Monthly Archives: March 2014

As man thinketh in his HEART, so it shall BE!

The longest distance in the world for each of us to traverse is the 14 inches(36 centimetres) from the head to the heart.

In the head thoughts are known as knowledge. In the HEART our thoughts are also known as Knowledge. There is only one capital K separating the two states, but that capital represents a huge difference in thinking. The energy of knowledge(on the physical level)  is just 1. The energy level of Knowledge (on theSpiritual level) is 100! This is why Jesus said “You will Know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free!” Notice the capitals in Truth and Free as well! All these capitals represent the difference between physical states of freedom, truth and knowledge and Spiritual Freedom, Truth and Knowledge! The difference is the difference between 3 and 300 in energy levels! It is the difference between entrapment and Empowerment!

A baby elephant is tied to a peg that it cannot pull out and it becomes so used to being trapped by the peg that the circus owner never enlarges that peg as the elephant grows in size and strength! The grown elephant can easily pull out that peg and go where it wants. The only reason it doesn’t is because the elephant believes in it’s heart that it’s strength is still that of a baby! It Believes that it’s strength is 1 not 100, so it stays trapped to the tiny peg – never ever even trying to pull it out!

Mankind is the same. A we grow from children into adults we stay in our thoughts believing that they are our true strength. But as adults we are 5 – 6 times larger than children; it is the same in our minds! What we call our mind as children becomes our brain as adults. What is our mind as adults is actually our soul! Our soul has a strength of 100. Our brain has the strength of 1 or 10 depending what level we use of it at. It is only when we move our control from the brain to the soul that we are set Free!

Whilst it may appear to be a simple task to change our centre of thinking from the brain to the soul, simple is not easy! SIMPLE IS NOT THE SAME AS EASY!  That is why it is called the long fourteen inches!

So let’s get down to the heart of the problem – how do we move from the brain to the Heart? We have to ask out aloud for it – as a gift! All we have to do is speak it out aloud and ask to be shown the path to the spiritual world. Not just think it, but ask it out aloud! Why is this so? Because it all comes down to energy levels. If we think it in our heads then the energy level is 1. This is the closest we can get to zero without actually existing. To think something in our heads is, spiritually speaking, like a flea thinking something and expecting and answer. To ask out aloud is like the flea roaring like a lion becaue the first spiritual energy is SOUND.  Thoughts have no spiritual energy. THOUGHTS HAVE NO SPIRITUAL ENERGY!!! This is supported in the Bible by the words, “In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with (from) God, and the Word was God (spiritual).”

I was an atheist for 14 years. After 7 years i drowned, went over to the other side and returned to this world so I Knew in my heart that we didn’t cease to exist for seven years until I was “Reborn” in to the spiritual world. Why did it take seven years for me to be reborn (move from the brain to the soul)? Because it took me seven years to actually ask the question out aloud! I had thought it a million times, but nothing happened. It was only when i lay in bed one night and said out aloud to God, “If your exist, please show me” that anything happened! Within 6 months I was reborn into the spiritual world as my centre of thinking! Know that it is a long 14 inches because we cannot make that leap in our brains. We have to go (as AA says) to an outside source to make the leap. How do we get help from that outside source (God/divine spirit etc.)? By asking out aloud! It is as simple as that! But the asking is not easy! It is the asking aloud that is the incredibly hard part (for our brain – it has to let go of “power”)!

Once we have uttered the words out aloud, a series of changes start taking place. It is a process much like the caterpillars transformation into a butterfly. The butterfly becomes a chrysalis, the chrysalis actually dissolves the caterpillars body and reshapes it into a butterfly and then the finished butterfly emerges! The caterpillar represents the energy level of 1, the butterfly represents the energy level of 100! The chrysalis process in humans is started the moment we ask it to start – aloud!

The moment we ask for it the transformation process starts. We cannot see it ourselves. Nor can other people see it happening, except that we become “hidden’ inside a chrysalis. We all know “something” is happening, but only the spiritual can see it happening with hindsight and know that the changes are taking place and that we are in the process of being “reborn” (TRANSFORMED, from the physical to the spiritual.) And off course God sends a series of spiritual people to help the process along – sort of like spiritual mothers (male and female). They can be religious or not – spirituality has very little to do with religion! 

Nor do we have to be “worthy” (deserving) of asking – all we have to do is ask! That is incredibly hard for some people to understand and stops them from asking at all!

So I hope i have helped someone, somewhere to let go of their thoughts and just utter the words our aloud, so that they may start the longest journey (with foresight) of there lives – because it really is the shortest journey of our lives (with hindsight! LOL!) Ask and you WILL Know the truth and that truth will set you free (of the limitations of the physical world!)

You can always contact me if you want help. Amen.

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn




Left, right, left, right, one foot after the other!

What is the only way from here to there? One footstep at a time, one after the other!

And what is the beginning of the longest journey? The first step!

And what stops us taking the first step? Only ignorance and/or fear!

And what is the cure for these two things – ignorance and fear?

1) independent investigation of the truth, so you know of your own beingness!

2) action to over come fear – do the thing you fear and your fear will disappear! Fear literally means False Evidence Appearing Real! Fear is an illusion: it is a cobweb that tells you it is a steel cable, and if you believe that then it is! Once you Know that it is only an illusion with the strength of a cobweb then it is easily swept aside!

Once you have taken the first step the second step is always easier, as is the third step and the fourth, fifth and sixth steps are all easier again. By the time you reach the fiftieth step you are jogging and by the time you reach the hundredth step you are running and you wonder why on earth you couldn’t start! 

It is always easier if you have a coach and a mentor with a map of the journey! It you are always going to fail if you haven’t got a METHOD of achieving your goals. You can’t make plans if you don’t have a method!!!

Luckily for you I can show you a Method that is based on the higher spiritual laws of the universe!

Also luckily for you I am doing it for God and not for capitalistic gain, so it doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg, not even a finger(nail)! Lol!

Luckily for you too there is no risk, as if you don’t like the system in three month you can pull out and get a refund of your money!

You’re pretty lucky today aren’t you!!!

email reverend master j’iam on <> for more informayion.

I’ll bet you’ve never seen a system like this one! or one even remotely close!


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn





The simplest things can make a difference

Life may appear to be huge and complicated, but that is not necessarily so. In the physical world everything is based on facts. There are millions, if not billions, of new facts created every day. Facts are just like simple thoughts – information contained in a bubble! We can easily drown in facts as billions of bubbles confuses us, blocking out the sun amd making us blind so that we fall into a creek and drown! (you didn’t think that we can drown in bubbles did you? Lol!) To clear ourselves of the confusion of bubbles we have to lift ourslves to the next layer of the universe – the Metaphysical layer. Meta simply means beyond, hence beyong the blinding confusion of facts!

In the metaphysical all knowledge is based on Principles. There are a limited number of principles in the universe and we don’t have to know all of them to get by quite adequately! There are less than 5,000 principles. And we only need to know a couple of hundred to survive adequately.  In the metaphysical you’ll find that all facts can be stuck to principles. So once you know the principles it is easy to handle new knowledge, as we can stick them to principles in bunches of thousands at a time! But Wait! There’s More! (I’ve always wanted to say that! LOL!) All principles can be stuck to spiritual laws!

Spiritual laws are less than a thousand and can split into two parts of 970 and 30. The 30 represents the higher laws, the 970 represents the “moral laws”. Moral laws used to be handled by religions but are having to be handles by ourselves now as we live in a new age in which the key word for individuals is “Self Determination!” This is the 970. 

The 30 represents the higher laws of the universe. The higher laws are predetermined by God and His Justice. By going straight to higher laws, we basically take care of the other 970. Just like by going to the 11th commandment we take care of the original 10 commandments. The higher always takes care of the lower. The spiritual contains the metaphysical, the metaphysical contains the physical, like a bubble within a bubble, within a bubble! The secret is to be able to pop the physical bubble and unite it with the metaphysical. And theto pop the metaphysical and unite it with the spiritual! And and to pop the lower spiritual laws and unite then with the higher laws! Or to simply go straight to the higher spiritual laws and have the whole lot popped at once! Why does it work this way? Because the other name for this new age is UNITY!

To access the higher laws we have to submit our will to the will of God. Our free will is given to us to freely give up for Love or to keep and turn away from Love – it’s that simple! This is okay because the higher laws are always safe – always. 

By using the higher laws and sticking the principles to them we have a very elegant system of handling all the facts in the world. The facts stick to the principles and the principles stick to the higher laws! Simple as that. 

And the ONLY hard part of the whole process is giving up our free will! But that is the very reason we were given it – to give it up when we finally find the unbreakable truth of the Higher Laws!

So when we are born we are born into a vastly complicated world of facts and no matter how good we are we are going to get swamped by facts in the end. When we finally decide to move to the metaphysical world (we don’t know it’s even know it’s  called that – the metaphysical world is the world our brains access by deductive reasoning!) the relief is almost tangible. All scientists are metaphysically based. And then, eventually (soon for some and very late for others (at the point of death, even) we move into the spiritual world, where life can become confusing again or very clear. Confusing if we follow only the moral laws and clear if we follow the higher laws(which also enable us to order the moral laws very easily according to self determination and surrender of the free will).

Know that there is only true freedom and that is submission to the Will of God. This is what  the (Blessed) messenger Muhammed originally brought. Today we work under the laws of self-determination which is still under the submission to God, but We decide to do things, we are not forced to do them any more! Always self-determination comes down to making decisions (decision means “to cut off”) that are in alignment with God’s will. So we replace our will with God’s will and in doing so we gain every power He has except two – Justice and Creation! 

Life is just so, so, so much simpler in the state of submission. Yet at the same time, life is also so much more powerful!

We cannot just blindly give our free will away, otherwise we end up giving it away to evil causes . It has to be a careful, conscious and considered decision. But once made, the freedom is INCREDIBLE!!! We can go anywhere within the boundaries of the higher laws! And that is a HUGE, MASSIVE, ENORMOUS, ALMOST INFINITE  AREA!!

As a Master I can show you a path to this decision point, but i cannot make you accept it or reject it – that you must do for yourself. “One man can lead a horse to water, but ten men cannot make it drink” and “Many hear the call but few choose to follow it

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn






That small still voice!

In all the hustle and bustle of life – the noise and the dim of living – we are lucky to be able to hear small noises at all. Yet this is where the voice of the universe lays, in the tiny whispers of the breeze, rather than in the howling of the gale!

This is why is says in the scriptures “Be still and know “I Am”, God.” We have to calm ourselves down and be still, relaxed, calm and quiet to be able to hear the sounds of the universe. In the olden days this was much easier as they didn’t have cars, radios, television, ringing phones, etc., etc. Today we have to learn to Be calm inwardly in a noisy outside world. This is not the easiest of things to do, but it is possible and, like any new habit, becomes easier and easier as time passes. 

One of the main aids to quieteness is to be able to turn off your brain’s incessant internal chatter! This must be done deliberately. One of the stages involves meditating and being able to see every thought as a bubble (like a water bubble on a flower). Once you can see a thought as a bubble, it is no problem to see two thoughts as bubbles. And then three thoughts and then four thoughts.

After this make a deliberate attenmpt to see hundreds of thoughts as bubbles. When you do this you will notice that betwwen each buble/thought is a dark space. That dark space is stillness. Zoom out  and see millions of bubbles of thoughts and then have a look around you at the huge area of blackness. This blackness/stillness surrounds all thoughts! You can experiment by dipping your head into a thought and hearing the noise of it and then pulling your head out (Oi You, pull your head out! Lol!) and comparing the noise to the stillness of the blackness. Decide to make this blackness, this stillness your permanent home!

You will find in the stillnesss there is a soft whispering of a gentle voice – one that always whispers, that never shouts like thoughts do. This small, still voice is the one that the quote is referring too! This small still voice comes from “I Am” which is the knowable essence of God! You can test I Am and you find that it always speaks the truth. After a while you will come to love the voice of I Am and will listen to it daily. You will find yourself detaching from the thoughts of your brain and attaching yourself to I Am. I know it sounds like a contradiction but spiritual detach is simply detaching ourselves from the material world and attaching to I Am. We can still use all the benefits of the material world, just not be attached to them!

To know the voice of I Am is to know the voice of righteousness and so we become righteous in ourselves. Not the righteousness of thoughts – loud brazen and aggressive, but small, quite and retiring righteousness. There is another saying, “Only the righteous know the rewards of righteousness!” and that is certainly true.

In the material world you can be shown the rewards of things before you start, but in the spiritual world we have to rely on Hope (that the promise will Be fulfilled) and do the actions to actually Know the truth (“You will Know the truth and the truth will set you free“!) Hope of the rewards leads to actioning the actions and that leads to us learning the results of our actions and having the truth confirmed to us. Then we KNOW the truth of the promises and Faith  grows! (all faith is based on knowledge -if it isn’t based on knowledge then it is simply superstition) Hope is an unfulfilled expectation of things to come, Faith is a knowledge of things that have happenedand this can be projected forward as Hope with a capital H! 

All hope and faith come from the initial stilling of the thoughts in the brain. Notice i don’t call it the mind. This is because the Mind is actually based in our soul. This is why we called destructive acts< “mindless acts of vandalism” All destructive actions come from the brain, bereft of the soul’s mindful over-sight. 

To “see” a thought doesn’t mean becoming involved with the thought, but seeing it as a third party would – from the outside and at a small distance away. Once you have made this initial step, you are one the journey to detachment. Detachment simply means not Being involved with the things of this world and attaching yourself to the things of the spiritual world – the quiet and the small, still voice. 

There is nothing complicated about spirituality. But it is not easy because to become detached you have to turn against the ways of most of mankind, sometimes including you mother and father, brothers and sisters, friends and relatives, business associates and so forth. That is the hard part. You’ll find almost everything in life that is worth having is simple , but not necessarily easy! Never confuse the two words simple is not easy and easy is not simple!


But the doing makes it easier because Doing creates new habits. We are all simply creatures of habits. The habits we have may be helpful to us, but many are destructive. Untkl we sit down and begin analysing ourselves we live lives shaped by others. Up until the age of 8 everything a child hears and sees is absorbed unhindered by questioning thought (from the mind/soul) that is why Jesus said, “When I was a child I thought like a child, but now i am a man I must put away (discard) the things of childhood ( the wrong things we learned) and become a Man(note the capital M)”

I hope i haven’t rambled too much for you, but spiritual thoughts are seldom linear – “all things are involved with all things“!

I hope too that you will be able to use what I’ve said today to launch yourself to a higher spiritual reality,

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn




As you may have guessed, I’m not here for the money!

As you may have guessed, I’m not here for the money! So I apologise to all the members who have contacted me with deals etc. but i have a mission to do and that is why I am here. A huge transformation is rapidly approaching the world and we really should be preparing ourselves for it if we are to continue our businesses as we are today. The coming change will affect us – you and I! As our businesses are sub-dominant to ourselves, then whatever affects us also affects our businesses.


When the change comes it will be too late to prepare for it because we will be tossed into it with the rest of mankind. What we need to do is to build a life raft that will float us above the coming (not literal) inundation. And the only way to build a lifeboat is to start a virtuous cycle. A VIRTUOUS CYCLE!!! 


Most of us won’t know what a virtuous cycle even is. It is way above the business cycle -way, way, way above! The virtuous cycle takes money and spiritualises it. This creates energy for us at a much higher level (up to 111 and 1,111, as opposed to the 1 and 11 we currently work in) So virtuous cycles are simply spiritual efficiencies that build our energies up to enable us to ride the coming flood.  

It doesn’t interfere with your business, in fact it tends to increase your business because virtual cycles work on the law of “They that have (the virtuous cycle) shall be given more!”

So I invite you all to at least have a look at my website – the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity network. It is not a business opportunity. Rather it is the opportunity of a lifetime to increase your spiritual energy by instantly creating a virtuous cycle.


I am not a salesman by any means. Of those of you who come and look, many will hear the call, but few will actually action it in their lives. For we are still at the “heroic” stage of building. But at least have a look so you will see a difference reality of life.

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, 

Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn 




I Believe – a bill of spiritual rights, responsibilities and benefits!



The above poster contains everything we need to be whole/complete in spiritual terms. If you would like a copy simply email me at

for a printable, unmarked PDF file that can be printed at home or in a copy shop of your choice.

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn



Rumbitty, rumbitty, rumbitty, rum, rum!

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

In times of old there were two Irish brothers. Brothers they were because they had the same father and mother! And they used to tread to work in the fields each day along a country path. 

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

One day they met a leprechaun and, thinking quickly, they seized him so he would give them a wish!

“Okay i’ll grant you a wish each, but it must be moderate wish, seeing as to how it’s lent!” he said to them,

“A pound a day and no more!”

“That seems fair enough to me” said the older brother, and the other agreed!

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

“Come each day this way to that oak tree and you’ll find your pounds underneath it” said the leprechaun, “But beware, if you don’t pick them both up for more than 4 days you’ll it’ll be the end of it!”

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

So the brothers looked forward to the next day and sure enough under the oak tree was two pounds! “What are you going to do with yours?” asked the older brother! “I’m going to the pub to have a booze up and see if i can’t get that snobby Mary with my money!(a pound was a lot of money in those days!)

“What are you going to do with yours?” Asked the younger brother.”I’m going to save 15 shillings and spend 5 shilling on myself and mammy!” He replied. “ah, that’s big hearted of you!” said the younger brother.

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

And so the brothers went there separate ways, one spending his pound everyday the other savings most of his and building up the house for him and his widowed mammy. One day he would buy sheets, the next day he would buy a table, the next a bed! And so the house became full of good furnishings and clothes. Plus he fixed the house up and added on an extention. Plus they bought an acre of land next door and they started a garden and orchard! 

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

But the younger brother was selfish and never contributed to his mammy and spent all the money each day on wastrel living – drinking, smoking, womanising, gambling and so forth. At first he was happy and then, imperceptibly, his life became worse and worse. He was always broke and couldn’t wait to get to the tree each day! He started borrowing money and not paying it back, so his debts mounted. The drinking and other excesses took a toll on his health and life because a constant struggle – even though, by the standards of the day, he was rich!

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

And after a couple of years his drinking led to him having “blackouts” and he started missing trips to the oak tree! Another couple of downward years and he was missing up to three days! And each day the money was there and gone the next morning because it hadn’t been picked up! Eventually he missed the fourth day, even though his brother tried his hardest to get him to come and fetch his pound! And so the spell was broken and the daily pounds stopped!

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

What a tragedy for the younger brother – he was in deep debt, was wasted and had no income and no savings! The bailiffs came and took him to jail and threw him in! 

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum!

But the older brother had known this day was coming from the day they were granted the wish, because he knew what his brother was like! That is why he saved three quarters of his money to build capital. He had a freehold home and an acre of land in vegetables an orchard plus a milking cow and everything they needed in ways of household goods. So the loss of the pound was not a tragedy and they were able to retire on the capital he had accumulated in the bank for the rest of their lives, his mammy and him!

Rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum,

rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, rum, rum,

rumbitty, rumbitty,  rumbitty, RUM, RUM, RUM!!!

I have but one question to ask, which brother are you?

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn


It doesn’t matter if it costs 2 cents to make a 1 cent coin!

Bureaucrats want to get rid of money altogether and they are aiming at the low coins first. They point to “economy” when trying to eliminate the smaller coins – it “COSTS” 2 cents to make a 1 cent coin, they complain! But that logic is illogical! They are only looking at the PRICE of the coin and not the true cost of it!

What is the difference between the price of something and the true cost of something, I hear you ask? The price is what you pay for the item and the true cost is the price divided by the usage!

So a one cent coin costs 2 cents to make, but how many times will it be used? If we say it is used every two days then that would be 365 divided by 2 = 182 times per year. And lets say a coin will last 20 years, minimum. That is 182 x 20 = 3,640 times it is going to be used. 2 cents divided by 3,640 = 0.0006 cents per usage. That is 6 ten thousandths of a cent per usage! And the figures of usage are extremely conservative! You can’t seriously be telling me the cost of a 1 cent coin is too high at 6 ten thousandths of a cent per usage 

You see people who work on the physical plane always work on the price (butthey call it the cost – which it isn’t, it’s the price). People who work on the metaphysical level always work of the true cost, which is the price divided by the usage. By working on the costs we can work out which deal is actually cheaper. The initial price is not always the cheapest cost.

A few years ago in New Zealand a place called the Warehouse started importing Chinese bicycles. They were far “cheaper” than the bicycles being sold in bicycle shops. But were they really?  Being chinese they were built to the lowest possible standards. So the average chinese bike would last about 15 months (the handle bars were especially weak and used to break and there were no replacements available) so the average COST was $100 divided by 15 months.

The New Zealand bikes however would last an average of 5 years and their price was $150 so their true cost was $150 divided by 60 months

Chinese bike = $100 divided by 15 months = $6.67 per month

NZ bike         = $100 divided by 60 months = $1.67  per month

Now which is the best buy? Sometimes less is more and more is less! 

To get ahead in life we have to understand the true costings of things. Many years ago I was looking at an antique table, like below 


I had been looking at this in a new antique store and the price new was $6,000. I went to a small town antique shop and saw the exact same model there except that it had been made in 1910. It’s price was $4,500 second hand. From these two sets of factors i could easily work out the cost of the tables. The year was 1990 when i saw the tables so the age of the real antique was 80 years old. So…

Old antique table = $4,500 divided by 80 years past usage    = $56.25 per year.

New antique table = $6.000 divided by 80 years future usage= $70.00 per year.


So the original owners had the use of that table for $70 p.a. minus $56.25 p.a. so the real cost per year to the original owners was 

$70 minus $56.25 = $13.75 per year! And this was the true cost of using the $6,000 table if I bought it!

At the time i was buying $300 tables made of vinyl. they lasted about 7 years so there cost was…

vinyl table = $300 divided by 7 years = $42.85 per year

lets say I used it for doubled that time (14 years) it would still be $21.45 per year! 

So the cost of vinyl tables was far more expensive than buying the antique table. And the antique table was not destroyed, or worn out at the end of it’s individual users life span. So economically it is a far better buy – in the long run – the “expensive” antique table! 


In the physical world ordinary people don’t look at costs, only the price. And salesmen don’t encourage people to look at cost because they lose sales by doing that (except for the higher ticket item sales people). And advertising DEFINITELY doesn’t encourage looking at costs. In fact advertising urges people to “buy now!” (before you think about it!).

So one of the great steps in moving towards true wealth is moving off the instant buy on price scale onto the longer term buying on cost scale. Once you move onto the true cost scale your other facets of life increase too. For example your buying of assets changes from price to cost too! And you move out of the short term “buffalo stampede” investments onto the longer term “cows grazing in meadows” investments(Lol!) 

And as you move into spiritual investing your long term investments expand yet again to what is called “Inter-generational” investments. The head of Sony has 800 year goals for the Sony business. “Why do you have such long goals/” reporters ask him, “You wont be here to reap them!” To which he replies, “No, but my children and grandchildren(and, and, and) will be!!

So on the physical level all purchases and goals are instantaneous (for personal use only) or at most a year long. On the metaphysical level they extend up to a life time(yours) and on the spiritual they cover many, many lifetimes! Only the spiritual is truly of Wealth with a capital W!

So I’d like you to start thinking about multi-generational investments. What legacy are you going to create to leave your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, your great-great  grandchildren, and so forth down through the generations? Obviously you can’t use traditional short term things like banks, insurance companies etc. as they only think within the box of “one lifetime”

To go to multi-generational investments – that you can use during your life time as well – you have to come to someone like me. I have WPPN (the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network) as a tool for this. The secret is to set up (spiritual) Virtuous Cycles, “investments” that last for up to a thousand years. No one in the (material) investment business can help you with this. I an not an investor – i am a Spiritual Master and Metaphysician, and yet i have been charged with helping people move out of the short term material world into the long term (eternal) world of the spiritual!

So back to my original thought. a penny is not a thing, a consumable to be dispensed on false “cost” arguments.  A penny is a service! Services cannot be costed on a one-off usage because they are multi-usage items! The true cost of pennies is not pennies but thousandths of a penny per usage!

I hope I have opened you eyes.


kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;


skype: jiamwppn




Actually I lie. I don’t “have a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it an call it a weasel!” If i did i could translate that into “I have a plan so devious you could call it a scam”! And I hate scams. Scams can be described in one word – THEFT. But done with slimy words of hope and a call to greed to over-ride the victims good sense of honesty.

Every day I get at least two scam offers – and some days as many as 5! Many years ago I wrote a small book against scams and spread it abroad. One day i received a letter from a lady (a total stranger to me) in a town about 200 miles away, asking me for advice on a scam that was going around at the time called “jacks”.  I took the time to write her a letter in which I advised her that it was a scam and the reasons why it was a scam and carrying the advice to avoid it like the plague. I heard nothing back from her until about 4 months later when i received another letter asking for help as she’s paid $900 for one of these jacks and then had sold another three to other people and spent the money. Then the Commerce Commission had declared it to be illegal and told her she had to pay her victims the money back – but she a]had spent the money!

What could i do for her? Not much really. I had advised her not to touch them but temptation had over-ridden her sensibilities and, after having nearly a grand stolen off her, she had become a thief herself by perpetuating the scam and selling to other people. I’m sure she didn’t see herself as a thief but she soldit  three to other people and ripped them off. And that is theft. People who perform the act of theft on others are called thieves. I am sure that basically she was honest, but the call of “easy money” was too much for her and it blinded her to her own foolish actions in perpetuating the thefts.

There is no such thing as “EASY MONEY” and anyone who tells you that there is is a liar. Liar. liar, LIAR! However there is such a thing as good husbandry of money – but this takes effort, and some people want an “easy path” to “easy Money.” Actually looking at that phrase I ‘ve just written just add S and L to the beginning of both easys and you have the reality of easy money being “a sleazy path to to sleazy money”

But what about good husbandry of money (and our personal assets)? Ah, now that is a whole different thing! Good husbandry is basically

1) The act or practice of cultivating crops (of assets)
2) The application of scientific principles to your own life
3)  Careful management or conservation of resources and building assets (not just physical, but also metaphysical and spiritual assets)
 But these things are HARD to do I hear people say! Only in the beginning, I reply! It takes 30 days to start a new habit and 60 days to make that habit permanent! So in a year you can change six habits! You only need to change ten basic habits to become wealthy! So in less than two years you can be on the road to wealth!
One of the primary things we are exhorted to do is to LOVE OURSELVES FIRST. We do this by gifting the first 10% of income to ourselves. This means we learn to live off 90% of our income. Which provides a 10% safety barrier against fluctuations of income! Many people spend 100% of their income. Yet another huge group spend 101+%!! At this rate we are bound to fall over sooner or later. But if your income drops 5% and you are living on 90% of your income you still have a   5% safety barrier left!
And, as I love to point out, if you are gifting to yourself you are also going to be receiving back returns from the laws of sowing and reaping that will free up even more more of your income, so you can gift to other people – which in return amplifies the laws of sowing and reaping! This is how WEALTH is started! Wealth is an empowered state of Beingness. If you start with the aim of becoming empowered, then that is where you’ll end up – Empowered. Em means (spiritually) “from without” so empower means power from without. Which means power from the outside of us! What is that power? Spiritual power – the highest rating of power in the universe! So empowerment increases our energy levels too!
So what I am saying is that it is emotionally easy to fall for the words of thieves and emotionally hard to build yourself to become empowered, because it “appears to be hard”. But it isn’t that hard that it’s impossible!. It is emminently achieveable  for anyone who has the desire and the commitment (commitment is simply desires put into permanent positive action)  to actually DO it! Andt he only thing missing from that formula is KNOWLWDGE!
But the commitment to do, opens the doors of knowledge to achieving your goals. It may take a very long time if your goals are big. But I had massive goals and the universe answered me and gave me a system to lever our goals through creating virtuous cycles. I was given an organisation called WPPN (the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network) that saves you at least 20 years in accumulating the knowledge you need to be wealthy and increases your actions by “Invoking the token” ( a spiritual leveraging principle).
So if you want to be wealthy (which is BEing, doing and having as opposed to rich, which is simply the accumulation of money through doing and having) then you can join WPPN and have a wealth system start growing immediately (And within two weeks you be a millionaire! B.S!) Within twenty years you’l be Loving, detached, happy, peaceful, successful and prosperous! Nothing is ever achieved overnight with spiritual life. But it is achieved for sure and if you don’t start today twenty years will pass any way and you’ll still be where you are today. Is that what you want? I know i don’t and I also know I aren’t where i was 20 years ago! Thank Goodness!!!
So “I don’t have a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it an call it a weasel” but “I do have a plan (and a method) so good you can bet on it as being a certainty over time!” And it is called WPPN!
Before i go, I have to ask you a question – how many times in your lifetime have you been approached with an opportunity that says it is hard to start but gets easier and easier with time and is guaranteed to work if you persist? Not many times, i’ll bet (and i’m not a betting man, but i’ll make an exception in this case! Lol!) And that the end result is wealth, not riches (wealth is happiness first, plus all the assets you’ll ever need!)
If you tel me to go away, you know what I’ll do? I’ll just go away! I’m not interested in helping people who wont help themselves! Lol! I’ll just go somewhere else and offer it to someone who actually wants it (not just needs it – we all need it, but only those who want it will actually implement it!)
If you want to look at what I’m offering them go to my website at…

The total cost to start your own wealth plan and virtuous cycle is $25 per month. That’s it – no hidden costs or traps. You start with a three month probationary trial. After that you become a new member. And there are many, many advantages to joining. We help build people’s home, work, incomes, giftings and savings! These are the primary keys to perpetual happiness (called Wealth!)
Think about it and then investigate for yourself – self investigation of the truth is a gift of this new age we live in. Self investigation means that you decide. I believe in your ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood for yourself – this is another gift from the universe we can call upon at any stage in our lives, when we are investigating things. Not the learning of books, but the learning of the soul!

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn


It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog!

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog!” This is an saying from the old dog fighting days and it is almost like a parable because everyone knows it’s not referring to dogs but to men. So in modern terms it would read, “It’s not the size of the Man in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the Man!”

And this is entirely true. If we look at this in the terms of problems and solutions then we can replace it to read,”It’s not the size of the man in the problem, it’s the size of the solution in the Man!”

And there is always one man who comes forward with a solution to a problem that no-one else has recognised yet. Usally this man is totally ignored at first – because no one can see the problem. But over time more and more people start to see the same problem that the original man sees and  a groundswell of people start to seek a solution. Then they find the man with the solution! And gradually they start to adopt the solution offered and over time the numbers increase until they reach the “explosive Level” of the 100th monkey when they move up from 4% of the people to 60% of the people in a big bang! The reason for this is because the solution becomes a part of the “Monkey” consciousness (and the Human consciousness acts the same way!)

And then, with hindsight, the man is called a genius! Lol! But genius is the ability to SEE THE OBVIOUS! And there always has to be a first one to see the obvious! The little boy who said “The emperor has no clothes on” was one such genius!

When Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile barrier, he was a trained doctor who couldn’t see any logical reason for not being able to run that time. He trained by breaking the mile down into parts and times and practiced running thos time himself.Then he broke the barrier (of dis-belief) that was stopping everyone and within 6 weeks 6 people had broken the same barrier!

You see, it is often our belief systems that stop us achieving things. Man takes advantage of these negative belief systems in animals to tether elephants to tiny pegs in the ground. The elephant can easily pull that peg out of the ground, but the elephant “knows’ that it can’t because it struggled to pull it out of the ground as a baby elephant and just couldn’t, because as a baby elephant it was just too small. So it gave up trying to pull the peg out of the ground. And then it grew up with the same thought in it’s head and never loses that thought, so can it always be held by the same tiny peg! Luckily elephant geniuses don’t exist or we’d be in trouble!

What are man’s “elephant pegs” in life? Well, belief in capitalism is one of the greatest pegs that hinders mankind’s progress today. Because we believe that there is no alternative to capitalism, we keep on treading the same old treadmill, doing the same things over and over in the hope of different results! And what does capitalism produce? BOOM and BUST, BOOM and BUST, BOOM And BUST!

Capitalism does not produce a stable economy.

This is shown through the Kondratieff long wave cycle discovered in the 1920s . This cycle can be traced back as far as Babylon. To date no one has come up with a replacement system – hold on, I lie! WPPN, the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network is a replacement system for capitalism.

You see capitalism main fault is that it works on emotions. And the emotions are then backed by false emotions to empower it. Working on emotions is false logic. Emotions have a power energy base of ONE – virtually next to zero energy.

In the metaphysical we must work on  logic backed by emotions and then the emotions fuel the logic. The metaphysical cycle works on an energy base of TEN.

In the spiritual we must work on Higher Laws back by commitment and logic that is called “Enthusiasm” (enthusiasm literally means the God within). It is on this level that WPPN works by creating a virtuous cycle for its individual members to make them individually peaceful and prosperous (run a sub 4 minute mile!)

WPPN works on an individual level because each person is a cell in the body of the world. If the cells are not healthy how can the body ever be healthy? It can’t. There is a saying, “Think global, but act local!” That means think of the end result (world peace and prosperity) but work on yourself to heal yourself by becoming peaceful and prosperous in yourself – you can’t get anymore local than by beginning with yourself. If you become peaceful and prosperou,s you make you family the same way! So your spouse and children will grow with you and make at least three cells healthy(if you have only one child)!

And once we have a healthy family, we attract  others to us who want what we’ve got and so we begin influencing others to act the same way we have to get the same results (WPPN is infinitely duplicatable – capitalism is not, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer).

And so the solution is there and all we need to do now  is to DO IT! This will end the  Kondratieff cycle forever! And usher in a new age of economic stability because we, the cells of the body, will own all the assets instead of the other way around (like the dog’s tail wagging the dog!)

I look forward to that day (in the not too distant future). So if you are a leader amonst Men then come and join the quiet solution of WPPN.

kindest regards,

May Love, Detachment, Health, Happiness, Peace, Success and Prosperity BE yours,

reverend master j’iam


phone/text: 0221 625 941 (New Zealand)

WPPN Website;



skype: jiamwppn