Monthly Archives: July 2014

God is my constant friend

God is my constant friend and I am His. I am made in the image of God, so He is my Father, my friend and my brother! I Am God in all ways except for two – I am not the creator and I am not the controller of justice! But in all other ways I an a reflection, a divine image of Him.

I Am He, as you are He, as we are He and we are all together!
Mankind is one and the earth is his home, his only country!

Just as God has a knowable essence and an unknowable essence, so too do I have these two parts! And I can discover my unknown essence as I grow from childhood to maturity in this world! But I can never discover the hidden essence of God in this world – and I don’t know if I can discover it in the next until I get there, but the knowable essence of God is infinitely big enough to keep us amused in this world!

So thank you, thank you, thank you for revealing yourself when I asked you too, just as you have promised to do since the beginning of Mankind!


A question about SYNCHRONICITY?

I was wondering yesterday what the opposite of synchronicity was, so I looked it up online this morning. It is defined as;: an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated.

Then I looked up for the opposite of synchronicity and found: asynchronism, desynchronization, desynchronisation, desynchronizing, asynchrony. Which all seems a bit silly to me!

So I asked the universe/God, ” what is it’s simple opposite to synchronicity in real life?” And the answer instantly came back as “CHANCE!”  So chance is the opposite of synchronicity! I then looked up the word chance and got many synonyms for chance but the one that stuck out for me was “at random

The antonyms(opposites) for chance are; designed, foreseeable, planned, understood. Notice I have crossed out foreseeable and  understood because synchronicity is neither of these. Synchronicity is not something planned and executed by man, so it must be Planned and executed by spiritual forces. The source of all spiritual forces is always God.

So what I am seeing is that synchronicity is a manifestation of Gods plans on earth on the spiritual/metaphysical  planes, whilst chance are random throws of the dice, a manifestation of Gods plan on the physical plane. Random Chance only seems to work on the physical plane so it must be connected to some Law on this plane. Is it Karma – the law of sowing and reaping? That doesn’t sit quite right with me, I so have just asked God “what law does chance work under?”

Now it is just a matter of time until the truth is revealed to me. Is there anyone out there who knows the answer to this question?

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam

email 1:

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phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)

WPPN Website 1;

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skype: jiamwppn

Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!…

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In this new age the female has been granted equality with the male by the spiritual forces at large.


Unfortunately, most women don’t understand that to be truly equal both male and female must become Man (note the capital M – this denotes the spiritual state of Man, which is neither male or female)


And because of this mis-understanding of the state of Man females are becoming more and more like males – man (small m = male and female) left to their own devices are inclined towards evil). This much like saying a driverless car on the motorway is inclined to crash!


So females are learning to drink to excess, to smoke, to indulge in drugs,to be promiscuous, uncaring, etc, etc. and even becoming chauvinistic!


Two wrongs don’t make a right – ever!


The male must learn to Be a Man. The female must learn to Be a Man too!


Only this way can true equality be gained and the world can at last achieve the Peace and Prosperity the universe wants it to have!


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


email 1:

email 2:


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)


WPPN Website 1;

WPPN Website 2;





skype: jiamwppn

Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!


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It’s Raining!

It’s Raining!!! Praise be to God for this wonderful day!

It rains upon good and bad alike and all we have to do is decide which group we are in! Lol!

It rain upon the happy and the miserable alike and all we have to do is decide which category we belong in!

It rains upon us all and we all have a choice on HOW TO LIVE OUR LIVES whether it be in rain or sunshine!.

The choice is always ours! Make your choice once and stick with it! I’ve made mine! lol!


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


email 1:

email 2:


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)


WPPN Website 1;

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 skype: jiamwppn

 Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!

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Producing wealth in your own life

Are you working hard in your boss’s life, producing wealth for him, but not working at all in your own life to produce wealth for yourself?

Life is a “do-it-to-yourself project” and if you put one tenth as much energy into your own life as you do into your bosses you would be content (detached) in five years and physically wealthy in 15 years! So 4 hours per week is the difference between poverty and wealth over 15 years!

The path out of poverty is always open to everyone and if you have a regular income your path is so much easier! But it requires self-discipline (discipline means a “follower of the method”) and most people in poverty don’t want to impose self-discipline on themselves – that is why they are in poverty!!!

So they struggle on – broke and in poverty – for the rest of their lives, until the pain of staying the same becomes less than the pain of changing!

Once we want to change we have to ask the universe for guidance! We have to ask that question out aloud! Much like wanting to get into a gentleman’s club, walking up to the door and never knocking! How is the butler inside going to hear you if you never knock? How are you going to get the universal knowledge to wealth if you never ask? You are not ever going to get it if you don’t ask for it (knock at the door!) “Ask thou shall receive, knock the door will open!”

Be grateful if you are feeling the pain, because all you have to do is ask the universe to show you the path to Wealth (not riches) and you will be shown. And then you have to make the choice – do it, become Poor and then Wealthy, or do I remain in poverty and aim to be rich (also a state of poverty!) The pain you are feeling is like a dog howling because it is sitting on a thorn! The solution? “Get up and move to another spot where there is no thorn, you lazy dog!”

The hound dog is howling, so forlorn,

Laziest dog that was ever born,

He’s howling because he’s sitting on a thorn,

Just too darn lazy to move over!” (from the song, “Life gets tedious don’t it?”)

Karma is the law of sowing and reaping. What we do produces the same results back to us in larger quantities! In banking this is called investing! If we invest positively we sow seeds of wheat, barley or corn. If we don’t invest at all we let seeds of thistles, weeds and thorns take a hold on our land (life).

Come the reaping time we reap what we have sown (or not sown) and the wheat, barley or corn produces a fine crop! But the thistles, weeds and thorns produce a horrible crop that sting, burn and hurt us!

Notice how it takes no effort to sow the negative crops! They simply sow themselves. That is because we are a part of nature and our lives are a patch of land we live in for all our lives. We cannot stop the coming of the autumn, the winter, the spring and the summer in our lives anymore that we can stop the autumn, winter, spring and summer of the world!

In the autumn we reap what we have sown in the spring! If it is a good crop it will keep us well fed for the following winter. If it is a negative crop it is going to hurt us (the thistles and thorns don’t “hate” us – they don’t even know we exist!) and cause a very, very lean winter! (I suppose you could eat thistle soup [poverty]!)

Notice how the cartoon man is in debt. Debt can be either negative (the vast majority of debt (97%) is negative) or positive (3%). The worst form of debt is debt used to finance another debt – e.g. hire purchase on a car. Wait a minute, I hear some people say, a car is an asset! BUZZ! WRONG! A car is definitely useful to the individual but definitely a negative investment (a cost). How do I know that? Because when you are in business you can claim the car and its costs against tax! There is now way you can claim profits against tax, so it must be a liability! But it is a necessary part of business so we are allowed to claim the costs of business against a car!

I knew some people who were in deep financial trouble who came to me for help. One look at their lives told me the source of their problems – their cars. They had three cars (liabilities) on hire purchase (liabilities – thus liabilities on liabilities!) on two small incomes! The only asset they had was their house. I told them to sell two of the cars to get rid of the negative debts (they were parents and a grown child) and offered to set up an investment plan for them (a virtuous cycle).

Instead of listening to me, they sold their house to (temporarily) support their cars! They still lost their cars because the house money was only a temporary fix. And when the house money was gone they were back in the same dire financial situation – not enough income to cover their outgoings! I’m afraid I gave up on them as they came to me for advice, but never listened to it and never acted on it at all! In fact they went down the opposite road!

These same people also asked for advice on a cheque for $1,000 they received as a tax refund. They asked me what to do with it. I advised them to go into a different bank and open up a new account with it. “Why?” they asked. “Because if you put it into your current account your bank manager will cease it (they owed the bank $5,000).

“Oh we trust our bank manager – he would never do that!” they said. “Thump, thump, thump” (that’s me banging my head against the wall!) Two days later they phoned me up, crying, saying “The bank manager seized our money!! What can we do?!!!”

“Well, nothing actually!” was my reply. “I told you what would happen if you banked it with him.”

Why are people so stupid? Because they work on emotions, not logic. Logic gives us systems to follow. The system is the discipline and the follower of the system is the disciple!

People who don’t follow a system were, and are, called sinners (sinner means “one who doesn’t follow the system”) People who don’t follow systems are ALWAYS following emotions! Always!!!

Learn this; “The path to Peace and Prosperity always follows a system. The path to ruin always follows the emotions.”

The path to wealth is always hidden in plain sight. We can’t see it because it is right in front of our noses – literally, “Hidden in plain sight!” The only way we can see it is to ask to be shown it. Only by asking do our eyes re-focus on the answer we have overlooked for so long!

Why do people work so diligently on their neighbours (bosses) farm and leave their own to ruin? Because they don’t know any better. They are born in their own piece of land but not taught how to cultivate it! They are taught to cultivate the neighbour’s farm but never think to do the same to their own land! Why? Because they are still working on emotions!

It is only when we wake up and realise that the true source of wealth for ourselves is right knowledge (“you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!”) accompanied by right actions and persistence of those actions!

 So what we need for wealth is…


Right knowledge

Right actions

Persistence of those actions!


Those are the fundamentals of all success – of ALL Success!

That will be $100,000 please! That is what this knowledge is worth. I’ll bet if you paid that much for it, you would carry the actions out. But because I’m gifting it too you free the vast majority will treat it with contempt (an emotional feeling!)

So Please, listen, ask and seek, and when the answer comes – do it, Do It , DO IT!

Of course the answer lays right in front of you. I have spent 36 years studying and test the Universal wealth creation systems and am now Wealthy in Spirit and soon to be wealthy on the physical plane. You could always ask me for advice – I won’t turn you away as a local millionaire turned me away in 1979! (Fortunately for me! I then asked the universe and was given my personal secret of wealth – to help create 100 millionaires (initially) using spiritual wealth creation methods (called the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network – WPPN.) This is my mission in life to establish a new spiritual wealth creation system on earth.

So if you want a mentor to show you the way please contact me today,

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam

 email 1:

email 2:

 phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)

 WPPN Website 1;

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 skype: jiamwppn

 Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!

!Debt pictureB




Lament not, rejoice not . . .

Lament not in poverty and rejoice not in riches, for one follows the other as sure as night follows day!

There is a tidal flow to possessions that happens, not every day, but on a regular basis. It’s like we all live on the seashore and the tide comes in and goes out. When the tide is in we are flowing in possessions. When the tide is out we are not! But when the tide is out we know that it will come in again!

So if the tide is so regular, surely we should organise our lives to take advantage of them? You’d think so, but most people living in the physical world don’t! Mainly because most people don’t even know the four states of beingness in the universe – riches, poverty, Poor and Wealth. Notice that the states of Poor and Wealth have capital letters to indicate that they are Positive Spiritual states, whilst riches and poverty don’t have capitals, thereby indicating that they are negative physical states.

These two differences – Positive/Spiritual and negative/physical can be expressed in two words – Empowered and disempowered. Empowered is a Spiritual state that is Guided, planned and protected – a state of “do-it-to-yourself”.  Whilst disempowered is a physical state of chance, basically a “have-it-done-to-you” project!

These states can be laid out as below to show the difference

wealth poor riches poverty

The yellow words are Spiritual/Empowered, the white line represents the barrier between Empowered and disempowered, whilst the grey words are physical/disempowered.

So the two ultra-simple states in the universe are Empowered and disempowered!

Which would you rather be? Empowered or disempowered? Me, I’ve chosen Empowered. How do we become disempowered? By doing nothing! We are all born into disempowerment! Empowerment is a choice we have to make in spiritual adulthood (after the age of 15). If we don’t even know that this state exists how are we going to choose it? Well, to put it simply, we can’t! That is why I am telling you here today! If you want to remains disempowered then stop reading! If you are already empowered, I can hear you chuckling! Lol!

Once we know that there are two states in the universe then how do we choose the state we want to Be in? If you want to stay disempowered then simply…….


 To choose Empowerment we have to speak (ASK) it out aloud! By saying something like. . .


 “I hereby choose to be Spiritually Empowered! Please show me the true path!”


If you want to become empowered I challenge you to go back and read the last sentence out aloud! It is as easy as that! Once uttered the universe changes your paths direction so you are headed to a meeting, an encounter with Love! When you meet Love you have met God – for God IS love and Love IS God! The point of this meeting is called rebirth and at that point all negative karma (the law of sowing and reaping) is wiped! This is a truly great gift for we all carry negative karma which reduces our chances of success in the physical world.

Also you will see things that are blindingly obvious that were hidden in the physical world (glass ceilings – there are two of them!) You will go through a series of insights and the realities of those insights are so blindingly obvious that you wonder why you never saw them before (you never asked to see them! Lol!)

You will reach heights of Ecstasy like you’ve never experienced before! Sex(orgasm) is ecstasy on the physical level and  is as close as you can come to the Spiritual Ecstasy on the physical plane. Orgasm is close to the spiritual state of happiness’s Ecstasy whilst the “afterglow” of sex is as close as we can get to Bliss – the second state of spiritual happiness. Why do you think people (even atheists and agnostics) call out, “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God” when they are coming? Because this is when they are approaching Ecstasy and Bliss!

Let me reveal a secret to you – free of charge! Lol! There are three levels of happiness. On the physical level it is called Contentment. On the metaphysical level it is called Joy. And on the spiritual level it is called Ecstasy and Bliss! And all three levels of happiness can only Be reached on the spiritual plane – even contentment, which is a solely physical state! There is no contentment in the physical plane, which is why we are told to strive, strive, strive!


Below I have placed the original verse of The Glory of God, which explains the fundamentals of what I have written about today and leads to the discovery of the four different stations of life (poverty, riches, Poor and Wealthy.)


Be not troubled in poverty nor confident in riches, for poverty is followed by riches, and riches are followed by poverty. Yet to be Poor in all save God is a wondrous gift, belittle not the value thereof, for in the end it will make thee rich in God, and thus thou shalt know the meaning of the utterance, “In truth ye are the Poor,” and the holy words, “God is the all-possessing,” shall even as the true morn break forth gloriously resplendent upon the horizon of the lover’s heart, and abide secure on the throne of Wealth.

The Glory of God


I hope that you have gotten much out of this article. I hope that you read the sentence, “I hereby choose to be Spiritually Empowered! Please show me the true path!” aloud, for that will change your life completely (although you cannot see it yet – unless you were Blessed with instant rebirth!)


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


email 1:

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phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)


WPPN Website 1;

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skype: jiamwppn


Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!

An old email to a friend

I found this old email to a friend and I read it and was amaze at the accuracy of it. Dated 2008

Dear *****,

At last I have been able to condense the HUGE concept of the World peace and Prosperity Network down into an overview of the basics. This is an important step forward for WPPN.


The recent western financial institute collapses around the world are the result of these institutes getting too far away from prudent fiscal policies and rushing into speculation/immoderate (usurious) practices over the past ten years. Now their chickens are coming home to roost.


Again we have been shown that we cannot TRUST the financial institutions: it is time for us to find someone we can trust. I searched for years for someone to fill the bill until one day I realised the only person I could trust was myself (and God!)! And the only “institution” I’ve found I can trust is the higher laws of the universe! So by combining the two WPPN synergises the very best – you, me and higher laws!

 That is the letter I found (and have now lost again!) It seemed logical to reveal it on WordPress as things have developed according to God’s plan since then and the time of world-wide spiritual change is rapidly approaching.

This morning I realised that I am a spiritual economics visionary!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


email 1:

email 2:


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)


WPPN Website 1;

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skype: jiamwppn


Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!


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The State of Poor is like unto a Chrysalis

The State of Poor is like unto a Chrysalis in that, in this new age, it has become a state of transformation. Transforming into what? Why a butterfly of course! And what is the State of the butterfly? Abundance!


So the complete process goes from caterpillar, to chrysalis and butterfly – the physical, metaphysical and spiritual states! Also known as disempowered, empowered and synergistically empowered and poverty, detachment and Abundant.


So, seen this way the process is wholistic and continuous. This has been kept a secret, and veiled to non-believers, since the beginning of Man. It is only in this age of spiritual maturity that it is being revealed. It is still pretty much veiled to those in poverty in this new age. It is only as man becomes more educated (not learned, but educated – the ability to recognise truth for yourself, by yourself) that it will be more widely known. Parents will learn it and teach it to their children as a part of their upbringing, as the parents will create permanent incomes and assets that pass down through the generations. One of the biggest assets in life is education!


Know that the future economy is returning to a slave economy – that is to say not human slaves, but machine slaves and human masters. This requires a whole different setup from the capitalistic economy. Know that every person on earth has enough potential assets to become a millionaire in 30 years. Everyone! EVERYONE! The only thing lacking is education, hope and correct actions (Faith, Hope and Charity [with charity being Love in action]).


The world is desperately lacking in education at the moment. Much of what is called “Education” is actually learning. Education is different in that we have to teach our children to be innerly self-motivated, to be able to distinguish between truth and falsehood for themselves!


Neither science or religion are doing this at the moment, except in rare cases.


The real process is for us – the caterpillars – to grow through learning to the stage where we can enter an educated state of self-determination, to choose to connect with Love and Higher education of the spiritual world.  Only then can we enter the state of Poor (the chrysalis.) For the majority (90%) the state of Poor is just a transcendent stage in this new age – into the state of Abundance! Once we become Abundant we achieved a supreme spiritual state!


In this state we are wholly peaceful and prosperous. We are whole Men. We are Holy Men (Holy means whole!)


So the spiritual state is not a state of religion (water – the knowledge of God/Love) but a state of spirituality (Fire – the actions of God/Love)!


How does the caterpillar escape the physical world it is born into? By simply asking, out aloud!  God/Love is not separate from us. The caterpillar breathes, eats and lives in the air of the world. The very air itself IS God/Love. We are part of the air, not separate from it! So all we have to do is ask to be shown the Air (God/Love) aloud and our question will be answered under the laws of providence – “ask you will receive, knock the door will open!”


So there is nothing mysterious to finding God/Love. All we have to do is ask for a connection out aloud. Why aloud? Because of the energy levels of speech. Thoughts have an energy level of 1 – only just above zero. Sound has an energy level of 10 and is the first type of spiritual energy – “in the beginning (the first energy form) was the word (sound is the first form of energy), and the Word was with God, and the Word was (is) God.”


Every word you speak goes out of your mouth, into your ear, by-passes your consciousness and goes to your subconscious. It is only the subconscious that can actually ask for the connection to Love/God! So we have to speak it aloud for it to be heard by the subconscious! That is the only path to a connection (except if God forces it, like on Saul, but this is exceedingly rare.)


And that, my friend, is the secret of finding God/Love. You will notice that I use the combined words of God/Love all the time. This is because God IS Love and Love is God. The two are inseparable. The image of God being a judgmental old man, ever ready to destroy the world is totally incorrect. Love/God does not destroy things, but replaces them with a better, a positive system/energy. Only light can replace darkness!


People destroy themselves by Karma (the laws of Sowing and Reaping) – an automatic self-regulating system imposed on the non-spiritual to prevent the destruction of the world as a whole. Karma is a bit like the white blood cells, which destroy germs (negative energy.) The spiritual are exempt from the laws of sowing and reaping by spiritual habits like Love and Forgiveness. The first Gift upon entering the spiritual kingdom is removal of all past negative Karma – thus the saying, “All things are made new!”


Sadly, humans being human, most will only ask when they are desperate – when the pain of changing seems to be less than the pain of staying the same! But you don’t have to wait for that point. You can ask at any point in your life. I ask you to ask to see if what I have said here today is true! Ask, you will receive an answer.


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


email 1:

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phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand) +64 221 625 941(overseas)


WPPN Website 1;

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skype: jiamwppn


Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!
















Love the person, not the faults

When we love others we have to “Love the person, but not the faults.” Which means we have to look for the good points in the person and overlook the faults and eliminate them by growing the good points. I used to have a friend who came from a really rough place. His mates used to drop him off and he’d say good bye to them. Well, not just good bye, but “Good F**KING Bye!!! When he first came into the house he used the same type of language. By the third time he came into the house he didn’t swear at all! Until he left the house and said to his mates “Hell – F**KING – lo!” Lol!

But how did I achieve his not swearing in the house? By simply paying close attention to him, giving him positive eye contact and touching his arm when he did something right! And when he was talking wrong I would simply let my eyes drift away from him out the window! Positive and negative reinforcement. When he said something that I wanted to reinforce I would touch, or even grab his forearm and say something like, “That’s a great idea!”

No one had ever paid attention to what he said and certainly never told him it was a good idea! So he began to search for ways to please me! And he found that simply cutting out the swearing allowed him to express things differently and actually communicate with me! All I did was make him feel important.

In the Bible what I am talking about is called, “Loving the sinner, not the sins.” It is exactly the same process. People think the word Sin means “Bad.” But it doesn’t. It actually means “Not a follower of the method” or “ignorant of the method”. So how do we stop being ignorant and become followers of the method? By becoming “Disciples” or “enlightened followers of the method.” But what method? Why the methods of Love (God), of course!

Being ignorant is not necessarily bad, it is just not enlightened! “If a man has ten bad points and one good point, concentrate on his good point!” said Kahlil Gibran’s Prophet! We cannot replace bad points except by exchanging them with good points, for bad points are darkness (ignorance) whilst good points are light (knowledge/ enlightenment). It may seem obvious, but we cannot replace darkness with darkness, only with light!

Stopping a man doing negative things through fear (false evidence appearing real) does not necessarily mean he will produce any good actions! He may just sit in a corner of darkness and not move for the rest of his life! This is not fulfilling his BEingness of helping to produce a divine civilisation! Which means he is not really alive at all, simply in a state of suspended ignorance where he is too scared to do anything positive!

The only way we can overcome ignorance is to become knowledgeable and dedicate ourselves to making our lives better than they were. In doing so we make the world a better place to live in, which is a form of divine civilisation. “Never stop a Man from learning, no matter how slow their progress (Man – with a capital M – is a metaphysical state that includes both males and females!)”

As long as a person is on a path of advancement never discourage them! When our children learn to walk how do they do it? By falling over and over and over. What do we do? Pick them up and bash them? No, we pick them up, give them a cuddle and encourage them to try again! That is the way God/Love treats us too! We fall over, and we have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and try again. There is no limit to God’s Love – there is no limit to the number of times we can fall over, just as long as we pick ourselves up again and retry!

I was reading about Colonel Sanders and how he tried a thousand times to get his recipe in food shops. Originally his recipe had ten secret ingredients! In his last point of sale he was trying to sell a man who told him. “We are trying to sell Beer here, we need food that is Salty, so they get thirsty and buy beer!” At which point he covered the colonel’s chicken with salt and said, “Perfect!”

And that was the eleventh (the “synergising point”) of Kentucky fried chicken! So we have to ask why the colonel never added salt to his recipe? Because he had been on a salt free diet for 30 years! To him salt was foul tasting! But he listened to his customer and became one of the most successful food salesmen in the world!

Know that the secret 11th herb in the life of every Man on the planet is Love! Add love to the recipe and it’s like adding salt – “Ye are the salt of the earth!”
So the process of changing the world into a divine civilisation is a fairly simple two-step process – first change yourself for the better and then change a seeker for the better!

The hardest task is changing yourself! Lol! But all the easier when we use love and gentle persuasion on ourselves to make a commitment to love and laughter! For love and Laughter are the two most desperately lacking things in the world – and the most effective tools to change ourselves and attract the seekers!

kindest regards,
May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,
reverend master j’iam

email 1:
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phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand +64 221 625 941)

WPPN Website 1;
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skype: jiamwppn

Look up reverend j’iam on Facebook too!


Sodomy is rape

Spiritually, sodomy is forbidden. That means it is something no one can impose on us and something we can’t give away to others – who volunteers to be raped? No one sane!

In this new age homosexuality is not to be legally punishable. But this doesn’t mean that homosexual marriage is okay with God. Mr Elton John recons that Jesus would be okay with homosexual marriage, but where did he get this thought from? From his vain imaginings is where. Jesus would never agree to homosexual marriage because marriage is set up by God to be a synergy between male and female. Jesus would never go against the will of God, ever!

Marriage is a synergy of souls and homosexuals cannot make external synergies because they are not internally synergised, No one who breaks the rules of God can ever be internally synergised (whole).

The reason so many marriages break up these days is because one or other of the partners is not internally synergised and therefore they cannot create a marriage synergy. The life span of any marriage that is not wholly synergised is around 4-5 years! Years ago I was a wedding photographer and in the end I had to give it up because I could tell who had a synergy and who didn’t. About 80% didn’t have one on their wedding day and about 50% already had a bag packed! It just got to be too painful to take photos at the majority of weddings!

The purpose of the male in a marriage synergy is to protect himself, the female and the children. The purpose of the female is to protect herself, the children and her husband. Note how the male is last in the woman’s protective order! As a couple they have to protect all from malicious influences.

Now a part of the males role is to protect his synergy partner from rape. But how can he do that if he is raping her himself? Well, obviously, he can’t!  Anal sex is the flavour of the decade. If a man or a woman’s imagination is given permission to go down the homosexual road then that is where it may head. The male may demand anal sex (sodomy) from the female or the female may demand it from the man. Or they may demand it from each other.

It doesn’t really matter who demands it – one is saying I want to rape you, the other is saying I want you to rape me! And the end result of such demands is the removal of their internal synergies! That is the punishment because a house divided can never win! Two houses divided may delay the downfall a little but again they are never going to be able to synergise together because synergies work on wholeness – 1 + 1 = 3. But the non-synergy systems work on multiplication so 1 x . 5 =.5  It will always be less energy than already exists – that is why it can’t win! And if both are internally broken (un-synergised) then the results are even smaller! So .5 x .5 = .25.

Why would a woman demand to be raped? Because pain is very similar to pleasure and, with the aid of the imagination, can be easily transferred over. Plus there are many rape fantasies in marriages because then the female doesn’t have to be responsible for saying “Yes” and the man get a sense of ego power (Rape has nothing to do with sex, it is simply an act of aggression expressed in a sexual way).

The rules of the spiritual laws are different from the rules of the physical world. This is because the physical laws can be manipulated by man whilst the spiritual rules cannot! Physical laws are only rules and regulations, whilst spiritual laws are immutable!

If you are engaging in anal sex think about what I’ve said today and try to stop it – not an easy thing, because it is very pleasureable thing for the males ( and often the masochistic female). The other reason sodomy is forbidden is because it is unclean. Would you stick your penis into a bowl of sewage? Well that is what you are doing with sodomy. I wrote this up on face book as a contrarian joke and people jumped on me from a great height because my reality of sodomy clashed with their (vain imaginings) reality of homosexual sodomy! And they couldn’t see the forest for the trees!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


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