Category Archives: scary

suicide is painles?(methinks not!)

Suicide is painless ?

Through Early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that
I realize and I can see
That Suicide is Painless
 It brings on many changes
 And I can take or leave it if I please

recently I fell into the hell of hopeless depression  and came very close to 
committing suicide! Only God's  commandment, “thou shalt no kill.” as revealed 
through moses stopped me carrying it out!luckily, a friend of mine called the policea
and they hauled me of to hospital.(thank you richard!)
It i now nearly a fortnight later I am still amazed at how hopeless the deprssion 
made me . I now understand how people who have never been depresed before can be swung away and 
top themelves after half an hour of their first encounter with depresion!. 
I have benn having depressions since I was 18 and don't even remember the first two or 

It took 20 years to get the first suicidal depression and they have started popping up 
more frequently in the past 10 years – I wonder how many more I can go through without
hurting myself/

  my family are talking about putting me in a home for my own safety as I don't 
look after myself very well, not eating properly etc.

iI’d like to stay independent, on the outside of a facility if possible as I am slowly healing from some of my problems (incontinence)(healing quite rapidly actually!)

depression – what is it??? I believe it is a separation of the brain and the soul from each other where the soul can longer influence the brain and leaves it in dispair!(a breaking of the brain soul synergy!) And hopelessness

thank you for reading this short article,

reverend mastr j’iam