

Even though we have only 4 members at the moment, I can see the hand of God at work as we have one in New Zealand, two in Australia and one in Liberia! This forms a straight line over half the globe and is currently pointing at the USA. Although this is only a guess at God’s plans, for God (and the network, for WPPN is God’s creation) works in mysterious ways!

I am confident that God’s hand is at work here in WPPN! Come and Join us to build a bigger, Better, brighter future that is based on God’s Love and the higher laws of the universe! You have everything to gain (Happiness) and nothing to lose but your fears, doubts and worries!

I await your investigation,

May Love, Happiness, Health, Peace, success, Abundance and Wealth Be yours,

reverend master j’iam

our network as of 2015.02.18

our network as of 2015.02.18

An open letter to Mr Russell Brand

Dear Russell,

My name used to be Russell too, until I was given the name of J’iam which means “hand of I Am, Hand of Love, Servant of Love.” Like yourself I am a revolutionary, but I have been given a system to replace the present irretrievably broken economic system and return the power back to the people. So that is my part in the revolution and I would like to join forces with you in implementing a new system.

At the same time as the name change(1992) I was given a new economic system based on Love, spiritual principles, virtuous cycles and the higher laws of the universe. There is no paid interest in the new system and the power of money is given back to individuals and families. This is the key to breaking usurers and usuries.

It took me 19 years to fully understand the principles of the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network (Synergy) and to set it up to the level where I could recruit the second and third members. I am now into the sixth year of a thirty year mission and my mission ends in the year 2036, apparently one year after the predicted true beginning of earth’s golden age. So I will get to see it on earth. That is my reward for my thirty years of service.

The WPPN system is the replacement for capitalism, communism and other usuries in the new age.

I like the way you speak as a master – you are a revolutionary, well placed to point out the fallacies of the current dying system. I have the replacement system for the current evils of usuries. I would like to offer you the chance of looking at the WPPN System to test it’s truth – and if you find it to be the truth to support it in our world wide development (the WPPN system belongs to the individuals who join and create permanent wealth and peace for the themselves, their spouses, their families, there friends and neighbours and the world at large.

All I ask of you is that you independently investigate the truth.

You can contact me at, so the ball is in your court.

Many thanks,


email 1:

phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)

WPPN Website 1;

WPPN Website 2;



skype: jiamwppn

Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!


reveren jiam, united divided 2014.6 700


In this new age the female has been granted equality with the male by the spiritual forces at large.


Unfortunately, most women don’t understand that to be truly equal both male and female must become Man (note the capital M – this denotes the spiritual state of Man, which is neither male or female)


And because of this mis-understanding of the state of Man females are becoming more and more like males – man (small m = male and female) left to their own devices are inclined towards evil). This much like saying a driverless car on the motorway is inclined to crash!


So females are learning to drink to excess, to smoke, to indulge in drugs,to be promiscuous, uncaring, etc, etc. and even becoming chauvinistic!


Two wrongs don’t make a right – ever!


The male must learn to Be a Man. The female must learn to Be a Man too!


Only this way can true equality be gained and the world can at last achieve the Peace and Prosperity the universe wants it to have!


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


email 1:

email 2:


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)


WPPN Website 1;

WPPN Website 2;





skype: jiamwppn

Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!


reverend master jiam00427


It’s Raining!

It’s Raining!!! Praise be to God for this wonderful day!

It rains upon good and bad alike and all we have to do is decide which group we are in! Lol!

It rain upon the happy and the miserable alike and all we have to do is decide which category we belong in!

It rains upon us all and we all have a choice on HOW TO LIVE OUR LIVES whether it be in rain or sunshine!.

The choice is always ours! Make your choice once and stick with it! I’ve made mine! lol!


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


email 1:

email 2:


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)


WPPN Website 1;

WPPN Website 2;




 skype: jiamwppn

 Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!

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Producing wealth in your own life

Are you working hard in your boss’s life, producing wealth for him, but not working at all in your own life to produce wealth for yourself?

Life is a “do-it-to-yourself project” and if you put one tenth as much energy into your own life as you do into your bosses you would be content (detached) in five years and physically wealthy in 15 years! So 4 hours per week is the difference between poverty and wealth over 15 years!

The path out of poverty is always open to everyone and if you have a regular income your path is so much easier! But it requires self-discipline (discipline means a “follower of the method”) and most people in poverty don’t want to impose self-discipline on themselves – that is why they are in poverty!!!

So they struggle on – broke and in poverty – for the rest of their lives, until the pain of staying the same becomes less than the pain of changing!

Once we want to change we have to ask the universe for guidance! We have to ask that question out aloud! Much like wanting to get into a gentleman’s club, walking up to the door and never knocking! How is the butler inside going to hear you if you never knock? How are you going to get the universal knowledge to wealth if you never ask? You are not ever going to get it if you don’t ask for it (knock at the door!) “Ask thou shall receive, knock the door will open!”

Be grateful if you are feeling the pain, because all you have to do is ask the universe to show you the path to Wealth (not riches) and you will be shown. And then you have to make the choice – do it, become Poor and then Wealthy, or do I remain in poverty and aim to be rich (also a state of poverty!) The pain you are feeling is like a dog howling because it is sitting on a thorn! The solution? “Get up and move to another spot where there is no thorn, you lazy dog!”

The hound dog is howling, so forlorn,

Laziest dog that was ever born,

He’s howling because he’s sitting on a thorn,

Just too darn lazy to move over!” (from the song, “Life gets tedious don’t it?”)

Karma is the law of sowing and reaping. What we do produces the same results back to us in larger quantities! In banking this is called investing! If we invest positively we sow seeds of wheat, barley or corn. If we don’t invest at all we let seeds of thistles, weeds and thorns take a hold on our land (life).

Come the reaping time we reap what we have sown (or not sown) and the wheat, barley or corn produces a fine crop! But the thistles, weeds and thorns produce a horrible crop that sting, burn and hurt us!

Notice how it takes no effort to sow the negative crops! They simply sow themselves. That is because we are a part of nature and our lives are a patch of land we live in for all our lives. We cannot stop the coming of the autumn, the winter, the spring and the summer in our lives anymore that we can stop the autumn, winter, spring and summer of the world!

In the autumn we reap what we have sown in the spring! If it is a good crop it will keep us well fed for the following winter. If it is a negative crop it is going to hurt us (the thistles and thorns don’t “hate” us – they don’t even know we exist!) and cause a very, very lean winter! (I suppose you could eat thistle soup [poverty]!)

Notice how the cartoon man is in debt. Debt can be either negative (the vast majority of debt (97%) is negative) or positive (3%). The worst form of debt is debt used to finance another debt – e.g. hire purchase on a car. Wait a minute, I hear some people say, a car is an asset! BUZZ! WRONG! A car is definitely useful to the individual but definitely a negative investment (a cost). How do I know that? Because when you are in business you can claim the car and its costs against tax! There is now way you can claim profits against tax, so it must be a liability! But it is a necessary part of business so we are allowed to claim the costs of business against a car!

I knew some people who were in deep financial trouble who came to me for help. One look at their lives told me the source of their problems – their cars. They had three cars (liabilities) on hire purchase (liabilities – thus liabilities on liabilities!) on two small incomes! The only asset they had was their house. I told them to sell two of the cars to get rid of the negative debts (they were parents and a grown child) and offered to set up an investment plan for them (a virtuous cycle).

Instead of listening to me, they sold their house to (temporarily) support their cars! They still lost their cars because the house money was only a temporary fix. And when the house money was gone they were back in the same dire financial situation – not enough income to cover their outgoings! I’m afraid I gave up on them as they came to me for advice, but never listened to it and never acted on it at all! In fact they went down the opposite road!

These same people also asked for advice on a cheque for $1,000 they received as a tax refund. They asked me what to do with it. I advised them to go into a different bank and open up a new account with it. “Why?” they asked. “Because if you put it into your current account your bank manager will cease it (they owed the bank $5,000).

“Oh we trust our bank manager – he would never do that!” they said. “Thump, thump, thump” (that’s me banging my head against the wall!) Two days later they phoned me up, crying, saying “The bank manager seized our money!! What can we do?!!!”

“Well, nothing actually!” was my reply. “I told you what would happen if you banked it with him.”

Why are people so stupid? Because they work on emotions, not logic. Logic gives us systems to follow. The system is the discipline and the follower of the system is the disciple!

People who don’t follow a system were, and are, called sinners (sinner means “one who doesn’t follow the system”) People who don’t follow systems are ALWAYS following emotions! Always!!!

Learn this; “The path to Peace and Prosperity always follows a system. The path to ruin always follows the emotions.”

The path to wealth is always hidden in plain sight. We can’t see it because it is right in front of our noses – literally, “Hidden in plain sight!” The only way we can see it is to ask to be shown it. Only by asking do our eyes re-focus on the answer we have overlooked for so long!

Why do people work so diligently on their neighbours (bosses) farm and leave their own to ruin? Because they don’t know any better. They are born in their own piece of land but not taught how to cultivate it! They are taught to cultivate the neighbour’s farm but never think to do the same to their own land! Why? Because they are still working on emotions!

It is only when we wake up and realise that the true source of wealth for ourselves is right knowledge (“you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!”) accompanied by right actions and persistence of those actions!

 So what we need for wealth is…


Right knowledge

Right actions

Persistence of those actions!


Those are the fundamentals of all success – of ALL Success!

That will be $100,000 please! That is what this knowledge is worth. I’ll bet if you paid that much for it, you would carry the actions out. But because I’m gifting it too you free the vast majority will treat it with contempt (an emotional feeling!)

So Please, listen, ask and seek, and when the answer comes – do it, Do It , DO IT!

Of course the answer lays right in front of you. I have spent 36 years studying and test the Universal wealth creation systems and am now Wealthy in Spirit and soon to be wealthy on the physical plane. You could always ask me for advice – I won’t turn you away as a local millionaire turned me away in 1979! (Fortunately for me! I then asked the universe and was given my personal secret of wealth – to help create 100 millionaires (initially) using spiritual wealth creation methods (called the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network – WPPN.) This is my mission in life to establish a new spiritual wealth creation system on earth.

So if you want a mentor to show you the way please contact me today,

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam

 email 1:

email 2:

 phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)

 WPPN Website 1;

WPPN Website 2;



 skype: jiamwppn

 Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!

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An old email to a friend

I found this old email to a friend and I read it and was amaze at the accuracy of it. Dated 2008

Dear *****,

At last I have been able to condense the HUGE concept of the World peace and Prosperity Network down into an overview of the basics. This is an important step forward for WPPN.


The recent western financial institute collapses around the world are the result of these institutes getting too far away from prudent fiscal policies and rushing into speculation/immoderate (usurious) practices over the past ten years. Now their chickens are coming home to roost.


Again we have been shown that we cannot TRUST the financial institutions: it is time for us to find someone we can trust. I searched for years for someone to fill the bill until one day I realised the only person I could trust was myself (and God!)! And the only “institution” I’ve found I can trust is the higher laws of the universe! So by combining the two WPPN synergises the very best – you, me and higher laws!

 That is the letter I found (and have now lost again!) It seemed logical to reveal it on WordPress as things have developed according to God’s plan since then and the time of world-wide spiritual change is rapidly approaching.

This morning I realised that I am a spiritual economics visionary!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


email 1:

email 2:


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)


WPPN Website 1;

WPPN Website 2;





skype: jiamwppn


Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!


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