Monthly Archives: December 2014

2014 in review for rev J’iam

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,100 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 18 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Merry Christmas

It is 6.20 am on Christmas morning and I am up and on the computer.

The peace in the air is palpable! I love this time of day and it is especially amplified on Christmas morning.

This is how the world will be everyday in 2035 with the dawning of the new age! This is why I work so hard at my job!

The secret of life is the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately most people start with the physical pursuit of happiness – I know I tried it many a time but have always been thwarted by the universe! In the end I found we have to find Detached Happiness, independent of physical assets and then the physical assets flow to us in abundance!

Start at the top and work down, Start with detached spiritual happiness! This is called the Kingdom of the Poor – “Blessed are the Poor for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!” Heaven! Heaven is the ultimate state of Happiness! It is available here on Earth!

Find Spiritual Happiness first and you naturally flow onto to the state of Abundance where “Any thing you want, you can have!”

“My happiness is not dependent on my circumstances – it is dependent on my heart!”

Today is the “Heart Day” of the Christian world. Ask to be shown the true path to happiness by asking for a “Royal Rebirth!” A royal Rebirth is where you go straight to God, straight to the Holy Spirit called I Am and are then directed to your “Earth Masters” That is the way I was reborn and I was directed to the highest Master of all – “The Glory of God!”

A royal Rebirth was an extremely rare thing in the past but in this new age it is far more available! Simply ask God to make a personal connection to Him through a Royal Rebirth. To be reborn this way makes you into a Spiritual SuperMan! (regardless of whether your a male or a female. This is a gift of the new age we live in!)

Merry Christ-mas everyone!



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Merry Christmas!!!

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Spend up large folks! Keep the system going –  at your own expanse (97% of people)! Lol!

But seriously, Do have a merry Christmas and try to expand the day to the other 364 days too. Remember everyday is Christmas in Heaven!

Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity to you all,

Please fell free to post this card to your friends and family if you want.

Also go to

to select one or more of 23 Christmas cards restored or made by me!

reverend j’iam

The true path to Wealth

There is much talk of wealth and many promising it – almost instantaneously – for a monetary cost to you! These people are talking a load of rubbish and the only person who stands to gain in any transaction with them is them, not you! There is no such thing as instant wealth, although there is such a thing as instant riches. But I’ve noticed that instant riches appear and disappear at the same speed!

To gain true wealth we have to follow a spiritual path. Why is this? Because true wealth consists of 5 things – Health(spiritual), Happiness, Peace, Success(spiritual, metaphysical and physical) and Prosperity. Whilst riches consist of only 2 things – Success(metaphysical and physical) and Prosperity. Notice that number two on the list is highlighted and underlined. This is because Happiness is the KEY factor in wealth.

Spiritual wealth is based on true happiness, riches are not.

Spiritual wealth is based on gifting, whilst riches are based on taking.

Spiritual wealth is empowered By God, riches and poverty are both dis-empowered states

Spiritual wealth is Spiritual Life, whilst riches and poverty is spiritually dead. (For the wages of sin (spiritual fault) is (spiritual) death”)

It is as simple as that.

As Jesus knew, we always have to go to the State of poor before reaching the State of Abundance as the state of Poor is the foundation stone of Abundance. “Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” What is heaven? The ultimate state of happiness of course! First we have to be Happy and then we can become Abundant. Otherwise we just become rich and unhappy!

This is why He (Jesus) told the rich man to gift all his money to the Poor. In doing so the rich man would have become detached from his money and become happy! And then all of his money would have been returned to him multiplied by the laws of sowing and reaping (“As you sow (gift), so shall you reap multiplied”) and he would have slid over to abundance! Which is exactly what he asked for! But the rich man was too attached (addicted) to his money to find true happiness and turned away! Turned back to his misery. Addiction is a harsh mistress indeed!

To sum up; there are four states in life, two disempowered, two empowered. The two disempowered states are riches and poverty. The two empowered states are Poor and Abundance. When we have achieved both states of Poor and Abundance we reach the ultimate state of Wealth. To move from poverty and riches to the state of Abundance and Wealth, we have to become Poor first. The state of Poor is the foundations of the house of Abundance. The state of wealth is when we move into the House and live there permanently!

Every person who asks can achieve the state of poor – everyone! Some will remain in the state of Poor for life for that is their Beingness on earth and they will be compensated in the next world. But your chances of remaining Poor are very small. The vast majority in this new age will move onto abundance!

Of course you cannot become poor by yourself! You have to ask God to become Poor and then you will be led to a master (usually many masters) to guide you into this Blessed state. Where would you find such a master? Why He is writing this article – Reverend Master J’iam.

All you have to do to become poor is to join the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network and commit 100% to making your life abundant. WPPN is a tool to assist you in achieving this, as it sets up Virtuous Cycles to achieve it! Virtuous cycles are the opposite of vicious cycles that are spiritual seeds that can Be grown by anyone with a commitment under the 11th commandment (“Love thou One Another as I Love Thee!” John 13:34)

So that is excellent news! There is a path ready and awaiting anyone who will commit 100% to themselves and to God’s method (we cannot commit to God unless we are 100% committed to ourselves!)

Reverend master J’iam is the first of this new epoch to have this system. It is brand new, revealed in 1992 and taking 19 years to set up. The world will be fully into the new age in 2035 with this replacement for capitalism fully in place by then. And that will lead to 1,000 years of peace and prosperity as promised in the Bible. We live in Good days my friend!

All we have to do is recognise the truth and “the truth will set us free.” I am a member of the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network and the difference it has made to my life is phenomenal!

may Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity Be yours,

reverend master J’iam

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I tried to sell my soul to satan!

Sometimes we have “Disadvantages” Sometimes we struggle against them long and hard not knowing that these are actually advantages to us, if not in this world then in the next

I want to share a story that is “Absolutely true” with you. When I was a teenager I decided to walk down the dark path. I started wearing Black and listening to heavy death metal. Then I “decided to sell my soul to satan” and set off to find him. Fortunately God had imposed dyslexia on me and instead of selling my soul to satan I ended up selling it to Santa! So here I am today! Lol!

We all have real and perceived faults. Any real faults we have are there to help us in the long run, or to settle with, that is to say to love wholly and unconditionally. It is the overcoming of our faults that makes us strong spiritually!

If we have a physical disease we need to find a competent Doctor to help cure us. Finding a competent doctor (one who believes in healing, not just chemicals and pills) is a bit of a task. Don’t stay with your current doctor if you feel he doesn’t believe in healing, because if he doesn’t believe in healing how is he going to help you heal yourself?

I will give you a true story here. I had a growth on my forehead right between my eyebrows. I went to my local health centre only after I had tried acid, alkaline, hydrogen peroxide and a few other things and couldn’t get rid of it. I was told it would have to be chopped out, which was fine by me and was assigned a doctor.

The doctor I got was from Ceylon, a very nice lady doctor. She numbed the spot, picked up the scalpel and just couldn’t cut it out. Why? Because it was in the exact spot that Indian ladies put their red dots on! And it was just too much for her to break the old traditions she had been bought up with. So I was asked to return another day to a different doctor.

This time I was given a brusque Welshman. He cut it out no trouble and then said to me, “you are going to have a hole a quarter of an inch deep in your forehead!” To which I replied, No, I won’t.”

Not used to being spoken back to the hairs on his neck bristled and he said to me “Yes, you will!” To which I replied, “No, I won’t!” We did this several more times and in the end he said (smugly) “Well, we’ll see when the plaster comes off!”

I went back a week later and he set too taking the plaster off and when it was removed there was no hole in my head. The look on his face was a real picture. He was shocked! “Well, I’ve never seen that before!” he said in amazement! No, I thought, because you always tell your patients they are going to have a hole in their head and they believe you and stop the natural healing process! The body is plastic and responds to our thoughts/commands! I told my body to fill the hole in and it did. If I had of believed him I too would have had a permanent hole on my forehead! He was obviously not a competent doctor.

We are the captains of our own ships and we decide where we are sailing too in life! Never forget this. The principle involved with the welsh Doctor was my “Power of Command!”

As you speak out of your mouth, so it shall be!”

If you don’t use your power of command then other people tell you what to do! Simple as that. And, may I say, that other people never have your best interests at heart! That is why Masters never simply teach people, but show them a truth they believe in and ask the student to see (test) if it is true. Only this way will the student make it his own truth and be able to demonstrate it to others!

As time goes by and you use your power of command there comes a time when you can use it for other people. It then becomes your “PowerS of command. First you command yourself and then you can command others under the higher Laws of God. “As within, so without.”

I will give you another true demonstration of the powers of command. I knew a man who hadn’t seem his son for 2 and half years, even though he had legal custody of him every weekend!

His ex was using physical law to prevent him seeing his son. Know that on the physical level there is very little justice and that “Possession is nine tenths of the law.” This is exactly what she was doing. I pointed out this and suggested that he needed to move his problem up to the spiritual level where Justice does exist and is irresistible – “Justice is mine sayeth the lord!”

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord” Romans 12:19

And this is exactly how I handled the problem. I got him to see his ex-wife in his mind and got him to forgive her wholly and unconditionally for every negative action she had done against him in the past (He handed her karma over to grace.) This cleared her karmic debt completely. And then he said that the next negative karmic debt she put against him would instantly be forgiven and handed onto Justice. (This would invoke “Instant Karma” against her.) And that was it. No more needed to be done.

Within 18 hours she had phoned him up and asked him to take his son for the long weekend (we did this at 5 pm on a Tuesday evening. We both had no contact with her between the forgiveness and the result. Coincidence – I think not! In fact I know not! That contact was between her and God that night as she dreamed. This is exactly why “The best form of forgiveness is revenge because it restores the spiritual order of the universe. It puts us back into the love column, and places them into instant karma or the (meaningful) threat of instant karmic (from God.)

Learn the higher laws and use them. Work the laws and the laws works for you. Not necessarily on the physical level, but always on the Spiritual level.

May Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity Be with you,

reverend master j’iam

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Get thee behind me satan!

Satan, according to the Oxford dictionary, actually means wicked. So,“Get thee behind me satan!” actually means, “Get thee behind me wicked (thought)!”

The word wicked has many meaning, but they all lead to a common representation. Wicked means to twist (the truth) to make trouble, to be hurtful by degeneracy, vicious, intending to give pain. So definitely not well intended! Note the word vicious. Vicious is the opposite of Virtuous – we can be in a vicious cycle (which nearly everyone has experienced) or a Virtuous cycle (which far fewer experience a virtuous cycle because it involves commitment!) If we translate “Get thee behind me satan” into modern English we can use it very easily to repel evil thoughts from others and from our our mind. I simply say, “This is not my though and I refuse to accept it!”

You see all thoughts, be they good or evil, are thrown at us by the universe and we have to judge them ourselves, to either accept them as our own or to reject them. If we just let everything into our mind we can receive thoughts from the highest level (God, Pure Love) or the lowest level of evil.

There is a multiple motivational saying JIJO, QIQO, which means

Junk In Junk Out


Quality In Quality Out

We are all gardeners in this life and we are asked to grow good foods and crops. This takes commitment and effort, but you’ll never see a gardener or farmer complaining as reaping time!

It takes absolutely no effort to sow thistles – they sow themselves. But come reaping time you’ll hear people complaining long and loud that the thistles hate them. In fact the thistles don’t hate us. They don’t even know we exist! Nor do our crops love us. Again, they don’t even know we exist!

But we know they exist and the pleasure or pain they give us is the direct result of the actions we have taken previously! This is covered by the Law of Sowing and Reaping (also known as the Law of Karma).

To help us get rid of old inner thoughts I have written a book called “Mind Gardens” (ISBN. 0-473-02826-3) which I offer to you in PDF form. Simply email me asking for a copy and I will gift it to you obligation free. No advertising or add on paid offers – it is a gift from me to you and my gain is that it adds to my virtuous cycle!

To cleanse our minds of past negative thoughts is the first step to spiritual cleanliness. Once our inner mind is clean we put a watchman at the gate who takes care of 99% of thoughts entering our mind. The 1% he can’t handle it is referred to us. This means that our mind power is no longer spent “fighting fires” and we can spend the free time creating “Virtuous Cycles.”

We use the virtuous cycles to create a divine civilisation on earth, as always beginning with ourselves – “as within so without.

As children (aged 0 to 7 years) we absorb everything we hear without discrimination (judging) and, if we are lucky, we grow up with only pure thoughts in our mind. But very few are so lucky.

Jesus said that as adults we must cleanse our minds of the negative thoughts implanted by others (Parents, friends, teachers enemies, media etc.) to give us a clean foundation of which to build our spiritual adult selves! “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a Man, I put away childish things.” This means that we move from being controlled by others to controlling ourselves!

How can we build a lasting house whose foundations are sand (negative thoughts which lead to negative actions)? We can’t! So we have to build a concrete base for our internal Spiritual Kingdom of Love. Usually this involves being “Reborn.” That is to say it involves turning our own internal radio receiver to Love, away from negative thoughts of evil (“man left to his own devices is inclined towards evil”.

Again, another definition, this time from wikipedia;

The terms known as virtuous cycle and vicious cycle refer to complex chains of events which reinforce themselves through a feedback loop. A virtuous circle has favourable results, while a vicious circle has detrimental results.

Both circles are complexes of events with no tendency towards equilibrium(at least in the short run). Both systems of events have feedback loops in which each repeat of the cycle reinforces the previous one (positive/negative). These cycles will continue in the direction of their momentum until an external factor intervenes and breaks the cycle. End of quote.

Let’s look at how the cycles start. Every vicious cycle starts very easily by us simply doing nothing! It takes no effort to fall into a deep hole and a lot of effort to get out of that hole! It takes no effort to leave our land to sow itself to thistles and lots of weeds. These pests simply germinate on the wind!

This is why we are asked to cleanse our mind of childish (self-destructive) thoughts and replace them with Manly (Self-building) thoughts. Self building thoughts don’t just happen – they have to be committed too and acted upon! Commitment is possibly the least favoured word of this New Age! Lol!

Building a virtuous cycle means putting a fence up around the hole, or filling it in, and then building foundations for a new Multi-storied house! Again, building the foundations is the longest and hardest part! Everything that is easy to do (falling into a hole) becomes harder and harder to live with. Everything that is hard to do (building foundations) becomes easier and easier to live with!

And so we have a choice of simply doing nothing with our lives and falling into continuous crisis (vicious cycles.) Or doing something with our lives and building a Divine Civilisation (this is the second high Goal in everyone’s life, with the first goal being connection to God/Love!)

Life is not complicated. It is actually very simple. But sorting the simple out of the blizzard of “facts” in this world is not an easy process. Never, ever confuse Simple with easy!

But once we find the simplicities of Life and start to build them, life does become easier and easier over time!

Thank you, Lord!


P.S. To receive your gift copy of the “Mind Gardens” PDF, my email address is <>

reverend master jiam (19)

Faith without Deeds is Dead!

Faith without Deeds is Dead, therefore only Faith with Deeds is alive!

In this new Age do you think God’s Love for us has shrunk or expanded? Look at the constant flow of miracles we experience every day! God Loves us even more openly in this New Age, the greatest of all ages so far! He wants to look after all our Needs! All of them! Why is this? Because God is Whole, not partial. And we live in the first new age of wholism!

In this new age it doesn’t just include our spiritual growth, but also includes work, income and housing! This is the first time in the history of Man that this has happened!

In this New Age God has expanded His care on earth from the spiritual to include the physical and the metaphysical. The physical was manifested in the industrial revolution, the metaphysical in the computer revolution and now He is to manifest the new spiritual order in the current happening revolution – which will Be in place by 2035! This is why the churches are losing their power because they only deal with the spiritual and the New Age is Wholistic! By the time they wake up it will be too late for them.

This new age is caused by a huge expansion in God’s Love on earth. Simple as that! Every new idea and invention since 1844 (1260 in the Muslim calendar) has come from God through a human agent. As I say, “In the beginning God said, “Let there BE light!” and He invented the sun! In this new age he said, “Let there BE electric light!” and He invented (created) Edison!”

Why have we been gifted these countless miracles? Because Man has reached a state of spiritual maturity at last!

Do you think God has showered us with abundance in this new age so we can simply destroy ourselves? No! He has showered us with abundance that we may create a Divine Civilisation – “The like of which Mankind has never seen before!” So this is a complete spiritual revolution!

As with all revolutions the rules change. In the coming Divine Civilisation the rule will be with spiritually mature peoples of the earth – because the spiritually mature will own the assets of the earth, not the politicians, the rich, the usurers and the corrupt. Only by each of us owning all our assets forever (and passing them down through the generations) can we ensure everlasting Peace. Peace can only be obtained when the prosperity of the world is denied to the usurers and passed onto the people. Only the spiritually mature people can create their own Prosperity!

How do we create Prosperity? By creating Virtuous Cycles in our lives – first one, then two then many! How do we create virtuous cycles? By obeying and actioning the 11th commandment! What is rte simplest way of doing this? By joining WPPN (the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network) and training in this system – which was revealed to me by God in 1992!

It is extremely difficult to set up a wholistic Virtuous cycle by ourselves. I mean, God revealed it to me and it still took 19 years for me to understand the gift I had been given and to set it up to succeed in my life!

Much better to join WPPN and follow the simple step by step processes. It is extremely hard to set up perpetual spiritual, metaphysical and physical written goals by ourselves. So God has revealed to me a book called Commitments which are all the goals you’ll ever need to create your own success and a spiritual divine civilisation. Where can you buy this book? Well, you can’t – it is only available to members (for free) when they join! I know if I was a capitalist I could sell this book for many thousands of dollars per copy. But I am not a capitalist (capitalism is dying now) and I am a missionary. To be a capitalist you have to be willing to take advantage of peoples natures. To Be a missionary you have to want to change peoples behaviours for the better! I am a missionary with a 30 year mission that ends in 2036 at the age of 85. So where other people retire at 65 I am just starting my final 21 years!

We live in exciting times. On the surface it seems as if the world is in a state of decay and corruption – which it is! Most of us can only see the big trees decaying and falling. People are going around shouting and screaming, “The old trees are crumbling – we are doomed!” But they forget that God is always recreating the earth every second of the day! If they would just stop looking at the falling trees and look down to the bases of the trees, they’d see new living trees ready to spring up when the old tree actually does fall! One of these new, small trees at the base is WPPN!

So far our small tree has a core of three members – a 300% gain from the start of it. I call out, in the Name of God, to the world for new members that we may reach 100 members when it will start to arise (grow) in the world.

From 100 we will expand to 1,000 when it will become a permanent fixture in the world. From 1,000 it will rapidly grow to 10,000 and 100,000 and we will start to be studied by the press. From there things will rapidly evolve so that we (the people) become a world energy of God and the new Age!

It is all written in the Book of God for these things to happen. All we need now is the workers to construct it in their own lives and therefore in the world at large! “As within, so without!”

Come and join us. Investigate the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network to judge it’s truth and, when you find it to Be true, have the courage to commit to yourself first, to God and to the network.

Thank you for reading this I am grateful for you time,

many thanks, may Health, Happiness, Peace, Success, Prosperity and Love fall upon you,

reverend master J’iam

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Answers! We can all be Christians despite our individual Faiths

I have devised a good test to tell the difference between Christians and Jesus-ites (a Jesus-ite is a follower of the cult of Jesus and a non follower of I Am – the Christ spirit.)  I simply ask them if they know what the eleventh commandment is.

If they answer,”there are only ten commandments” they are a Jesus-ite or a Moses-ite.

If they know it, they are on the way to being a Christian.

If they practice it they are a Christian. If you practice the eleventh commandment you are a Christian no matter what religion or faith you follow! The first Christian I met at the age of 18 was a both a Christian and a Muslim! I was an atheist at the time and his advice to me was “God always Provides!” This is pure simple Christian advice!

You see the Christ is above personal faith. It’s name is I Am and it is accessible to anyone. I had what is called a “Royal Rebirth” and was asked by the Christ spirit to become a Bahai – which I did after reading the words of Baha’u’llah, Muhammed, Jesus, Krishna and Buddha and seeing that they were all written by the same hand (Christ) only in different coloured pens!

So, where will you find the eleventh commandment? Look up John 13:34

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Notice how the words, “One another” are repeated twice. This is the clue to the Wholistic mature of this commandment. One is the old fashioned English word for yourself – “How is one today?”

An-other is the old fashioned way of describing other people.

So translated in modern English the commandment reads, “Love Yourself and other people” Twice it repeats this to emphasise the importance of this aspect.

Love yourself FIRST. Why? Because “as within, so without.” If we cannot love the God within how can we love the God without? If we don’t pay ourselves first how can we pay others second? If we don’t obey our inner, higher selves how can we obey our outer, higher selves? Well, quite simply, we can’t!

If we don’t Love the God within us, we cannot love the God without us! If we don’t love ourselves, we cannot love others!

So that is the What to do! Next, how do we do it? The answer is God’s way – “As I have Loved you.” So How does God Love us? Why wholly and unconditionally, of course! So we must love ourselves, Others and God wholly and unconditionally! This is the simple secret to Heaven of Earth!

And, the crux of the whole thing, what is the Method? There must Be a method, for without a method, nothing is achieved (except by chance – and we have all won the big lotto prize by chance, haven’t we? Lol!) The method for this time and day is the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network (church, organisation, Method, Synergy)

This (WPPN)was revealed in 1992 and created in 2011. It took 19 years to be fully understood for the first time!

So anyone of any religion can Be a Christian (I Am, is the Christ! Jesus (Blessed Be His name) was the Christ on earth for only three years.) He went into the desert as Jesus the Man and came out as Jesus the Christ after fasting for 40 days and nights (5 weeks and 5 days).

Since then there have been three other Christs on earth. But the eleventh commandment still stands. None of the other human Christs revoked it in any way! In fact they added to it, refined it even further!

In this New Age the churches and religions are fading away. In their place are rising a new breed of believers, who call themselves “Spiritual.” Know that the spiritual way is the way of the Fire (The Holy Spirit) and Jesus told us we must be reborn into both the Water and the Fire (the Holy Spirit) to Be whole (Holy)

We live in age “the likes of which Mankind has never seen before!” Look around you and see what is happening in the world as it metamorphoses from a caterpillar to a butterfly! We live in an age of miracles, most of which are so “common” these days that they are totally ignored!

Take the car for example. We have been travelling behind horses backsides for over 5,000 years! And travelling at 4 to 12 miles an hour for all that time! Yet today we can all travel at 60 mph at any time (By car, train, bus or motorcycle) and can travel at 550 mph in a jumbo jet! Is this not a miracle with a capital M? YES! It is! But we take it for granted every day!

200 years ago it would take a letter at least six months to travel around the world from England to New Zealand. Today the letter is becoming extinct, instead we email each other and complain when it doesn’t arrive in half an hour anywhere on earth!

So the times have changed and the old methods of life have changed as well. In the New Age the old methods only allow some to live comfortably. In the New Age all are allowed to live comfortably and we don’t have to suffer under the reigns of capitalism and communism any more, because the keys to our Own Freedom are in our Own Hands (WPPN)!

Know you have to have 6 elements aligned to succeed –

(1) a desire

(2) a Goal

(3) a method

(4) a Plan

(5) activation of the plan and finally….

(6) fruition of the plan

After that we return to number one again.

And what is the most common lack that stops people succeeding? Why the method of course!

The Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network is the Method and the Activation of a New Age plan of success – simple as that!

If you want to know what the method is, simply contact me on <> There is no pressure, no obligation I am simply one man and two followers of the WPPN Method. I offer you the truth and you have to decide whether to accept it or not! If you accept it you start a 30 year journey that offers you success under the higher laws of the universe (God never backs out on His promises!)

There are no short cuts, the commitment is to yourself for the rest of your life. But I guarantee that within 5 years your life will have totally changed for the better, as you see the results manifesting from the virtuous cycles you create in WPPN.

You see we all know what a vicious cycle is, but far less of us know what a virtuous cycle is. And even less of us know HOW to create a virtuous cycle, and even less know how to create wholistic (Multiple) virtuous cycles that lead to permanent, stable and ever growing success that we pass onto our children (if they want it) our grand children, our great grandchildren down through the generations for at least 500 to 1,000 years!

Only WPPN works on God’s virtuous cycles to create wealth (Abundance + Detachment) over the period of our whole life! By 2035 it will dominate the world economy and people will be free, peaceful and prosperous! And then my mission will be completed and I will die in 2036 to go home again!

Come and join me in spreading the truth to the world. The best way to spread the truth is by demonstrating it to the world by manifesting it in our own lives!

Kindest regards,


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